Kenosha News from Kenosha, Wisconsin (2024)

col KENOSHA NEWS To Place Your Ad, OFFICE HOURS DEADLINE HOURS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Phone County 657-1500 Residents, Voice Mon Classified: Saturday: 24 8:00 8:00 a.m. 1 a.m. 2 12:00 06 7 noon p.m. Monday: Sunday: Tuesday-Saturday: 12:00 5:00 noon p.m. 5:00 the the p.m.

the preceding preceding preceding Friday Saturday day Phone Toll Free 843-231 1 ANNOUNCEMENTS 01 Societies and Lodges 02 Funeral Notices 03 Funeral Homes 04 Who's Open When 06 Card Of Thanks 08 Memoriam 10 Flowers 12 Monuments, Cemetery Lots 14 Services and Repairs 15 All Things Christmas 16 Personals 17 Crafts and Bazaars 18 Lost Found I's No Mystery Why Our Classifieds Gel Read. STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT KENOSHA COUNTY DOROTHY CARMICHAEL an adult and RONALD CARMICHAEL an adult 8121 65th Avenue. Kenosha, WI 53142 Plaintiffs ABBOTT LABORATORIES, INC. a foreign corporation 630 Dundee Suite 300 Northbrook, IL 60062 AMERICAN ECONOMY INSURANCE COMPANY a foreign insurance corporation 500 N. Meridian Street Indianapolis, IN 46204 Involuntary Plaintiffs VS.

VIKING INSURANCE COMPANY OF WISCONSIN a domestic insurance corporation P.O. Box 5365 Madison, WI 53075 DAVID J. HUGHES an adult 1311 69th Street Kenosha, WI 53143 Defendants SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION CASE NO. 96-CV-836 CLAIM EXCEEDS $5,000.00 PERSONAL AUTO: 30101 THE STATE OF WISCONSIN To each person named above as a Defendant: You are hereby notified that the Plaintiff named above has filed a lawsuit or other legal action against you. Within Forty (40) after October -18.

1996, respond days, with a written demand for a copy of the Complaint. The demand must be sent or delivered to the Court, whose address IS 912 56th Kenosha, WI 53140, and to O'CONNOR WILLEMS, S.C.. Plaintiff's Attorney, whose address is 6633 Green Bay Kenosha, WI 53142. You may have an attorney help or represent you. If you do not demand a copy of.

the Complaint within Forty (40) days, the Court may grant judg. ment against you for the award of money or other legal action requested In the Complaint, and you may lose your right to object to anything that is or may be incorrect In the Complaint. A judgment may be enforced as provided by Law. A judgment awarding money may become a lien against any real estate you own now or in the future, and may also be enforced by garnishment or seizure of property. Dated at Kenosha, WI this 14th day of October, 1996.

O'CONNOR WILLEMS, S.C. Attorneys for Plaintiff BY: John V. O'Connor State Bar No. 1014548 6633 Green Bay Rd. NOTICE TO VENDORS OF WASTE DISPOSAL SERVICES Notice is hereby given that requests for proposals will be received by the Board of Gateway Technical College In the Business Office.

Administrative Center. 3520 30th Avenue, Kenosha, WI 53144-1690. before re 2:00 p.m.. C.S.T. until November 14, 1996, for the disposal of nonhazardous waste from District -owned and leased campuses and centers.

The Board reserves the right to reject all proposals or any proposals which in its opinion will be unable to give performance or to waive any irregularities in any proposal or to accept any proposal which will be in the best interest of the District No proposal may be withdrawn for a period of sixty (60) days after the date of opening thereof Richard Anderson Director of Purchasing Oct 25. Nov 1 1996 EMPLOYMENT 20 Help Wanted 22 Saleswork 23 Information Service 24 Situations Wanted 26 Work Wanted FINANCIAL 28 Business Opportunities 30 Education 32 Investments 34 Money To Lend 36 Wanted To Borrow 122 LEGALS Kenosha, WI 53142 414 654-8700 October 19, 25, 1996 November 1, 1996 STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT KENOSHA COUNTY FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION, Bank United P.O. Box 2824 Houston, TX 77252-2824 Plaintiff, V. JOHN SAVOY and ANA SAVOY 27113 112th Street Trevor, WI 53179 SUMMONS Case No. 96-CV-000782 The Honorable David M.

Bastianelli Case Code. 30404 (Foreclosure of Mortgage) THE STATE OF WISCONSIN To each person named above as a defendant: You are hereby notified that the plaintiff named above has filed a lawsuit or other legal action against you. Within 40 days after October 25, 1996, you must respond with a written demand for a copy of the complaint. The demand must be sent or delivered to the court, whose address is 912 Street, Kenosha, WI 53140-3747. or to GRAY END, plaintiff's attorney, whose address is 600 North Broadway, Suite 300, Milwaukee, WI 53202.

You have an attorney help or represent you. If you do not demand a copy of the complaint within 40 days, the court may grant judgment against you for the award of money or other legal action requested in the complaint, and you may lose your right to object to anything that is or may be incorrect in the complaint. A judgment may be enforced as provided by law. A judgment awarding money may become a lien against any real estate you own now or in the future, and may also be enforced by garnishment or seizure of property. Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (15 U.S.C.

Section 1692), we are required to state that we are attempting to collect a debt on our client's behalf and any information we obtain will be used for that purpose. GRAY END Attorneys for Plaintiff By: Jay J. Pitner State Bar No. 1010692 Dated: October 18, 1996 Oct. 25, Nov.

1, 8, 1996 STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT KENOSHA COUNTY Bank of America, FSB P.0. 26388 Richmond, VA 23260-6388 Plaintiff, V. Dale L. Mareci and Julie M. Mareci 26879 104th Court Salem, WI 53179 Defendant(s).

SUMMONS Case No. 96-CV-000807 The Honorable David M. Bastainelli Case Code 30404 (Foreclosure of Mortgage) THE STATE OF WISCONSIN To each person named above as a defendant: You are hereby notified that the plaintiff named above has filed a lawsuit or other legal action against you. Within 40 days after October 25, 1996, you must respond with a written demand for a copy of the complaint. The demand must be sent or delivered to the court, whose address IS 912 56th Street, Kenosha, WI 53140-3747 or to GRAY END, plaintiff's attorney, whose address IS 600 North Broadway, Suite 300, Milwaukee, WI 53202 You may have an attorney help or represent you.

If you do not demand a copy of the complaint within 40 days, the court may grant judgment against you for the award of money or other legal action requested in the complaint, and you may lose your right to object to anything that IS or may be incorrect in the complaint: A judgement may be enforced as provided by law. A judgment awarding money may become a lien against any real estate you own now or in the future, and may also be enforced by garnishment or seizure of property. GRAY END Attorneys for Plaintiff By: Jay J. Pitner, State Bar No. 1010692 Dated October 18.

1996 Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (15 U.S.C Section 1692), we are required to state that we are attempting to collect a debt on our client's behalf and any information we obtain will be used for that purpose) Oct. 25; Nov. 1, 8, 1996 STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT KENOSHA COUNTY GATEWAY MORTGAGE CORPORATION A Wisconsin Corporation Plaintiff THOMAS J. NOWAK and JOSEPH E. NOWAK and MARY ANN NOWAK husband and wife Defendants Case No.

96 CV 266 Hon. Barbara A. Kluka Circuit Judge Branch 2 NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE By virtue of and pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure entered in the above entitled action on the 5th day of June, 1996, will sell at public auction at the main entrance of the Courthouse in the City of Kenosha, IN said County, 912 56th on January 8, 1997 at 10:00 a.m. all of the follow ing described mortgaged premises, to wit: See Exhibit attached hereto and made a part hereof. TERMS OF SALE: CASH DOWN PAYMENT: 01 amount bid by certified check Balance due upon confirmation FARMS FARM LAND 38 Farm Auction 40 Farm Equipment, Services 42 Feed, Seed.

Fertilizers 44 Horses, Cattle, Etc. 46 Poultry and Supplies 48 Good Food MERCHANDISE 49 Sales 50 Miscellaneous Items 51 Musical Instruments 52 -Camping, Boating Needs 54 Articles For Rent 55 Antiques And 56 Motorcycles, Snowmobiles Dated at Kenosha, WI, this 15 day of October, 1996. Allan K. Kehl Sheriff of Kenosha County, WI The above property is located at 31107 76th Salem, WI. LEGAL DESCRIPTION EXHIBIT File Number: K14751 PARCEL Lot 5, Block 3 of SHOREWOOD TERRACE, a subdivision of part of the North Half of Section 7, town 1 North, Range 20 East of the Fourth Principal Meridian, lying and being in the Town of Salem, Kenosha County, WI.

ALSO The Westerly 50 feet of the "Beach and Park" adjacent and Easterly of Lot 5 in Block 3 SHOREWOOD TERRACE, a subdivision of part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 7, Town I North, Range 20 East of the Fourth Principal Meridian, lying and being in the Town of Salem, Kenosha County, WI. NOW KNOWN AS Certified Survey Map No. 1349 recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Kenosha County, Wisconsin On May 10, 1990 in Volume 1393 of Records, page 857, as Document No. 8422113. Tax Key 65 (Lot 5) FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY: 31107 76th St.

PARCEL Lot 23, Block 2 of SHOREWOOD TERRACE, a subdivision of part of the North Half of Section 7, Town 1 North, Range 20 East of the Fourth Principal Meridian, lying and being in the Town of Salem, Kenosha County, Wisconsin. Tax Key 65-4-120-072-0305-4 (Lot 23) MADRIGRANO, ZIEVERS AIELLO IAQUINTA, S.C. 1108 56th St. PO Box 486 Kenosha, WI 53140 414-654 3434 October 25, Nov. -1, 8, Nov.

15, 22, 29, 1996 122 LEGALS of sale. STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT KENOSHA COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ALFRED F. FARACA ALFRED FARACA ORDER GIVING NOTICE TO CREDITORS Case PR 287 An application has been filed for Informal Administration of the estate of the above named person domiciled in Kenosha County, WI whose post office address was 7523 5th Kenosha, WI 53143, and all interested persons have waived notice. IT IS ORDERED THAT creditors' claims must be filed on or before Feb. 17, 1997, or be barred.

BY THE COURT: Marilyn Lemke Probate Registrar October 17, 1996 Thomas B. Hartley GUTTORMSEN, HARTLEY AND GUTTORMSEN 611 56TH ST. PO BOX 635. KENOSHA, WI 53141 October 25, 1996 November 1, 18, 1996 STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT KENOSHA COUNTY PROBATE. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF FRANK V.

MODRIJAN NOTICE TO CREDITORS File No. 96-PR-291 An application has been filed for Informal Administration of the estate of the above named person, Kenosha County, Wisconsin, whose post address was 811 1 48th Street. Kenosha, WI 53140. IT IS ORDERED THAT: All creditors' claims must be filed on or before February 21, 1997, or be barred. BY THE COURT: J.

Lemke Probate Registrar October 21, 1996 KUPFER KUPFER Attorney 1100 56th Street Kenosha, WI 53140 Oct. 25, Nov. 1, 8, 1996 TOWN OF SOMERS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK Notice is hereby given that the Public Test of the AccuVote Tabulator equipment to be used at the November 5, 1996 Election will be conducted at the Somers Town Hall, 7511 12th Street, Somers, WI on October 31, 1996 at 10:00 a.m. The Public Test is open to the general public. Chapter 5, Sec 5.84 Kay Goergen Town Clerk Oct.

25, 1996 Announcements 2 FUNERALS NOTICES COE- -Memorial services for the late Rose M. (Schenning) Coe. formerly of Kenosha, late of Pensacola, FL, will be held on Saturday, October 26th at 1:00 P.M. at Little Flower Catholic Church, Pensacola, FL. There will be no visitation.

In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to Hospice of Northwest Florida, 2001 N. Palafox Street, Pensacola, FL 32501 in Mrs. Coe's name. DIMITRIJEVI -Funeral ser vices for Milomir Dimitrievic will be held on Tuesday, Octo ber 29th. The Funeral Service will be at 10:30 A.M.

at Most Holy Mother of God Church, Third Lake. IL Interment will be in Most Holy Mother of God Cemetery, Third Lake, IL Friends may call at the Bruch Funeral Home after 5:00 on Monday. October 28th. Prayer service will be at 7:00 P.M. on Monday at the funeral home MERCHANDISE 58 Building Materials 60 Business Office Equipment 62 Dogs, Cats, Pets 64 Household Goods 66 Radio, TV, Etc.

68 Lawn and Garden Needs 70 Fire Wood 72 Swap Or Trade 74 Wanted To Buy Miscellaneous all you want. all you don want. 3 FUNERAL HOMES BRUCH FUNERAL HOME- -Offering Prearranged Funeral Trusts, Cremation Services. Efficient, dignified services. 3503 Roosevelt Rd.

Ph. 652-8298. 6 CARD OF THANKS HEBERT Perhaps you sent a lovely card or sat quietly in a chair; Perhaps you sent a funeral spray if so, we saw it there. Perhaps you spoke the kindest words as any friend could say; Perhaps you were not there at all just thought of us that day. Whatever you did to console our hearts, we thank you so much, whatever the part.

With Special Gratitude to Fr. Domenic Roscioli, Sandy Roberts, and Curt Capelle. By The Family Of Michael T. Hebert 8 MEMORIAM KRAMER In loving memory of Gary S. Kramer on his birthday, Oct.

There is someone who misses you sadly, And finds the time long since you went, There is someone who thinks of you always, And tries to be brave and content. Gone is the face we loved so dear, Silent the voice we loved to hear; 'Tis sad, but true, we wonder why, The best are always the first to die. Sadly Missed By, Mom Dad Paula Rick and Children SIMONS In loving memory of Jacqueline "Jackie" Simons, Oct. 2, 1970 Oct. 25, 1993.

Even though it was" three years ago today that received that phone call, it feels like only yesterday. miss your pretty face, your happy smile, your hugs and kisses and the voice that always said, "I Love You, Mom" ache in my heart will never go away until we meet again: some day. You expected little, but gave a lot. You were the wind beneath our wings. Sadly Missed By, Mom, Dad, Laren, and Grandma TAWWATER In Loving Memory Jimmie Odell Tawwater, Sr Born July 5, 1946 Died Oct.

25, 1983: It's been 13 years since you were called away, The pain I feel in my heart is the same today; Now all that's left to treasure, Are memories and pictures of fun and pleasure; Sometimes they comfort. But most times I feel the empti ness. In my life, Dear. Son, I was blessed to have you for thirty seven years, But know daily, My Son, there's memories and tears; My heart will bleed until the day the Lord carnes me away. Then again, My Precious Son, your face I'll see; And finally of your loss be free.

All My Love, Mom-Mary Pitco*ck PLEASE CHECK YOUR AD The Kenosha News makes every effort to avoid errors in 1 advertisem*nts. Each ad 18 carefully checked. But when you handle hundreds of ads each day, mistakes do slip through. We ask therefore, that you check your ad and if you find an error, report it to the Kenosha News Classified Dept. immediately by calling 657-1500 We regret that we cannot be responsible for more than one days incorrect insertion if you do not call the error to our attention.

Thank you Classified Advertising RENTALS 76 Rooms With Board 78 Rooms Without RENTALS 80 Wanted To Rent 82 Furnished Apts. 84 Unfurnished 86 Houses For Rent. 88 Business Space 90 Farms And Land 92 94 Vacation Rentals 8 MEMORIAM TAWWATER In Memory Of Jimmie Odell Tawwater, Sr. Well brother, another year's gone by, But still with the same hopelessness I cry; I've watched your. sons grow, grandchildren born; My heart sometimes gets SO torn.

still- want to reach out and get a hug, Your reassurance I miss; In your memories I find happiness, Of yesterdays when you were here; I always felt safe inside; Nothing did I fear. knew you were there to protect and love me, Now there's so many days life's roads too long. Because I have to walk it all alone. I'll see you, Sweet Brother (Father Friend), When I am at My Journey's End. Love Your Sister, Lee Houston TAWWATER In Memory of Jimmie Odell Tawwater, Sr.

Your time on earth was brief, Since your loss Dad, There's no relief; From missing you daily, Wishing you were here. We're all grown now Dad, But the pain still hurts the same; You didn't get to see your Grandchildren, But they know your name. If memories will keep you alive, Then Dad, you really never will die. Missed By Sons, Jim, Mike, Carl Andy 12 MONUMENTS, CEMETERY LOTS SUNSET RIDGE-(2) lots. Last Supper Section.

$540. Ph. 654-6719 14 SERVICES AND REPAIR COMPUTER SERVICE Computer Solutions Everyone. Computer tutoring, on-site service, installation and upgrades. Home or business.

Reasonable rates. Ph. 654-0378. DIVORCE SERVICES- Do it yourself, inexpensive, easy procedure, Ph. 697-9757.

VCR REPAIR- cost. Most repairs, $35. 10 years expert ence. Free pick up and delivery. Free estimate.

Jeff, 551-5409. 16 PERSONALS ADULT HALLOWEEN COSTUMES-For Rent. Call 654-1253. BAND "ORPHAN" For Weddings and Parties Ph. 694-2853 BOWLERS NEEDED Sat.

night couples, 11 week league. Guttormsen's Rec. Ph. 697.9211 CONGRATULATIONS JACKIE BORESCH Surtside Majors Career High of 758 Games of 256-247-255 The best is yet to come! The Big D.J. KARAOKE All occasions.

Call K.C. Mobile Music. 551-7333 DANIEL KIRCHNER Student of the month at Somers Elementary. CONGRATULATIONS! From, Papa Ray And Grandma Jane DEADLINE NOTICE FOR IN COLUMN ADS 5:00 P.M. ONE DAY PRIOR TO PUBLICATION (Sat.

Sun. Issues Deadline Fri. 5pm Mon. Issue Deadline Sat. at Noon) PERSONAL MESSAGES WITH PHOTOS.

5:00 P.M., 2 Days Prior To Publication (Sat. Sun, Issues, Deadline Thurs. 5 p.m., Mon. Issue Deadline Fri. 5 P.M.I HAPPY 16th BIRTHDAY STEVEN HEG Do we hear the squealing of tires in the distance? Hope your birthday is Grand (Am); Love Mom MALE AND FEMALE COUNTRY WESTERN SINGERS, send demo (cassettes only) to Recording.

P.O Box 949 Kenosha, WI 53141 Board Flats Flats For Rent Rent For Rent REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 97 Real Estate Services 116 98 Houses For Sale 117 99 Real Estate West of I-94 100 Business Property 118- 101 Condominiums For Sale 119 102 Farms Land For Sale 120 104 Real Estate Loans 121 106 Lots And Acreage 124 108 Resort Poperty 110 To Exchange Real Estate 112 Wanted Real Estate 114 Trailers. Mobile 115 Aviation FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1996 18. LOST AND FOUND CAT -Found female, tabby, about 3 months old, near 49th St. and 8th Ave. Ph.

694-9443 CAT- Found School area tabby, male. about 6 months. old Ph. 551-8545 CAT -Lost, Airport area. Dark Calico, female.

Reward. Ph. 656-0011, Mon-Sat. 86. KITTEN -Female, mostly orange, very friendly, found near 41st Ave.

and 18th St. Ph. 552-0140 MOVIE "PRIMAL FEAR" Lost. Reward. Ph.

654-4515 PEKINGESE-Female, Found VIcinity and 14th Ave. Ph. 857-7260. TERRIER MIX- Older male, black, found at Kenosha Memorial Hospital. Ph.

857-7260 Employment 20 HELP WANTED WAITRESS PIZZA DRIVER Apply at Lucchette Pizzeria, 2410 52nd Kenosha. KOHL'S A job that's one in a million DEPARTMENT SUPERVISORS DEPARTMENT ASSOCIATES CASHIERS Apply in person or call Kohl's Department Store, 700 N. Milwaukee Vernon Hills, IL. from Hawthorn Mall) 847-680-3130. EOE A drugscreening company.

-Holding company with locations in southeast WI and Chicago, IL area seeking Tax preparation, payroll, accounts financial statements, etc. Excellent pay and benefits. Fax resume 1-847-256-7642 Advance Planning Career position In the Racine area. This opportunity is in the rapidly expanding senior market. And offers first year potential from Also ideal for person returning to the force.

We will provide the training to make you successful. If you enjoy some independence and are seeking a long term position, call David Welsh at 1-800-883-5433 ext. 10. ADVERTISING -Usually 2 hours involves walk. ing.

Ph. 414-552-0130 ADVERTISING SALES IS expanding our successful sales department. It you are goal oriented. want to earn what you're worth and have the burning desire to succeed. then don't miss this opportunity Bring your attitude and sales experience-we'll provide training and a great place to work.

Con- tact: Walter Koschnitzke 4201 Victory Avenue Racine, WI 53405 Ph. 414-634 3311 MG Communications Equal Opportunity Employer ADVERTISING SALES New company in Salem with opportunity to develop sales territory. Bonuses and opportunity for advancement. Ph: 414843-1390 AEROBICS INSTRUCTOR WATER LIFEGUARDS SWIMMING INSTRUCTORS WANTED Please call Mark Simpson at 414654-7292 ASSISTANT MANAGER OB-GYN office. Lake Forest Part or Full Time Medical office experience and computer skills preferred.

Ph. (847) 234 ATHLETIC SPECIALIST Position open immediately Starting: Flexible hours, 10-20 per week. Requires expe. rence working with children ages 6-16. Experience in physical education helpful, but not re: quired.

Must be at least 18 years old to apply and able to work evenings and Saturdays All those interested can pickup applications at Boys Girls Club of Kenosha, 3712 50th St AUTO TECHNICIAN WANTED Must have 7 years experience Nice, clean, modern shop with. latest diagnostic equipment Pay $18 per hour commission, average 40.50 hours per week Ernie's Wrecker Service, Vernon Hills, IL (847) 634 3796 BABYSITTER -Mon Err Hours vary. Must have references Ph 694-3659 BAKERY CLERK- -Person needed to do light baking early morning hours Apply in person 11am 4pm Mars Cheese Castle, 194 and 142. Kenosha BEAUTICIAN Full or part time. experienced preferred Excellent working conditions, Send replies to Box 2752.

CAD Kenosha. News. 715 58th St Kenosha. WI 53141-0190 TRANSPORTATION Auto Parts, Service Wanted To Buy. Trucks.

Tractors Classic and Antiques Automobiles For Sale Automobiles For Rent Free Ads tioch from gton rent at car: 1, 17, parteast- ssett. road the enue, 1 out atten- our unity the es in at on in Jackon of vould ng to nd it to edissue CollecU.S.C. equired empting client's ion we or that SIN OVIC IME AS OF I for adnation of of the lomiciled isconsin, ess was WI ted per- be filed 1997, adjusted Safety om 210, reafter. COURT: V. Greco nissioner, 5, 1996 ISIN TY CES, RS.

ERS, KEE. 0768 SIN TO: above as that the las filed a al action tober 25; nd with a opy of the must be the court, )12 56th Visconsin Cook attorneys, 660 East kee. Wis have an ent you. a copy of days, the nt against money of quested in may lose anything rect in the may be by law. A oney may any real or in the enforced seizure of ANKE S.C, for Plaintiff Hinkfuss 09039 GC 196 Master VISA KENOSHA NEWS D3 2 FUNERALS NOTICES EVANS A Memorial Service for Mr.

Harold G. "Hal" Evans will be held on Saturday. Oct. 26th at Noon at the Piasecki-Althaus-Thulin Funeral Home, 3720 39th Ave. Private interment will be In Seattle, WA.

Memorial remembrances may be made to the charity of one's choice. Hal is also survived by his two nieces Angela (Nunley) Brown and Laurel Nunley. GEORGES -Services for the late Thomas C. Georges, formerly of Kenosha, who 1996, will be held Monday, passed away a Oct. 23, Oct.

28 at 10:00 A.M. at Kimissis Theotokou Greek Orthodox Church, 1335 S. Green Bay Racine. Fr. Douglas Interment S.E.

Papulis Vets Celebrant, Park: Memorials to the Multiple Scorosis Fund appreciated. HERNANDEZ-Funeral services for the late Celia Hernandez will be held on Saturday, October 26th from the Proko Funeral Home-West, 5111 60th Street at 9:30 A.M. Mass to be celebrated at St. Mark's Catholic Church at 10:00 A.M. Interment St.

George Cemetery: Friends may call at the Proko Funeral Home West on Friday from 5:00 P.M. until 9:00 P.M. Parish Prayer Vigil services will be at 7:00 P.M. on Friday. HURST- -Funeral services for the late Kathryn Mathilda Hurst, who passed away on Wednesday, October 23rd.

will be held Monday, October 28th at 11:00 A.M. from the Hansen Funeral Home. Interment will be In Sunset Ridge Cemetery. Friends may call at the Hansen Funeral Home from 10:00 A.M. until time of service.

JENKINS- Services for Mr. Milburn Jenkins Sr. will be held on Saturday, October 26th at 11:00 A.M. at the Piasecki-Althaus-Thulin Funeral Home, 3720 39th Ave. Interment will follow in Green Ridge Cemetery.

Visitation for Mr. Jenkins will be held on Saturday from 10:00 A.M. until the time of service at the funeral home. JOHNSON- Funeral services for Mr. John C.

"Jack" Johnson will be held on Oct. 26 at 8:30 a.m. from the Piasecki-Althaus-Thulin Funeral Home, 3720-39th Ave. Mass will be celebrated at 9:00 a.m. at Holy Rosary Catholic Church.

Interment will follow in Green Ridge Cemetery. Visita tion for Mr. Johnson will be held on Friday from 5:00 p.m. until 7:00 with a veterans service conducted by American Legion Post 21 at 6:30 p.m. at the funeral home.

Memorial remembrances to St. Catherine's Development Fund for the Kidney Dialysis Unit or the American Diabetes Association would be appreciated by the family. Mr. Johnson is also survived by a goddaughter Lolita Bell. -Funeral service for Jeffrey A.

Larson, who passed away on Tuesday, Oct. 22, 1996, will held at 12:00 P.M. on Oct. 26th at Upper Pigeon Creek Lutheran Church, rural Hixton, WI with burial in the church cemetery. Friends may call on Friday from 5:00 P.M.

to 8:00 P.M. at the Jensen-Modjeski Home, Hixton, and from 11:00 A.M. until the time of services on Saturday at the church. Memorials preferred to the Upper Pigeon Creek Lu theran Church or donor's choice. MARRONE- Graveside serfor Mr.

Dean N. Marrone will be held on Monday, October! 28th at 1:00 P.M. at St. George Cemetery. There will be no visitation.

Arrangements have been entrusted to 1 the Pi asecki-ALthaus Funeral Home. NIEDERKORN--Funeral Ser- vices for the late Dagmar Niederkorn, who passed away on October 22, 1996, will be held. on Saturday, October 26, at 11:00 A.M. from St. Mary's Lutheran Church Chapel.

Interment to follow in Green Ridge Cemetery, Friends may call ate St. Mary's Lutheran Church Chapel from 10:00 A.M. until service time. Memorial Remembrances may be made to St. Mary's Lutheran Church.

Hansen Funeral Home IS serv ing the Niederkorn family. PLOWMAN- -Funeral. services for the late Regis "Reggie" Plowman of Twin Lakes. WI. who passed away Wednesday evening will be held at 1PM Saturday at the Haase-Derrick: Lockwood Funeral Home In Twin Lakes.

Interment will be in Mound Prairie Cemetery. The family will receive friends from 11AM Saturday until the time of services. Memorial remembrances may be made to the Twin Lakes Rescue Squad SWARTZ Funeral services for the late Andrew James Swartz who regretably passed away on Oct. 23, 1996 will be held on Oct. 26, at from the Hansen Fu neral Home.

Interment will be private. Close Friends may dr rect Memorial Remembrances to the Swartz Family Hansen Funeral Home is serving. Mr. Swartz's family. 16 PERSONALS NEW BAND With 90 minutes of mostly oldies rock 'n parties, banquets, fund raisers, etc.

at reasonable rates. Phi. J. T. leave message 652 2549.

NOW KITCHEN WIZARD A kitchen and bath showroom. 3609 Roosevelt Rd Ph. 653-1585 LeAnn Huxhold-Weddel, owner Orpheum Theatre Winner MARK PILMAN Mr. David K. McPherson, manager of the Orpheum Theatre, iS happy to announce that Mark Pilman, 12241 136th Ave.

iS the lucky winner of a free movie pass for 2 (two) to the Orpheum Theatre. Downtown Kenosha. Bring this personal ad to the Kenosha News, Classisifed De- partment, or mail It with a stamped self addressed envelope to the Kenosha News, Classified Dept. 715 58th Kenosha, 53141-0192. Roses are red, Violets are blue, Sugar Is sweet, And the phone is for you! HAPPY 16TH BIRTHDAY, ROBIN SHUFFLEBOARD EQUIPMENTNeeded to borrow for November 2nd "Auction" dinner at St.

Joe's High School. Please call Chris Remington at 654-8651 WITNESS WANTED Accident at 52nd St. and Green Bay Oct. 8, 1996 at 4:15 p.m. involving 1988, red, Pontiac Firebird and 1988, gray, Plymouth Horizon.

Ph. 697-0896. WITNESS WANTED- Looking for witness to an accident on Oct. 12th, around 5pm at 60th Ave. and 75th St.

Witness; She was possibly driving red car. Call 694-6046. 17 CRAFTS BAZAARS BURR OAKS GREENHOUSES Crafts, dried scented candles, handmade dolls, Christmas items. 1276 100th Ave. Ph.

859-2610: CHRISTMAS WITH AVON Open House, Sat. Oct. 26th, 9-3, Sun. Oct. 27th, 2-7.

5015 39th Ave. CRAFT SALE- Oct. 25, 26, 27, 9am-4pm. Hwy to Hwy North, by Holy Name Church, in Wilmot, WI, 11319 Tuttle (Hwy B) 3rd house east side of road, watch for signs. CRAFTERS WANTED--For Craft Mall opening soon.

Southport Plaza, Hwy. Kenosha, For Booth rental or consignment information, write P.O. Box 1784. Kenosha, WI 53141. CRAFTERS WANTED Space iS still available for Holiday Bazaar.

Nov. 13th at Woodstock Health Rehab Center, 3415 Sheridan Rd. Call for details 414-6576175, ask for Dawn. CRAFTS- Custom handmade afghans. Plastic canvas craft items: placemats, doilies, etc.

Linda, 414-652-0070 FESTIVAL HALL MARKET PLACE VENDOR SPACE Still Available Sunday. November 24 Show 9am 5pm Free Admission to the Public! Call 414-636-9229 for registra tion or more information! GLASS ETCHING hours. Christmas gifts. orna: ments Ph. 414654-9939 NATIVE AMERICAN ARTS AND CRAFTS SHOW-Gifts for the Holtdays.

Oct 26th-27th, Sat. 9am6pm. Sun 10am-5pm, 25953 Wilmot Rd. Trevor, WI (1 mile west of Rt 83 on Hwy Cl 18 LOST AND FOUND ALASKAN HUSKY -Found 75th St and 20th. Pi.

Owner identity Ph. 652-1869 BIKE LOST-21 speed. black and Silver, Schwinn Mountain Bike Ph. 656 1649 BLACK LAB MIX PUPPY FOUND- brown and 1 blue eye, found in Whitecaps area. Ph 694-5949 BLACK LAB COLLIE MIX FOUND All black male, no far, found at 19610 86th St.

Bristol. Ph 414-857 2727 CAT -Deaf. tound Summertime, solid white, green eyes. loving, very friendly. Owner identify Ph 652-2408 20.

HELP WANTED BRICKLAYERS Union Bricklayers and Laborers Needed For Full Time, Commercial Work Ph. (847) 604-8926 BUS DRIVERS- -Needed to transport adults with disabilities to and Kenosha Achievement Center. 7-9am and 3-5pm. A CDL with Endorsem*nt helpful, but will train. Apply at KAC 1218 79th 8am-4pm.

CAB DRIVERS- Peppie's Cab IS still looking for. quality people, all shifts. Call 652-4590. Looking for caring individual to work In small home like environment for older adults, in Union Grove. Part time, 1st shift.

Call Karen 414-878-4899. Equal Opportunity Employer. CARPENTERS FINISH to 5 years experience. Must have truck or van. Ph.

414-552-8722. CARPENTERS- For framing new construction. Ph. 847-360-8333 or 847.746-3510. CASHIER- Full time nights.

Apply In person Plaza Amoco, 3922 75th Kenosha. CHILDCARE Center IS looking for certified teachers to work with infants, toddlers and 2-yearolds. If interested send resume to J. E. P.O.

Box 3, Bassett, WI 53101. CHILDCARE- -Certified caregiver. for 5-year-old autistic boy. Must have references. for various hours.

Call 605-9327." CHILDCARE- -New Nursery Inc. IS for certified teachers to work with infants, toddlers and 2-year-olds. If interested send resume to 1760 22nd Ave, Kenosha, WI 53140 or call (414) 551-7626 CHRISTMAS IN FT. LAUDERDALE Large. organization expanding with immediate openings for enthusiastic people free to travel Lauderdale, San Diego, Virginia Beach and other major citles with business group representing fashion, sports and news publications.

No experience necessary. Guaranteed $300 two weeks paid training. Transportation and hotel furnished. Rock Roll type atmosphere, return trip IS guaranteed. Must be 18 or over and free to start Immediately.

For interview call 414-857-2311. Quick 10 openonly or apply in person to Mr. Baker at the Days Inn. 10am5pm: Tues. -Fri.

only. Parents welcome at interview. CLEANERS NEEDED- -(2) part: time, reliable and hard working Ph. 414-859-0448 CLEANING- time mornings Apply in person Mon. 9am4pm, Hob Nob Restaurant.

277 S. Sheridan Rd. ASSISTANT Responsible person with good computer skills. Pay based on experience and ability. Shore Personnel, Ph.

658-8367 CLERICAL- -Several shifts available. Data entry and phone skills required. computer. experience and 10-key calculator helpful Apply in person, Transportation. 3059 W.

Washington Waukegan, IL Mon-Fri. -Positions available in various departments Benefits available. Apply in per son between 10am 4pm at Mars Cheese Castle. 1-94 and 142. CNA's Accepting applications for.

parttime day shift 6 am 2:30 pm and part-time night shift 11 pm 7:30 am. Please apply In person to ST. JOSEPH'S HOME FOR THE AGED 9244 29th Ave Kenosha, WI 53143 COLLECTION CLERK Hauling company is looking for a detail oriented individual, to handie our commercial collections. Duties would include customer phone calls; scheduling of pay: ment arrangements. tollow-up, preparing customer past due and cut off letters and account reconciliations.

Position provides medical. dental: vision, prescription and lite insurance, 401K. paid holidays and vacations Send resume and salary requirements: or apply in person to Northshore Waste Control. 105 Skokie Valley Rd. Lake Bluff.

IL 60044 Ph. (847) 234-2760 Equal Opportunity Employer COMPUTER RESOURCE PERSON LIBRARIAN Wisconsin certification IS required. Call 414-554-1091 to make an appointment COMPUTER NETWORK TECHNICIAN Are you looking for a CAREER not just a job? if. you said yes. North Shore Office Machines has what you've been looking for -Locally owned since 1938 -Vendor for Major Manufacturer -Attractive Benefits Package -Competitive Wages Send Resume North Shore Office Machines 9114 58th Place.

Ste 100 Kenosha: WI 53144 Nick.

Kenosha News from Kenosha, Wisconsin (2024)
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Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Author information

Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

Phone: +22014484519944

Job: Banking Officer

Hobby: Sailing, Gaming, Basketball, Calligraphy, Mycology, Astronomy, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.