The San Francisco Examiner from San Francisco, California (2024)

THE SAN FRANCISCO EXAMINER: THURSDAY. APRIL 15. 1926 CC COURT FOE LEADING BY 113.000 McKinley Loses Fight to Smith; Wins Easily on Wet Ticket CHICAGO, April Press.) -William E. McKinley, Republican, senior. Senator from Illinois, lost his fight for renomination in yesterday's primary by a majority of upwards of 100,000 votes.

Frank L. Smith, chairman of the Republican State Central Committee, who opposed McKinley largely on the issue of the latter's vote in favor of the World Court, will carry the Republican standard in the November election. Figures from 4,812 precincts of 6,503 tabulated at noon showed: Smith, McKinley, 411,119. Both Smith and McKinley bore the indorsem*nt of the Anti-Saloon League of Illinois, and Smith will be opposed in the November election by Brennan, who has been for years a Democratic National leader, who ran on a "wringing wet" platform. Brennan easily outdistanced two opponents.

Herrin Quiet After Klan Riots; Death Toll Six HERRIN April News a tour of the city today, LieutenantColonel Robert Davis of. Carbondale, in command of Illinois militiamen, declared that Herrin, whose streets reverberated with the echo of blood -spilling pistols yesterday, was "as quiet as a funeral." Herrin was endeavoring to get aside temporarily the feeling of hatred that exists between the two factions and counted the results at yesterday's election shooting as even--six dead, three klansmen and three anti-klansmen. The calm of the situation was broken somewhat during the morning when word was flashed into Herrin that another riot had broken out in another section of "Bloody Williamson" and that four had been killed in the new outbreak at Marion. Colonel Davis and a few aides motored to Marion and found the situation peaceful there. Yosemite Discovery Will Be Celebrated MERCED, July 81, will National Park an observance of international scope, marking seventy-fifth anniversary of the discovery of the scenic wonder and the opening of the new MercedYosemite State highway under plans developed here by a wide committee.

Exact nature of the celebration awaits the submission of a detailed report by W. B. Lewis, superintendent of the park, to the executive committee. Speaker Jailed to Force Riot Act Test PASSAIC (N. April former Socialist candidate.

for Governor of New arrested today while dressing 200 textile strikers at Garfield, an adjoining town, as a test of the validity of the riot act, read Monday by the Sheriff. The American Civil Liberties Union would fight the case on the ground that the strikers' meeting was orderly and on private property. Two Marines Killed In Airplane Crash WASHINGTON, International News Service.) -Sergeant Neil W. Abbott, and Clarence B. Mix, passenger, both of the marine corps, were killed today when their plane crashed at Cumnor, Virginia, the Navy Department was advised this afternoon.

This accident occurred about 8:30 o'clock this morning as the men were ing from Quantico to Hampton Roads. Planes from Quantico were ordered out to investigate the crash. Petaluma River Project Is Urged SONOMA, April J. W. N.

Schultz, in charge of the Engineers Corps, U. S. in control of the rivers and harbors of California, in a report just made to the Government, includes a recommendation for the further improvement of Petaluma river. If the recommendations are approved the project will go before Congress at this session. Girl's Kidnaper Hunted.

NEENAH, April News Service). Search for a "tall man" who kidnaped Frances Webb, 6-year-old daughter of James Webb, of Neenah, was extended to all parts of Wisconsin and into Minnesota today by police, who wired authorities in other citles to be, on the lookout for the man DIVORCES COMPLAINTS FILED. BINGLEY-Jean D. vs. Richard cruelty.

vs. Dino, cruelty. BRUNE -Paul vs. Martha, cruelty. BURKE-Mae J.

vs. Raymond cruelty. DEGUARA-Frances ve. Joseph. cruelty.

FOX- Gladys H. vs. Clarence cruelty. LAND Dolores P. vs.

Roy cruelty. -Ruth C. v8. Franklin cruel. R.

vs. Henrietta. cruel-Olive vs. Carl. cruelty.

VALENZIN--Victor Lena. desertion. ZIEGLER Mary vS. Stanley cruelty. DECREES GRANTED.

BIEDERMANN-Eleanor Charles BUCKWALTER-Lauretta Raymond from L. Ralph. BURKE -Mae J. BYRNE Ruby from John C. CORRIDAN- Josephine -Gertrude S.

from Edwin CALDWELL- from Frank. F. DELUCCHI-Amelia V. from from Frank. Dennie.

GOLDTH Agnes P. from Ralph KEIM-Peerl B. from William F. LANDECKER- -Celia from Herbert. MARTINEZ Julia from Ernesto.

Martin -Mars from KINNEY Gussie from Thomas YOUNGER -Dorothy A. from Warren Illinois Declared National Index Cloture Repudiated, Says Universal The following views of Congressional leaders on the overwhelming victory of Colonel Frank L. Smith, Anti-1 World Court candidate, over Senator William A. McKinley in the Illinois Republican primary election were written exclusively Universal Service. Court Issue Clearly Drawn, JAMES Asserts A.

April derestimating the intelligence United States Senator from Missouri The result the Illinois primaries speaks for itself. The issue of the league court was clearly drawn. There can be no quibbling about that. Senator McKinley is a popular man in Illinols. He was supplied with abundant funds to wage his campaign and to make his position on the league court known to the voters of his State.

His defeat is simply another illustration of the fact that the American people are in favor of maintaining the traditional policies of our government. The American people are not internationalists, but nationalists. into entanglements of They, do not propose to be drawn pean disputes. They propose to stay at business. home and They attend will not to toler- their ate" Europe interfering with our affairs.

This was made plain in the first solemn referendum of the league court. I Illinois Turns About Face, Says Pro-Courter Ranking Democrat' on the SWANSON, Senate Forcign Relations Committee, who led the fight for adoption of the World Court. I am not an authority upon the results and intricacies of Republican primaries and hence cannot give any views would be very plausible or convincing. Two years ago in the Republican primaries in Illinois, the late Senator McCormick, one of the most ardent and determined "irreconellables" in the Senate, and an opponent of the world court, was defeated by Senator Deneen, who voted for the world court. Now witness in the primaries of yesterday, Senator McKinley who voted for the world court, defeated by Col.

Smith, who is an opponent of the court. Sentiment of Nation Indexed, Says Borah By WILLIAM E. BORAH, Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee and Leader of the Irreconcilables in the Senate. WASHINGTON, April nois has country indexed against the the sentiment in League Court, It is easy to refine here in Washington, to discuss the force and effect of reservations. But before the people this is A League Court, dominated and controlled by the League.

In other words, they exercise common sense. It is another instant as leaders voter. The people of this country are becoming impatient with this program of seeing how far we can get into European politics without letting the people know it. The Republican party would do well to consider getting back to the policies and principles upon which it was first nourished and under which it acquired its leadership and secured the confidence of the American people. The campaign against the court will go forward as promised immediately after the vote in the Senate.

We have no intention of ceasing our efforts until the matter is settied in the forum from which there is no appeal- until it is settled and settled right. Cloture Repudiated By Anti-Court By HENRIK SHIPSTEAD. U. 8. Senator Minnesota.

to prevent this sale. Anti-Court Victory In lowa Predicted. By SENATOR LYNN J. FRAZIER U. S.

Senator from Illinois. In the nomination of Colonel Smith, Illinois has repudiated Republican-Democratic- Wall Street coalition. Illinois has repudiated cloture. The American people are beginning to understand that this international banker program 1s A financial arrangement for autocracy and war in opposition to democracy and peace. Illinois has repudiated the coalltion steam roller cloture and stopped thiebforced the Senate and forced us into the World Court--thereby selling the American people a gold brick loaded with dynamite.

Yesterday's primary in Illinois is an indication that the American people desire that the legislative branch of government shall be divorced from executive control. The people of Illinois have indicated that they expect their representatives to be loyal to the country's welfare first and loyal to their party afterwards. The people of Illinois on Tuesday repudiated the sale of America to the international bankers by the Republican and Democratic parties. congratulte the people of Illinois, the Hearst papers, particularly the "Herald Examiner and Chicago 'American" for their splendid labors The vote in Illinois indicates 8 trend of sentiment against the World Court in the great agricultural regions of the country. During his campaign, Senator McKinley issued a circular under the heading that "a man is known by the company he keeps." In this statement he announced that he did not care to associate in the Senate with the "radicals" who voted Evidently against the voters.

World of Court. Illinois took him at his word. After this election he will be spared the duty of associating with the "radicals." The Illinois vote utives. a good indication of what will be in Iowa, where Senator Smith W. Brookhart, another opponent the World Court, will be a candidate." ANTI-COURT FIGHT JUST BEGUN, SAYS BORAH OF ILLINOIS VICTORY (Continued from Massachusetts, predicted that the -anti- -Court sentiment stirred up in Illinois, will "spread like wild -fire." said: Hey am delighted.

The people of Illinois again have shown their firm patriotism by repudiating the action of the Senate in voting us into the League Court. This is only. the start of battle. The Senate's action will be undone." Rep. Charles Adkins, former speaker.

of the Illinois the Lower House, McKinley in campaign but will, he said, "back Smith to limit, because I am a party man." Adking 1s personally opposed to the League Court. George A. Schreiner, secretary and manager of the American Association Against League World Court, that his organization immediately will carry the for "no entangling foreign alliances" throughout the nation. Trouble Looms for Smith, Brennan at Conventions By CHARLES N. WHEELER, Staff Correspondent Universal Service.

CHICAGO, April looms in the immediate offing tor both Colonel Frank L. Smith and George E. Brennan. who now go to mat in what promises to be the most spectacular battle for United DOCTOR GIVEN NEW NOSE, LIPS An epochal achievement in plastic surgery yesterday was expected to bring Dr. Thurlow Miller, noted San Francisco surgeon, out among his friends once more.

Since 1923, when his face was pathetically mutilated by Miller an automobile accident, Dr. has secluded himself from society. In Los Angeles yesterday he was given a new nose and lips by Dr. William E. Balsinger, Los Angeles surgeon.

Other surgeons who witnessed the performance pronounced it a triumph in plastic surgery. Dr. Balhis achievement. Besides singer admitted, the operation as the restoration of the nose and lips, many scars were removed, one of which had grown as a serious impediment to Dr. Miller's vision.

Dr. Miller was thrown through the windshield of the car in the tragic accident. The sharp glass cut away his nose, carved his lips into a ghastly grimace, and terribly cut his face. Dr. Miller's search for relief from his affliction finally brought him to Dr.

Balsinger, who had achieved fame through his use of fibro-elastic cartilage for reconstructing brokendown features. Balsinger removed cartilage from behind Miller's ears, and with it fashioned a new nose. By delicate grafting of skin the lips were rebuilt and brought back into normal position. The scar over the AVes was removed. Births, Marriages, Deaths CARR--In this city, April to the wife of Elmer Carr.

100 Elm son. DE MARTINI -In this city, April 10. to the wife of Peter De Martini. 35 White a daughter. EDLUND this Edlund.

etiy. 1855 April 8, Mason to the Teddy son. FORSMANN- this of April the wife of Johnny Forsmann. 8917 Eighteenth a son. HOPKINS--In this etiy.

April 10. to the George Hopkins: 1531 Fifteenth son. this city. April 11. to the wite of James McLean.

2205 Fulton son. NORTH--In this city. April 8. to the wife of Charles H. North.

481 Genessee daughter. OGDEN--In this city, April 11, to the wife of Karl B. Orden. 3101 Gough a daughter. RISSEL -In this city.

April 8. to the wife of Emile J. Rissel. Olympic Club. a son, ROPER--In this city.

April to the of John Roper. 75 Winfield son. WARD--In this city. April 11, to the wife of Fred Ward. 204 Sagmore son.

MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following marriage licenses were lasued yesterday in this city: BYRNE Byrne. 23, and Lida Hoagland. 21, both of Salt Lake City. Utah.

DUNN-BLANEY-Lloyd Dunn. of 22. And Marguerite Blaney, 21. both 8681 21st st. EIERMAN- -McKEE Charles Elerman.

38. 2170 Geary and Hazel McKee. 84. 580 McAllister st. TANA 1548 Stockton Giovanni and Fontana.

40. Ida Livingston. 29, 1410 Taylor st. -NOLTE Howard and Pearl Hagen, Nolte, 81. 1349 Leavenworth 27.

1400 Greenwich st. Green GRATTA- May Gratta. 82. 2016 -Herman Joost. 88.

649 Lincoln way. KEIM-ADAMS John, Kelm. 80. 8300 16th and Ollie Adams, 27. MURRAY- H.

Mura comery. Calif. ray, 30. Los Angeles. and Margaret Murray.

22. Hollywood, Calif, ton. 22, 1554 Jackson and Hazel E. JAHN- C. Jahn, 19.

372 Hearst ave. NUNEZ O. Nunez, 89, Long Beach. and Cora M. Sperry, 25.

555 Sutter st. Pisar. 49. Cabrillo and Margaret Devine. 64.

309 Liberty st. PREIS DREES- Frank both Preis. of 879 43. How- and Adelaide Drees, 43. RASMUSSE Peter Ras64.

Troy. and Ingeborg Walters. 64. 1885 Eins st. MARIN CO.

MARRIAGE LICENSES. following marriage Rafael: licenses were Issued The yesterday in San derson, 19. Santa Rosa. and -William Sybil M. Conser.

Bertrand D. Innis, 28, 10. Sausalito. Merced. and Elizabeth MeClellan 23.

San Rafael. Wingerter, 28. and Alice Leger, 24. LEGER-Carl A. both of San Francisco.








JAMES WISKOTSCHILL, MARY years ARLETT-In Oakland, April 18. 1926. Elizabeth Arlett. sister of George. Lily E.

Emily and Robert Arlett. a native of Oakland. aged 48 years 4 months 18 days. Friends are invited to attend the neral services Thursday afternoon. April 15.

at 8:45 o'clock, at Plymouth Congregational Church. 3805 Piedmont Oakland, Interment private. Albert Brown Co. BORN. BIELSKI-in this city April 14.

1926, Max. dearly beloved husband of Fanny Bielski, devoted father of Mrs. Robert Myers and Mrs. Mabel Ferman, A native of Germany, aged 77 years. Friends may call at the parlors of Ashley McMullen.

Sixth ave. and Geary st. Funeral Friday, at 10:30 o'clock. Interment private. Oakland 13 1926 Katie.

dearly beloved sister of Mrs. Ellen Ryken, Susan. John and Peter Brady loving aunt of Frank and Al Ryken and Phillip Moholy a native of County Cavan, Ireland. Friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral Thursday. April 15.

at 9:30 a. from her late residence. 1128 16th thence to St. Anthony' church E. 15th st.

and 16th ave. where requiem high mass will be celebrated for the repose of her soul. commencing at 10 A. m. Interment, Holy Cross Cemetery.

Oakland. April 14, 1926. Richard H. Chamberlain. beloved husband of Susan H.

Chamberlain and father of Richard H. Chamberlain native of Massachusetts. aged 72 a years. A member of Ancient York Lodge. F.

A. of Lowell. Oakland Chapter, M. and Oakland Commandery No. Knights Templar.

Shrine. and (Lowell. Aahmes Temple papers please of the Mystic copy.) Friends are Invited to attend the funeral services Saturday. April 17. 1926, at 2:30 o'clock p.

at the chapel of the First Congregational Church. corner 26th and Harrison Oakland. Mr. Chamberlain will be at Truman's. Telegraph ave.

at 80th until noon Saturday. Please omit flowers. Interment private. CODE -In this city. April 12, 1026.

John M. Code, beloved father of William I. and John Code Jr. and Lamolle Shindle, loving brother of Thomas J. Code.

Mrs. W. I. RoNo. Mrs.

H. 9. Heisen of Petaluma and Mrs. F. O'Connor.

a natire of San Francisco. Friends are invited to attend the funeral services today (Thursday). at 10 a. at the chapel of the Golden Gate Undertaking Co. (Prechtel Mathleson), 1550 California near Polk.

Interment private. COHN-In this city. April 14. Simon. beloved husband of Rosa Cohn.

loving father 6f Edward Cohn of Chicago. Bertram L. Cohn (Bert Le Blanc) of Sydney. Australia. Milton Cohn of this city, and the late Carrie EL native of Germany, Aged 91 years 11 months.

(Downieville. Calif. papers please copy.) Friends are invited to attend the funeral services tomorrow (Friday), at p. at the chapel of the Golden Gate Undertaking (Prechtel Machieson). 1550 California near Polk.

Interment, Salem Cemetery. Kindly omit flowers. COHN--In San Francisco (formerly of Alameda). April 14. 1926.

Morris Cohn, beloved husband of Mathilda Cohn, loving father of Mrs. L. Warine, Sadie, Helen. Jennie. Rae.

Sam and Juliet Cohn. brother of Mrs. E. Schwartz and Mrs. R.

Wanderer, a native of Hungary, aged 47 years months Knights days. A member of Lakeside Lodge. of Pythias. and B. B.

Society, Friends 'are invited to attend funeral services today (Thursday). at 8 o'clock p. froni the residence chapel of FDWler-Lowman. 2244 Santa Clara Alameda. Interment.

Home of Peace COFFEY- Cemetery, this city, April 18. 1926, John Coffey, dearly beloved husband of Josie Coffey beloved father of Mrs. Irene Fries Mrs. Muriel Friedenberg. Mrs.

Evelyn Wineberger Ruth and Dorothy Coffey and the late Mrs. Grace Pattison. brother of William Coffey. A native of New York, aked 56 years. Friends are Invited attend the funeral Thursday.

April 16. 1926, at 9 from the chapel of Julius S. Godeau. 41 Van Ness thence to Dominic' a Church. where mass will be said for the repose of his soul.

commencing at 9:30 a. Interment. Holy Cross Cemetery DESSAU In San Francisco. April 13, 1926. Henry F.

Dessau, D. beloved husband of Claire Dessau, loving father of Mra. Paul Legallet. of Paul and Robert Legallet. brother of Eda.

Anna and the late Frank Dessau native of Illinois. aged 60 years months and 6 days. Chapel of may Julius S. Godeat 2110 Friends call at the Conservatory Webster Oakland. Funeral Thursday, April 15.

1926. at 2 o'clock. Interment private DEVEGGIA (Nelson)-In this city. April 12. 1926, Christopher Deveggia (Nelson).

dearly beloved husband of the late Angelina Deveggia. a native of Austria, aged 82 years. Friends and are respectfully invited to attend the funeral on Thursday, April 15. 1926. at 2 p.

Marini. from the parlors of Valente. Perata 8448 Mission thence to Italian Cemetery. for Interment, EGAN--In this city. April 14, 1926.

Eulalia D. Egan, darling little daughter of James and Edna Egan and granddaughter of Mrs. Anna Egan and Mrs. Katherine Wayne. native San Francisco, aged 1 year 10 months 27 days.

Friends are invited to attend the funeral service at 2:80 o'clock Thurslay afternoon. April 15th. at Divisadero at Post. Interment. Holy Cross Cemetery.

EGGERT-In New York City, April 19. 1926. Miss Sophie Ergert. beloved daughter of the late Mrs. K.

S. Altken. F. sister of Mrs. Addle Drugan and J.

Eggert of San Francisco and Robert I. Aitken of New York and the late Mrs. Fletcher Duran, Wallace W. and Thomas G. a native of San Francisco.

Oakland. of April 14, 1926. Elizabeth, beloved wife Earnest Kime, lovink mother of Marie D. Scully, loving sister of Louis Braun. Mrs.

M. Camptell, Thomas. Peter and Eugene Fitzpatrick. native of Maryeville, Calif. Friends are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral Friday, April at 9:80 from her late residence.

1112 Magnolia thence to St. Patrick' church, 10th and Peralta where requiem mass will be celebrated for -the repose of her soul. commencing 10 a. m. Interment.

St. Mary's Cemetery. FARLEY (nee Barry)--In this city. April 12. 1926.

Ann Augusta Farley. dearly beloved wife of Patrick Farley. A native of San Francisco, Cal. member of Twin Peaks Parlor No. 185 N.

D. G. Friends are invited to attend the neral today (Thursday), at 8:30 o'clock m. from her late residence. 3676 17th thence to Mission Dolores Church.

where solemn requiem high mans will be celebrated for the repose of her soul commencing at 0 a. m. Interment. Holy Cross Cemetery. Barry McDonnell service.

O'CONNOR, MOFFATT CO. -TodaySale of 14 A Hundred Bargains Our First Floor today presents a harvest of wonderful values. Goods, very specially priced, from many departments throughout the store, have been assembled on the First Floor for this Thursday Event. One hundred separate items and plenty of each item. First Floor- -Today, Thursday, April 15 462 MN FRANCISCO Grant 1 Kearny FOSTER--In Oakland, April 14.

1926, Katherine van D. Foster. beloved wife of. John C. Foster.

A loving mother to Katherine F. Davis. sister of Charles L. van Doren and the late Anna M. Ackerman, daughter of the late Abram Halsey and Black well Doren, a native of Frederick Virginia.

Friends are invited to attend the funeral services at her home. 1228 Magnolia street, Saturday. April 17. 1926, at o'clock p. m.

Incineration strictly briGIACOBBE -In this city, April 14. 1926. Josephine Glacobbe, dearly beloved wife of the late Joseph Giacobbe. loving mother of Mrs. Jennie Butticel of San Francisco and John.

Joseph, Charles and Santa Glacobbe of New York and devoted sister of Camillo RIZzO of San Francisco. native of Italy. aged 52 years months. Friends and acquaintances are reon Friday. April 18.

1926. at 9 a. spectfully invited attend the funeral from the periors of Valente, Marini. Perata 3448 Mission thence to 8L Theresa's Church. where a mass will be said for the repose of his soul.

commencing at. 9:80 m. Interment. Italian Cemetery. GILLSON- In this city, April 12.

1926. John Gillson. loving father of George Gillson, brother of George Gillson. native of Canada, axed 74 years. member of California Lodge No.

A. California Chapter No. 5. R. A.

San Francisco Consistory No. 1. B. R. M.

and Islam Temple. Funeral services will be held tomorrow (Friday), at 2 o'clock at the new mortuary of Halsted 1123 Sutter near Polk. Interment private. GISELMAN- In this city. April 18.

1926. Anna M. Giselman wife of the late Wiliam A Giselman And mother or MrA. Cabot Daniela of Los Gatos. and Marshall W.

Giselman of San Francisco. A native of New York. A regulem high mass will be oftered for the repose of her soul, today (Thursday) at the Star of the Sea Church, commencing at 9:30 m. terment private. Santa Clara.

Calif. Friends may call at White Service Chapel 2200 Sutter N. W. corner Pierce. -In this city.

April 18. 1926, Henry R. Gundlach. beloved husband of Anita H. Gundlach.

father of Alexandra Gundlach. brother of Mrs. Charles Bundschu. Mrs. Carl Dressel.

Mrs. Frieda Perutz. Mra. Benjamin Veed. Mrs.

Bertha Hubbard and the late Carl Gundlach. native of San Francisco. aged 03 years. Private funeral service will be held at 11:30 o'clock. Thursday morning, April 16th.

at Gray Divisadero At Post. Interment private. Please omit flowers. HEROLD- -In this city, April 1926. Rudolph A.

Herold, brother Mrs. Tillie Gustaveson, P. and E. M. Heroid, native of San Francisco.

aged 58 years. Funeral and Interment strictly private. LOWENBERG- In Oakland. April 18. 1926.

Ada. widow of the late Herman Lowenberk, loving sister of George John Kittie and the late William E. McHugh. a native of San Francisco Calif. Funeral services will be held at the chapel of the Callfornia Crematorium.

4499 Piedmont Thursday April 15. at 8 p. m. Remains at the Oakland parlors of Freeman -Roach Kenner 2630 Telegraph ave. MARSHALI-Jn Burlingame, April 14, 1926.

Frank Marshall, dearly beloved husband of Nellie C. Marshall and father of Arthur Marshall and Edith Warman. brother of George Marshall and Mrs. Lizzie Terrill. a native of San Rafael.

aged 53 years. Notice of funeral hereafter. Remains at the chapel of F. C. Wyekoff.

221 Park Road. Burlingame. Calif. MAYER- -In this city, April 14, 1920, Henry Mayer, beloved son of Charles P. Mayer and the late Margaret Mayer, loving brother of Charles George J.

and Albert Mayer and Mrs. L. Tiederman, a native of San Francisco. Notice of funeral later. Remains at Glynn's Funeral Parlors, 4054 24th near Castro.

McFARLAND-In this city, April 14, 1926, Elza beloved husband of Florence McFarland, father of F. G. McFarland, Mra. Neva' O'Neil and Mrs. Eldred Sylvester, a native of Kansas.

Funeral Friday, at 2 o'clock, from the parlors of Ashley McMullen, Sixth ave. and Geary. McGREGOR-In this city, April 12, 1926. William dearly beloved husband of Mary Jennings McGregor and loving brother of Mra. Flora Exert and the late Frederick McGregor.

of the late Joseph and Fanny McGregor, A native of San Francisco. aged 61 years. A member of Sequoia Parlor No. 160. N.

S. G. and San Francisco Postoffice Beneficial Association. Friends are invited to attend the funeral services. to be held today (Thursday).

at 1:80 p. at. (White's Service Chapel). 2200 Sutter N. corner of Pierce.

Interment. Mt. View Cemetery. Oakland. Cal.

MEAD -In this city, April 14. 1926, Elizabeth Delphine. beloved wife of the late Benjamin Mead and devoted mother of Mre. W. F.

Mead and Mra. James Nisbet. a native of Corning, N. member of Alpha Chapter No. 1.

0. S. of Ashland. and Court California. Order of Amaranth of Burlingame.

Cal. (San Mateo Times. San Mateo. please copy.) Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral Friday. April 16th.

at 3 p. 835 at Funeral Parlors. VAlencia between 19th and 20th. terment. Woodlawn Cemetery.

MORRIS- Entered 'into rest. in this city, April 14, 1926, Richard Morris, beloved husband of Laura Morris, and dcroted son of Hal and Susie Morris, a native of California, aged 39 years. Friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral tomorrow (Friday), at 12:80 at chapel of California Undertaking Co. (Harry H. Velleno), 100 Fillmore st.

Interment National Cemetery. MILLER--ID this city. April 12. 1026, Frederick. dearly beloved husband of Serine Miller.

and loving father of Mrs. Freda Smith. Mrs Florence Ohisen. Herbert H. Miller Alice Powell and the late Mrs.

Annie Peard. Henry and Charles Miller. A native of Denaked years 1 month days. member Denmark Afdelinger No 2 of Dahla. Friends and acquaintances are spectfully invited to attend funeral Friday at 2 p.

m. from the Trinity English Evangelical Lutheran church. 2222 Howard st. Interment at Mount Olivet. Friends may call the lore Suhr W.

leboldt. 1465 Valencia bet. 25th and 26th sta. MURPHY--In this city. April 12.

1926 Curnellus, beloved husband of Elizabeth Murphy, loving father of Gerald and the late Joseph Murphy James and Eugene Sullivan and Mrs. R. Barker. brother of Patrick. James and the late John Murphy native of County Tipperary.

Ireland. Friends, are invited to attend the funeral Thursday, at 0:30 a. m. McA voy-O' Hara 2051 Market thence to Mission Dolores Church. where a requiem high mass will be celebrated for the repose of his soul.

at 10 m. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. PHELPS- In: Pledmont. April 14. 1926.

Julia L. Phelps, widow of the late Robert Stallman Phelps. native of Alabama. Friends are invited to attend the funeral service Friday afternoon. April 16, 2 o'clock.

at her late residence, 321 Hillside. Piedmont. Interment private. Albert Brown Co. RANSOM- In Berkeley, April 12.

1926, Mary Wilson Ransom, beloved mother of Marion Ransom and Muriel Ransom, aged 80 years. Funeral private. RODRIGUEZ- -In this city, April 11, 1920. Albert A beloved husband of Lilian and loving father of Marie Rodriguez. a native of Texas, aged 41 years.

The funeral Friday, at 9 a. from the chapel of Julius S. Godeau. 41 Van Ness thence to Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe. corner Mason and Broadway, where a mass will be said for the repose of his soul, commencing at 9:30 o'clock a.

mn. Interment. Holy Cross Cemetery. ROCQUIN- -In this city. April 19.

1926, Constant Rocquin, beloved husband Louise Rocquin. loving father of Mrs. Louise Roberta of France August Octave Rocquin of Canada, Camille and Gaston Roequin of New Orleans. Mra A. Jockers and.

Mrs. Robelet of this city and grandfather of eleven children, a native or France aged 70 VeRTR months 25 dass. (New Orleans papers please copy.) Frienda are Invited to attend the funeral Thursday April 15. 1926. 8:30 a.

froth the chapel of Julius 8. 41 Van Ness thence to St. Emydius' Church. Ingleside. where mass will be said for the repose of his soul commencing at 9 a m.

SENGER-In Berkeley. April 13. 1926, Prof. J. Henry Senger.

husband of Lucy H. Senger and father of George Senger. Mrs. Dudley Baeltzer of Redding. end Mre.

Thomas Hutchins of Gridley. a native of Germany. aged 77 years 6 months. Friends are invited to attend the funeral services Thursday afternoon. April 15.

1926. at his late residence. 1321 Bay View place. Berkeley. Interment private.

Brown Co. SHIMA -In Hollywood. March 27, 1926. George Shima. husband of Shime Shima.

father of Taye. Togo and Rinji Shima. brother of Rika Esaki of Stockton. native of Japan. aged 63 years.

Friends are invited to attend the funeral service at 1:30 o'clock Saturday afternoon. April 17. 1926, at the First Congregational Church. Post at Mason street. Livermore.

April 18, 1926. J. D. Silva. beloved husband of Tillie c.

Silva. a native of California. Notice of funeral hereafter. SMITH -In Oakland. April 18.

1926, Magnus, beloved husband of Haraldina Smith. father of Mrs. Esther Goodwin, Veggo A. and Ralph Magnus Smith and grandfather of Mildred Goodwin. Harold and Ralph Magnus Smith a native of Denmark.

aged 74 years. Friends are invited to atten? the funeral service Friday. April 16th. at D. at the Bessie J.

Wood 2850 Telegraph ave. Interment. Evergreen Cemetery. SOLVIN--In this city. April 16.

1026, Emil. dearly beloved son of Charles and Mary Solvin. and loving brother of Frank Oscar E. Victor Elsie and Gladys Solvin. Mrs.

Henry Anderson and the late Charles Leonard Solvin. native of Berkeley, California, aged 28 years 14 days. Member of Marine Engineers' Beneficial Association. No American Society of Marine Enrineere. Friends are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral services (Friday).

at 11 a. at Anderson' Valencia at 25th st. Interment. Mt. STEPHENS -In this city, April 18.

1926. Minnie Florence. dearly beloved wife of H. Stephene loving mother of Mrs. Roger Arrighini native of Germany.

Funeral Thursday. April 15. 26. at from the chapel Godeau 41 Van Ness Cremation Woodlawn Cemetery SWEET-In Oakland, April 18, 1926, Richard beloved husband of Mary Ferris Sweet. loving father of Mrs.

E. E. House. the late Mrs. Hattie Bruckman.

Mra. R. W. Frierson. Mca.

Frank Roscoe, Richard Jr. Mahlon E. and W. W. Sweet.

Honorary President of the Illinois Society. (Chicago, and Lodi papers please copy.) Friends are Invited to attend the funeral services Thursday, April 15. 1920, at 3:30 p. from Stout's parlors. Telegraph at 23rd Oakland.

Headquarters for Gotham Goldstripe Hosiery Marks Bros. The Smart Apparel Shop 831 MARKET SAN FRANCISCO TELEPHONE DOUGLAS 3400 The Style Salon Features Today SPORTS COATS Selected from a sample collection of one of New York's finest coat makers. Skillful tailoring and unusual fabrics speak for their splendid value at this special price $39.50 Style Salon Third Floor Marion L. Frank--Our Exclusive Style Expertrecognizes in Molyneux' Spanish Sailor a hat of individuality, and sends us a smart replica in beige felt at $12.50. Millinery Salon Third Floor SORICH--In this.

city, April 18. 1920. Antohe Sorich. beloved father of M. George Sorich.

stepfather of Mra. ElizaBeth Taylor. a native of Brac. JugoSlavia aged 70 years. Member of Slavonian N.

B. Society: Austrian M. B. ABs' n. and First Serbian B.

Society. Friends are invited attend the funeral Thursday, at 9:30 from Church of the Nativity. Fell between Franklin Gough. where solemn requiem high mass will be celebrated the repose of his soul. Friends call at the parlors of Ashley MeMullen, Geary and 6th ave.

Interment. private. OFFICERS AND MEMBERS OF SLAVONIC M. B. SOCIETY are requested to attend the funeral services of our late brother.

Anton Sorich, today (April 15). at 9:30 a. from Church of the Nativity. KRZANICH. President.

M. RADOVICH. Secretary. SULLIVAN-In this eity, April 14. 1926, John beloved son of John J.

and the late Mary Sullivan. and brother Joseph M. Sullivan, Mrs. G. F.

'Hare and Mrs. J. Melnerney. and nephew of Mrs. F.

B. Paddock. 8 native of San Francisco, aged 28 years 8 months 10 days. Remains at the reeldence parlors of the Henry J. Gallagher 2597 Howard near 22nd st.

Funeral notice later. TODT-In this city, April 18. 1926. Matdearly beloved wife of the late Diedrich Todt. devoted mother of Ledden.

Arthur W. and Herbert Todt and loving sister of Louis. George and William Fenstermacher, Mrs. Joseph Quadt and the late Carrie Fenstermacher and Mrs. Cummings of Stockton.

a native of San Francisco. aged 65 vears. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral Thursday. at 1:80 p. from her late residence.

569 Third ave. (R. Interment at Mt. Olivet. (George L.

Suhr service.) TOFFEL-In this city. April 13. 1926. Elizabeth Toffel. beloved wife of the late Frederick Toffel, of Mrs.

Geo. Vranizan, beloved sister of Mrs. Wm. Heuer. and aunt of Mrs.

Wm. O' Brien. Herman and Will Heuer. a native of Baden. Germany.

Friends are invited to attend the funeral services today (Thursday). at 11 a. at the chapel of H. F. Suhr 2919 Mission near 25th.

WALL--In this city, April 13, 1926, Thomas beloved son of the late Joseph J. and Bridget Wall. loving brother of Mrs. Mary Knox. brotherin-law of Frank Knox.

and uncle of Frank. Knox a native of Millsborough. Kentucky. A member of D. A.

V. of the World War. San Francisco Chapter No. 8. Friends are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral Thursday.

at 0:16 a. from the parlors of Leary 2917 24th between Harrison and Bryant thence to St. Peter's church. where a requiem high mass will be celebrated for the repose his soul. commencing at 0:45 a.

m. Interment. National Cemetery. Presidio. WATTS--In this city.

April 13. 1926. Luella M. Watts. beloved wife of Aaron Watts, beloved daughter of Mrs.

Lillias Wilson Purdie. loving sister of Mrs. F. W. Pitts, John S.

and Charles M. Purdie. native of Reno, Nevada. aged 38 years. Friends are invited to attend the funeral service at ten o'clock.

Thursday morning. April 15. at Gray's. dreo at Post Interment private. WENZEL.

-In Los Altos. April 13. 1926. Emelie Wenzel (Maysenhalder). devoted mother of Fred and Otto Maysenhalder Mra Charles Becker.

Mrs. H. Nye and the late. Emily Barber and loving grandmother of Mra. Emelle Gass a native of Germany aged 77 years 11 months 2 days: A member of St.

Markus Frauen Verein. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend funeral Thursday at 8 D. from the parlors of Suhr Wieboldt. 1465 Valenvia between 25th and. 26th sts.

Interment. Cypress Lawn Memorial Parka WILSON-In San Jose April 13. James. dearly beloved son of the late Harry I. and Mary Wilson.

beloved brother of Harry. William and Thomas Wilson and Mrs. A. Thorn a native of San Francisco. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully Ipvited to attend the funeral Friday April 16.

at 2 p. m. from the parlore of Harry Glynn 4054 24th st. near Castro st. Interment.

Mt. Olivet. Oakland. April 13. 1926.

Mary C. Wiskotschill beloved sister of Anthony Wiskotschill aunt of Edward Wiskotschill. George Wiskotschill of Seattle Wash. and Louise Wiskotschill of San Leandro A native of New York aged 73 veare (Marysville papers please copy. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral Friday.

April 16. from her late re eldence 1455 104th ave thence to St. Louis' church. cor 100th ave. and E.

14th st. where A requiem high mass will be sung for the repose of her soul. commencing at 9 a. Stay Interment, Holy Sepulchre Cemetery. CARD OF THANKS.

The family of the late C. F. Ouer wish to express their sincere thanks for the kind expressions of sympathy and floral offerings. Page One.) States senator staged in many years in Illinois. It will break in the State conVentions, which must issue party pronouncements on which the candidates will stand.

The trouble brewing for Colonel Smith will come' from delegations from several down State counties which will offer a mild protest at least against an anti- World Court pronouncement that may be construed as an attack on the national administration. Brennan, who aspires to the seat in the United States Senate as a "dripping wet," will. also have to cut some pretty sharp corners to avoid a bitter row in his convention. While he is determined to limit his party pronouncement to a demand for repeal or modification of the Volstead law, scores of cratic delegates will come to the convention where from the southern Illinois dryness outdoes the Sahara. An Efficient Organization Perfectly planned, beautiful ceremonies are but one phase of the services rendered by this firm.

An efficient organization, with a staff of well-trained employees, we relieve all un-. necessary anxieties and burdens. Thoughtfulness distinguishes Morticians for 76 years Divisadero at Post Phone West 4707 Member of Nationally Selected Morticians- chosen for merit of complete funeral service. Wm.W. Hansen Chas W.

Manager Assistant William J. McLaughlin, Treasures UNITED UNDERTAKERS Established July, 1883 2596 Howard Street at Twenty-Second NEW HOME PARLORS Telephone Mission 276 (Julius S. Godeau) Independent of the Trust The Funeral Service That Serves and Saves 41 Van Ness Phone Market 711 Bonds of Friendship are knitted strongest in times of sorrow. Let flowers at such times convey your friendly sympathy. No Branch Stores Simply Phone Douglas 426 PELICANO, ROSSI CO.

123 Kearny St. FLORISTS.

The San Francisco Examiner from San Francisco, California (2024)
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Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

Phone: +6742282696652

Job: Customer Banking Liaison

Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.