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- Sep 2010
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The Ultimate EQ Tradeskill Guide
The Ultimate EQ Tradeskill Guideby Cristalla, level 95 Druid, Erollisi Marr server (January 2012)
Guide is 98% complete at this time. Finsihed sections are updated on a regular basis.
00. Table of Contents (this post)
Important Note:
01. Introduction
02. Tradeskill Trophies
03. Alternate Advancement for Tradeskills
04. Tailoring
05. Smithing
06. Brewing
07. Baking
08. Jewelcrafting
09. Pottery
10. Fletching
11. Alchemy
12. Research
13. Tinkering
14. Poison Making
15. Cultural -Part 1- Glorious Armors
16. Cultural -Part 2- Numinous Armor Symbols
17. Cultural -Part 3- Numinous Weapon Symbols
18. Cultural -Part 4- Soloist Ascension Seals
19. Cultural -Part 5- Glorious Weapons
20. Cultural -Part 6- Glorious Charms
21. Tradeskill Mercenary Quest
22. Reference (not done)Until I resolve my image hosting problem the tables in my post will not show properly formatted. An easy fix for now will be to copy the table, and paste it into a notepad.txt file (simple text editor). This will give you proper formatting for viewing and printing. Make sure you have the "word wrap" feature enabled. You may need to make the text window wider.
Last edited by Corwinne; 06-29-2012, 08:51 AM.
- Stuck
- Sep 2010
- 32
01. Introduction
01. Introduction
This is a guide written completely by myself as I progressed through each of the tradeskills. It is not perfect. I still discover small mistakes and typos. I am constantly updating this guide with new information. Even today I am still learning new things all the time. At times I did not learn a better way until after I finished with a harder way. This guide does not include every possible way to tradeskill. I do make notes of alternatives when I know of them. I am willing to add ideas, links, guides, and corrections from anyone if you make a reply post to this thread.After all that was said, I still believe you will find this guide better than any other you might read. This is partly due to the fact that it is current. It have collected and updated all this information during the years 2011 and 2012. Often I had to sort through information that was 10+ years old. It is also because I always looked very hard for the easy way to get things done. I did not want to spend months to complete a tradeskill or even weeks and months to farm materials. I have a style of tradeskilling that is geared toward spending a little more money if it means less farming and faster skilling. And many of my recommendations lean toward this method.
I am currently master in 10 tradeskills with 10 maxed trophies. I will never be able to do poisonmaking. So, there is no guide under that section now. Please contribute if you can with a good guide. Please feel free to contact me if you would like help with anything.
The rest of this introduction section will discuss basic tradeskill topics, things everyone should know about no matter what tradeskill you might take on.
[_] 01. is your best friend as a tradeskiller.I do not include all full recipes, sometimes just the names where you will need to look it up. Sometimes I don't even include names, only general references. On certain rare occasions has provided me with information that was not found at EQTraders.
[_] 02. Class Trainer.With each tradeskill you can buy the first 20 skill points for a cost of 20 training points. Once your skill is at 20 you can never buy more again in this way. If you have ton of training points available I would suggest doing this. Skipping this will not hurt you in anyway because the first 20 points in every tradeskill are the cheapest, fastest, and easiest to get anyway.
[_] 03. 300 Max Skill.No one can improve their base skill past 300. SOE is not ever planning to increase this (that I have heard). Apparently improving tradeskills in this way is very difficult, or at least not worth the effort spent to do it.
[_] 04. 345 Modified Skill.After equipping your trophy (or using other items with tradeskill modifiers) your modifed skill level can never improve past 345 (15% mod x 300 base skill= 345). I have never heard of plans to improve this. If it ever does happen this would not be hard to implement a larger skill modifier. You should be working to obtain and level up your tradeskill trophy as soon as you can. See the special section [02. Tradeskill Trophies] below.
[_] 05. Stacking Modifiers.Like with so many others skills in this game, stacking modifiers does
NOTwork. If you have 2 or more equipped you will only get the benefit of the single best one.
[_] 06. Tradeskills are not cheap.You cannot go into this without the realization that you will have to spend
LOTSof money. Vendors alone often charge fortunes for purchased materials, especially at high skill levels. You can do things to keep costs down like farming materials yourself, but you can only take it so far. Certain tradeskills are much cheaper overall (like Baking and Brewing) compared to others. If you are a first character playing this game you should probably put off the urge to do any serious tradeskilling until later. Anyone who wants to works seriously with tradeskills should figure out first how to create a larger and consistant income stream.
[_] 07. Sucesses and Failures.These are sometimes very important. Being able to sell back succeses to vendors will often (not always) get most of the money you have invested back. When you fail a combine it is money not gained back at all. These resales to the vendor are often what keeps costs from getting out of hand. Players with less money to blow will want to pay particular attention to this. If you want more tips on how to get the most money back read the information in the [08. Jewelcrafting] chapter of this guide.
[_] 08. Random Number Generator.Your trophy will follow set rules to improve, making it easy to determine what is needed. Your skill improvement does not. Each and every combine is subjected to a random dice roll to see if it will improve. Over the long run you can expect to see a more consistant average form. But you will still see wild swings in skill gains. You can get 6 skill improvements in a row, or go through several stacks of materials with no improvements. Do not be surprised to see your self combine 100+ times and not gain skill at high skill levels. It can and
[_] 09. Using the Bazaar.Many people think that they should not buy in the bazaar. They think that if they farm the materials themselves that it will not cost them anything. Nothing could be further from the truth. All items have a value, either what you pay for them, or what you did not earn from not selling them. Your time is worth money, and this translates to what your materials are worth. If you spend 20 hours farming materials and compare that to the cost to either buy or sell in the bazaar you can begin to see what I am talking about. Often times you can find great deals on what you want in the bazaar, where people have priced items far less than their true worth. Maybe you cannot farm the items you need as easily as another class or level might. Maybe you can earn far more by farming something else to sell for more money than the amount lost farming materials yourself. Tradeskill materials are often needed in such large quantities that you might drive your self crazy trying to collect them all yourself. It is obvious you should watch prices for some period of time to get the best buys and save yourself a small fortune at the same time. You should also start looking for what you know you will need as far in advance as you can.
[_] 11. Aternate Advancement for Tradeskills.These AA skills are very important to consider. See the special section [03. Alternate Advancement for Tradeskills] below.
[_] 10. Choosing a Skill-up Path.There are many things to consider when chosing a skill-up path.
Availability of materials is a large concern. Different players have more and less access to different materials. Obviously, if you know where and how to get certain materials in large quantities you should be looking to find recipes that use them.
Cost vs Buyback. How much total you spend compared to what a vendor will buy back your finished product is important. Sometimes, the cost to buy is cheap, but the vendor may not pay you anything back. Sometimes he won't pay you anything for very expensive combines. Many times the vendor will buy back for 90% or more of your cost. A few items are even desired by other players, allowing you to sell for a much larger return in the bazaar. Most people will be very concerned about the total amount you are spending.
Simplicity. Some recipes are extremely simple to make. They use materials that are easily acquired, even from vendors. Some recipes have very few or even no subcombines, saving you lots of time. Some materials require you to travel all over the world to get, others are all in a single area. I always liked simple and easy recipes, and looked hard to find them.
[_] 12. Vendor Windows.If you have portable combine containers you can work at a vendor, with his buy/sell window open. This will allow you to buy single or small quantities of materials and combine them without needing to close the vendor window.
[_] 13. Inventory Space.Having more inventory space to hold materials really helps a lot. You won't run around to vendors as often with more space. The new Extraplanar Trade Satchels are now the best choice. Get 2 or more of these if you can. Get the largest bags you can find otherwise, and drop off unneeded items in the bank to free up more space.
[_] 14. Tradeskill Zones.Abysmal Sea is pretty much a tradeskill only zone. Nearly every trradeskill will have materials and quests that can only be done here. At times it may be best to travel here and plan to stay until a certain milestone has been reached. For all other times I leave one non-playing character camped here,so can quickly buy certain needed materials and drop them in the shared bank bags. Later Crescent Reach was added to the game and it has almost all tradeskill materials that Abysmal Sea has. You may find the need to visit each zone occasionally as they both have different tradeskill quests.
[_] 13. Next Topic.Here...
[_] 13. Next Topic.Here...
[_] 13. Next Topic.Here...
Happy Tradeskilling!
Last edited by Corwinne; 06-29-2012, 08:54 AM.
- Sep 2010
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02. Tradeskill Trophies
02. Tradeskill Trophies
Doing the trophy quests is worthwhile for many reasons.BENEFITS
[_] 1. They add a positive modifier to your tradeskill, making your skill level higher than it would otherwise be. The trophy evolves through several levels, and each time it does it improves over the previous version. There are some items in the game that will have a higher modifier at earlier skill levels. If you have one of these items already it may be worth consideration at lower skill levels, but not if it prevents you from gaining experience on your current trophy.[_] 2. They add more stats than other items with modifiers.
[_] 3. They can all be equipped in 1 of 4 different equipment slots.
[_] 4. They can be placed in your house. When you do this you can access all trophy benefits through the tribute window without spending any tribute points. This means you do not have to search for it and remember to equip it. The trophy will not continue to evolve unless you have it equipped, so I always waited until the trophy was fully evolved to level 7 before placing it in my house.
[_] 5. You can get free containers from you trophies, one from each different trophy you have. The bags are small and likely not worth it at low trophy levels. A level 6 trophy results in 10slot 100%WR bag. The level 7 trophy gives a 12slot 100%WR bag. You can have as many temporary bags as you want.
Tip:When I was low level and first character I would log out with 1 item in my temporary bag. when I returned later it changed into a "disenchanted" bag, which weighed more and lost its' weight reduction. However, it was now permanent and still had 12 slots. I could store these bags inside a different 100%WR container, and pull them out when I needed extra inventory space. Eventually I didn't need to do this anymore as I acquired more large permanent bags.
[_] 6. Any improvements that SOE makes to the tradeskill system are sure to include trophies. In fact exactly this just happened recently. See edit at the end of this chapter.
The quest becomes available the moment your skill hits 50. This applies to each and every tradeskill, all 7 primary ones, research, and all the race/class restricted tradeskills.Upon gaining 50 skill go to the West Freeport Newbie Yard, and find the tradeskill NPC's under one of the tents. Get the quest from them. The quests they give will be broken down into categories of difficulty. If you skill has reached 100 when you get the quest he offers you a more difficult quest, in that the materials are harder to acquire. Getting the quest after 150 skill results in an even more difficult quest. Take the time to go get your trophy quest as soon as you hit 50 skill, even if you do not complete it until later. In fact at low levels you trophy doesn't help very much. You don't generally begin to see a need for it until you hit about 200 skill. It will take a bit longer to raise trophy levels if you wait to finish the quest. The important thing was that you still only have to complete the easiest of all possible quests.
All the quests require you to make various low level tradeskill items, and then return some of them to the questgivers. You will not get credit in the task if you made them before getting the quest. When you have turned in all items you will get your trophy. Be sure to read the chat for information not included in the task window.
You first trophy will be level 1 of 7. As you complete non-trivial combines it earns experience. When a certain amount of experience has been reached it will evolve into a level 2 trophy, and have better stats and a higher modifier. The evolution continues up to level 7.Trophies roughly will follow your skill gain. See the following table.
Trophy Level 1 = Skill 50 to 100
Trophy Level 2 = Skill 100 to 150
Trophy Level 3 = Skill 150 to 200
Trophy Level 4 = Skill 200 to 250
Trophy Level 5 = Skill 250 to 300
Trophy Level 6 = Skill 300 to [another full bar of experience].
Trophy Level 7 = DoneLooking above the trophy can gain level 2 while you are in Level 1 range, but it will stop gaining any new experience until you hit 100 skill. Your level 6 trophy will not gain any new experience toward level 7 until you first hit 300 skill. In reverse, if you are in the level 2 range of skill, but your trophy is still level 1, it will gain experience at a greatly accelarated rate. This helps it catch up fast to the proper skill level.
Your trophy only gains experience when you have it equipped and when you perform non-trivial combines (when the trivial is higher than your current un-modified skill). It will not gain experience from failed combines, even though you can gain skill points from failures.
Skill levels 1 through 5 have limitations on how much higher the trivial can be over your skill level before you are capped from getting experience. I do not know the exact formula but I "think" it is 100. This would mean if your skill is at 120 that performing combine of 220 trivial or higher will not give the trophy experience. This limitation is removed at level 5+ trophy and/or 250+ skill. I do not understand "exactly" how this works, it may be somewhat different.
When monitoring you trophy's experience you should use the trophy tab at the top of your inventory window while the trophy is equipped. This number will update as it increases and you can watch the progress. If you open the item detail for the trophy you can see where it is at now, but that is only a snapshot of the moment and you won't see new values until you look at a new item detail again.
I have heard some people say that they get bugged when the trophy is not equipped in the "primary" slot, and it will stop gaining experience. I am unsure if this is true. But if you notice that the trophy has stopped getting experience it could be worth checking. Or, just always place it in the primary slot no matter what.
Once you have become a Master (skill 300) you can begin to work on the final leg of your trophy. The chart below will show you what to expect with each different tradeskill. The number represents the how many successful and non-trivial combines are needed to earn 1% experience (failures do not count). Multiply it x100 will show the grand total 0 to 100%. We can't say exactly how many total attempts are needed, because we don't know what recipe you will use and it's failure rate. Generally it will be about a 10% failure rate. If you can find a recipe that is only a few points higher than 300 the failure rate will be quite low. If you use a recipe that has a trivial of 400 to 500+ the failure rate will get to be something like 15% to 50%. In actuality the number can vary by a small amount, very low trivials above 300 take slightly more successes, and high trivials take less. This number is not much though, and high trivials fail much more often anyway.Tailoring : 5.0
Smithing : 7.5
Brewing : 10.0
Baking : 10.0
Jewelcraft : 7.5
Pottery : 10.0 to 11.5
Fletching : 4.5
Alchemy : 10.0 (I think)
Research : 4.5
Tinkering : 7.5 to 8.0
Poison Making : (unknown)New from Patch on April 11th, 2012
For each trophy you will recieve the following:
When you get your permanent bag from your trophy you will now recieve an extra larger bag that can be used to hold tradeskill materials only. This only works on maxed level 7 trophies. Lesser trophies will still give the normal bag should you want it. The new bags are wonderful, if only to increase the size of your bank storage. If you are doing tradeskills then your bank is overflowing with materials, and this extra storage is very welcomed. It's also worth noting that you can store any tradeskill material in any bag type. For example, I can store Smithing Ores and Baking Ingredients in my Fletching Materials bag.[_] 12 slot 100%WR bag (as before)
To get your new bag do the following:
[_] 24 slot 100%WR bag (new, can store tradeskill materials only)[_] 01. Destroy your existing tradeskill bag, if you have one now.
[_] 02. Summon a temporary bag from your trophy.
[_] 03. Give this temporary bag to Jolum in the bazaar.
[_] 04. Put the item (lore) he returns to you in the appropriate tradeskill container and combine it.
[_] 05. Reapeat for additional trophies you may have.Last edited by Corwinne; 06-16-2012, 01:31 PM.
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03. Alternate Advancement for Tradeskills
03. Alternate Advancement for Tradeskills
==============================When doing tradeskills there are some AA that will either be required or will help a lot. They come in 3 basic categories.
New Tanaan Crafting Mastery (6 ranks): The first is this AA to progress your 7 basic tradeskills. You can raise one tradeskill all the way to 300 without doing anything. But, a 2nd tradeskill will not be allowed to raise past 200 without training 1 rank. To raise a 3rd tradeskill past 200 you must train another rank. All six ranks will allow 7 tradeskills to progress to 300. They only apply to the seven basic tradeskills that any race/class can do. I have forgotten to do this once and performed combines for nearly an hour before realizing it. Don't make this mistake. The cost to train is 3 AA per rank.
Tradeskill Mastery (7 skills, 3 ranks each): This AA will reduce failure rates by 10, 25 and 50%. This ability is not as important while skilling up since you can gain skill on failures. It becomes more important when your combines cost a lot more and you depend upon successes to gain some of your money back. It is vitally important after you are maxed and you are performing very expensive combines for your and your friends to use. There is one mastery ability for each separate tradeskill, and the ranks cost 3/6/9 points. Most of the classes will have an 8th mastery ability of some type for research.
Salvage (6 ranks): This AA allows you to randomly recover materials that you would otherwise lose on failures. This is nice when you are performing high level combines and using very expensive materials. This can also be extremely annoying, since before training this skill you could always plan out and purchase your exact number of materials wanted. Even so, as you approach or become master (300 skill) you will be better off for having it. The one ability will apply to all basic tradekills you do. The cost to train is 5 AA per rank.
Exluding any research specific AA's it will cost 174 total AA to fully train all tradeskill abilities.
When it comes to the research tradeskill things might be a little different depending upon what class is doing this tradeskill. See the more detailed list in the research section below and check your AA list to see what may apply to you.
I do not think there is anything special or additional for the class/race restricted tradeskills (alchemy, tinkering, poisonmaking). You should check your own AA list to make sure.
Draught of the CraftsmanThe last item to note in this section is that there is a potion available for purchase in the Station Store. Normal price is 1000 station cash, and it is occasionally on sale. This potion will last for 2 hours and increase your salvage rate to 100%. It does not make it impossible to fail combines, but instead returns all your materials to you when you do fail. It is best used when you are planning to perform a large number of very epxpensive combines. For instance I used one when I made several complete sets of cultural armor with symbols to match. If you can plan for it have more combines ready to use up the remaining time. Knowing you will not lose any materials means again you can plan and collect the exact number you will need.
Currently there is no way in game for 1 person to make a gift of station cash or items in the store. I really dislike this. I would like to offer customers the option of either buying a potion for me to use or paying a larger uncertain amount in platinum due to failures. I would urge anyone who agrees with me to do feedback to SOE on this. I don't understand why they wouldn't want to do this, as it would mean more station store business for them in allowing gifting of all types of items.
Last edited by Corwinne; 05-15-2012, 01:03 PM.
04. Tailoring Skill-Ups
04. Tailoring Skill-Ups
I recently kept track of what I spent while skilling up tailoring. To go from 0 to 300 maxed trophy it cost me 15k plus the cost of silks/pelts. This was with most or all of my AA's trained.[_] All items purchased from Vendor Higwyn Matrick in the POK Tailor Building (silk/pelts are drop).
Template Patterns (used in cultural and making group armor like UF HOT and VOA Tier-1)
You can work only the wrists until hit trivial and then move to the gloves for a few extra points and use the same amount of materials. Or, you can work only the gloves and keep a few stacks less of patterns. Wrist first would mean a few less failures and more money back, gloves only would be simpler. If you still have materials left over you can move up to the hat and even further. Doing this may allow you to use less of the next rank of materials which is usually more expensive. The full progression order is wrist, glove, head, feet, arms, leg, and chest. Inventory space is not a problem with this progression so you can easily keep several pattern types on you.With Tailoring I liked to stick with just the pelts whenever possible. This made it simpler. And 1 pelt is usually cheaper to buy in the bazaar than 2 silks are, probably because pelts are used in fewer tradeskills and recipes than the silks.
Miscellaneous Recipes
Unexpanded Tailored Legendary Pack (loom, triv: 530)
note: only packs and backpacks can be dyed different colors, all other bags cannot.
[_] 1x Tailored Pack Pattern (1p)
[_] 1x Reinforced Filament (262p)
[_] 3x Dream Dust
[_] 2x Fantastic Silk
[_] 1x Fantastic PeltExtraplanar Trade Satchel (Tailor 15 No-fail, must be 300 skill)
(32 slot bag that holds tradeskill materials and tools only)
[_] 1x Extraplanar Silk (drop in HOT or VOA)
[_] 1x Fantastic Animal Pelt (drop in HOT or VOA)
[_] 1x Reinforced Filament (W-POK Higwyn Matrick 262p)
[_] 1x A Tailored Pack Patten (W-POK Higwyn Matrick)I included this recipe only because I like to dye some of my bank bags different colors to help with organization.
14.Yellow Dye (In: Medium Clay Jar, No Fail Combine, Jar is consumed)
[_] Medium Clay Jar (Pottery Kiln 17)
---[_] Quality Firing Sheet
---[_] Unfired Medium Container (pottery Wheel 36)
------[_] Block of Clay
------[_] Medium Jar Sketch
------[_] Water Flask
[_] Jack-O-Lantern Extract (Alchemy 38)
---[_] Empty Vial (Kanio Paerk, W-POK)
---[_] Jack-O-Lantern Fungus <--- this item changes to get different color dyes
---[_] Water Flask
[_] Resin(2) (Kanio Paerk, W-POK) <--- this quantity might change to get different color dyesBeginning Tailor Test (Tailoring Trophy Quest)
This is the quest you get if you request it at or after 50 skill, but before reaching 100 skill. If you get the quest after 100, 150, 200, etc. you get much toougher quests and ingredients to collect. Of all the beginning tests I believe this one is the toughest to gather materials for. Nothing is particularly hard, it's just annoying to have so much to farm in faraway locations, where most of the other quests might have you farm nothing or a single item. You need vaious ruined to medium quality pelts which I do not save. You need shade silk farmed in Luclin, and I have never seen people sell this in the bazaar. You also need a Raw-Hide Gorget which is farmed in the Desert of Ro, People who sell this in bazaar always ask an outrageous amount for it.
[_] 01. Create 1 Silk Bandage
[_] 02. Create 1 Large Patchwork Pants
[_] 03. Create 1 Tattered Shoulderpads
[_] 04. Create 1 Small Tattered Gloves
[_] 05. Create 1 Leather Padding
[_] 06. Create 1 Raw Silk Robe
[_] 07. Create 1 Shade Silk Mantle
[_] 08. Create 1 Leather Gorget
[_] 09. Create 1 Tailored Large Bag
[_] 10. Create 1 Studded BootsLast edited by Corwinne; 06-16-2012, 12:53 PM.
- Sep 2010
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05. Smithing Skill-Ups
05. Smithing Skill-Ups
Vendors: All materials (except for the ores) are vendor purchased. Each of the NPCs
listed below have all the items you need, except for the smithing hammer which is sold
by several other nearby smithing merchants.
Plane of Knowledge, Eastern Trader Building:
[_] Savet Ironstove (Loc: -103, 300)
Plane of Knowledge, Western Trader Building:
[_] Halena Paerk (Loc: 74, 1372)
[_] Jahzo Hammertail (Loc: 92, 1362)
[_] Zosran Hammertail (Loc: 132, 1428)Template Patterns (used in cultural and making group armor like UF HOT and VOA Tier-1)
You can work only the wrists until hit trivial and then move to the gloves for a few extra points and use the same amount of materials. Or, you can work only the gloves and keep a few stacks less of patterns. Wrist first would mean a few less failures and more money back, gloves only would be simpler. If you still have materials left over you can move up to the hat and even further. Doing this may allow you to use less of the next rank of materials which is usually more expensive. The full progression order is wrist, glove, head, feet, arms, leg, and chest. Inventory space is not a problem with this progression so you can easily keep several pattern types on you.With smithing always work with chain only. Those patterns will stack to much larger amounts. The Plate mold stack to only a few to none. The finished template also stacks to a larger amount with chain.
Alternate Smithing Path
Barbs and Studs is a much simpler and faster recipe. However, it will use higher level ores at lower trivials, resulting in much more expense and running out of valuable ore needed much sooner. Barbs and studs have no resale value to a vendor, but the templates will give you a return of 90% or more. Not every ore type has a recipe for these either. Yet, there still is a place to consider doing these.I did Thalium Barbs from 0 to 62 and then Fulginate Barbs to 112. These ores are cheap and easy to come by in the bazaar. Then I resumed making templates until I hit trivial for Indium Ore at 234. Here I resumed making Tantalum Barbs until trivial at 255. Tantalum Ore is also plentiful and cheap in the bazaar. After this point I resumed the entire rest of the way with templates. I basicly looked for times when I could avoid using expensive and rarer ores by substituting a barbs recipe that used cheap and common ores. I did save some valuable ores for later use. I didn't get any money for the barbs I made, but I believe this was offest (or even less costly) becuase the ores were so cheap. It definitely was faster for the times I could do this.
Recipe: The Barbs recipe is quite simple, combine 1 ore and 1 file (the file is always returned). The Studs recipe is equally as simple, combine 1 ore and 1 smithy hammer (the hammer is always returned).
Barbs and Studs Trivial and Ore Type OrderTrivial XXX = 01. Tin Ore
Trivial XXX = 02. Iron Ore
Trivial XXX = 03. Sivril Ore
Trivial 062 = 04. Thalium Ore
Trivial XXX = 05. Iridium Ore
Trivial 112 = 06. Fulginate Ore
Trivial XXX = 07. Rubicite Ore
Trivial XXX = 08. Indium Ore
Trivial 184 = 09. Rhenium Ore
Trivial XXX = 10. Tungsten Ore
Trivial 222 = 11. Cobalt Ore
Trivial 242 = 12. Titanium Ore
Trivial 255 = 13. Tantalum Ore
Trivial 268 = 14. Vanadium Ore
Trivial 282 = 15. Osmium Ore
Trivial 282 = 16. Paladium OreBeginning Smith Test (Smithing Trophy Quest)
This is the quest you get if you request it at or after 50 skill, but before reaching 100 skill. If you get the quest after 100, 150, 200, etc. you get much tougher quests and ingredients to collect. This task is pretty simple to do, mostly just a lot of running back and forth from the east and west sides of POK. A notable exception will be needing a small amount of acrylia ore, which can usually be found in the bazaar.
[_] 01. Create 2 Steel Boning
[_] 02. Create 2 Bread Tin
[_] 03. Create 2 Skinning Knife
[_] 04. Create 2 Scaler
[_] 05. Create 2 Forged Dagger
[_] 06. Create 2 Froged Pick
[_] 07. Create 2 Smoker
[_] 08. Create 2 Pot
[_] 09. Create 20 Forged Throwing Knifes
[_] 10. Create 2 Bundled Acrylia Arrow ShaftsLast edited by Corwinne; 06-16-2012, 12:56 PM.
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06. EQ Brewing Skill-Up Guide
This is designed with speed in mind. I did not worry as much about
cost, though this is not expensive compared to other tradeskills.
I would guess that the cost for skill to 248 is about 300p and takes
maybe two hours.The rough cost for Kaladim Constitutionals is 1300p for 200
combines. Collecting mushrooms is what takes the most time, 9 of each
kind spawn every 6 minutes 15 seconds. The sub-combines take some time as well,
but you can at least take a mixing bowl and several hundred mats for
celestial essenses with you to the mushroom farm. If you just want
your 300 skill then this is not too terrible. If you want your final
trophy then it will take quite some time. The shrooms
can sometimes be purchased in the bazaar. To combat tedium at the shroom
farm I will often use the downtime to raise neglected casting skills, or
watch a football game and pick shrooms during commercials, or do household
chores, etc. This is a good place to go anytime you expect to be AFK a lot.A simple 4 recipe progression path:
Vegetable Oil (trivial: 102)
Make in Plane of Knowledge eastern trade buildings, all ingredients are
found in this area on vendors.
---[_] 1x Water Flask
---[_] 1x Vegetables (foraged, or mixing bowl, trivial: 15)
------[_] 1x Carrot
------[_] 1x Lettuce
------[_] 1x TurnipFaydwer Shaker (trivial: 188)
Make in Abysmal Sea, all ingredients are on the two vendors nearest to
the brew barrel, fastest if you drop all returns to the ground.
---[_] 1x Cask
---[_] 1x Dwarven Ale
---[_] 1x Elvish Wine
---[_] 1x Gnomish Spirits
---[_] 1x MeadMinotaur Hero Brew (trivial: 248)
Make in Abysmal Sea, all ingredients are on the two vendors nearest to
the brew barrel, fastest if you drop all returns to the ground.
---[_] 1x Cask
---[_] 3x Malt
---[_] 1x Yeast
---[_] 2x Water Flask
---[_] 2x Short BeerKaladim Constitutional (trivial: 335)
New HOT and VOA Recipes:
Any character can pick shrooms and trade them, all other ingredients can
be found in POK, be careful when buying Yarrow as it is expensive and has
a yeild of 6.
---[_] 1x Corking Device (always returned, gnome only tinkering)
---[_] 1x Cork (upstairs southeast trade bldg, stack: 50)
---[_] 1x Bottle (east trade bldg, stack: 20)
---[_] 1x Underfoot Mushroom (ground spawn Kaladim, stack: 50)
---[_] 1x Strange Dark Fungus (ground spawn Kaladim, stack: 50)
---[_] 1x Celestail Essence (mixing bowl, trivial: 15, stack 50, no-fail)
------[_] 1x Celestial Solvent (west trade bldg, stack: 20)
------[_] 1x The Scent of Marr (west trade poison bldg, stack: 20)
---[_] 1x Soda Water (brew barrel, trivial: 58, stack: 20)
------[_] 1x Soda (south trade bldg, stack: 20)
------[_] 1x Water Flask (stack: 20)
---[_] 1x Fermented Yarrow (brew barrel, yield: 6, trivial: 74, stack: 20)
------[_] 1x Yarrow (west trade alchemy bldg, stack: 20)
------[_] 1x Water Flask (stack: 20)I would not recommend doing the juice recipes when you could gain skill from them. The recipes above are just too **** easy and cheap, and the Essences and Dusts are quite valuable and used in many other tradeskills. Make these when your skill is very high for your own use and you will very rarely fail.
Dream Juice (Brewing 135)
---[_] 2x Grapes (brewing vendor)
---[_] 2x Berries (foraged)
---[_] 1x Dream DustAlaran Juice (Brewing 142, 90hp and 90mana)
Note: this is currently the 2nd best drink in the game.
---[_] 2x Grapes (brewing vendor)
---[_] 2x Berries (foraged)
---[_] 1x Essence of AlarisAlaran Medicinal Tonic (Brewing 448, 100hp and 100mana)
Note: this is currently the best drink in the game, and a much more difficult repice.
---[_] 1x Bottle
---[_] 1x Bottle of Milk
---[_] 1x Cork
---[_] 3x Essence of Alaris
---[_] 1x Spices
---[_] 1x Taelosian Tea Leaves
---[_] 1x Water FlaskAlternative Skill Paths and Recipes
AbsinthesCorn Rose are ground spawns in the two Oceangreen Zones. These can be more difficult than the mushrooms in Kaladim because it is a higher level zone and many things will attack you while you search for them. They do not respawn in the exact same places either, but they generally are in the rough same areas. If you are already hunting here for XP then you should pick these all up for sure, if nothing else just to sell to other players. They are also difficult to see. I found they are easier to see from a distance, and turning off flora in video options really helped a lot. Druids and Rangers are left alone by most of the animals here, but not everything.
Rose Absinth (Brewing 300, 2 recipes)
[_] Corn Rose (ground spawn in Oceangreen Hills or Village)
[_] Clear Absinth (Brewing 250)
---[_] Water Flask
---[_] Bottle
---[_] Grande Wormwood (W-POK Johanne O'Danos, 5p)Rose Absinth (Brewing 300, 2 recipes)
[_] Corn Rose (ground spawn in Oceangreen Hills or Village)
[_] Clear Absinthe (Brewing 250)
---[_] Water Flask
---[_] Bottle
---[_] Anise (W-POK Johanne O'Danos, 1p)
---[_] Grande Wormwood (W-POK Johanne O'Danos, 5p)
---[_] Fennel (W-POK Edvard O'Danos, 2p)Chronal Absinthe (Brewing 324, vendor returns 3,2p each)
[_] 2x Chronal Resonance Dust
[_] Clear Absinthe (Brewing 250)
---[_] Water Flask
---[_] Bottle
---[_] Anise (W-POK Johanne O'Danos, 1p)
---[_] Grande Wormwood (W-POK Johanne O'Danos, 5p)
---[_] Fennel (W-POK Edvard O'Danos, 2p)The dusts used in these recipes are also used in many other tradeskills, and therefore are very valuable.
Cosgrove Nostrum (Brewing 462)
[_] Water Flask
[_] Cosgrove Powder
[_] Quinine (Brewing ??)
[_] Soda Water (Brewing ??)
[_] Vodka (Brewing ??)Dreamer's Bliss (Brewing 442)
[_] Allspice
[_] Bottle
[_] Wine Yeast
[_] Grapes
[_] Fruit (foraged, many zones)
[_] Morning Dew (forage in greater and lesser faydark)
[_] 3x Dream DustNighttime Spirits (Brewing 475)
[_] Water Flask
[_] Bottle
[_] Barley
[_] Cork
[_] 2x Dream DustAlaran Nostrum (Brewing 475)
[_] Water Flask
[_] Essence of Alaris
[_] Quinine (Brewing ??)
[_] Soda Water (Brewing ??)
[_] Vodka (Brewing ??)I have never tried doing these recipes. If you spend a good amount of time in LP or Hills of shade with a forager the first two recipes may be worthwhile. If you are working on DON progression or hunting here for XP the next two recipes may be worthwhile.
Ranthock Nostrum (Brewing 268)
[_] Quinine (Brewing ??)
[_] Soda Water (Brewing ??)
[_] Vodka (Brewing ??)
[_] Ranthock Roots (forage loping plains)Shade Fungus Nostrum (Brewing 268)
[_] Quinine (Brewing ??)
[_] Soda Water (Brewing ??)
[_] Vodka (Brewing ??)
[_] Shade Fungus (forage hills of shade)Almondilla (Brewing 268, Yield: 3)
[_] Almonds
[_] Dried Vanilla Beans
[_] Generic Coffee Beans
[_] Steaming Water (forage and drop, stillmoon temple and other zones)Iced Coffee (Brewing 282, Yield: 3)
[_] Air-Infused Spring Water (forage and drop, stillmoon temple and other zones)
[_] Chunk of Ice (forage and drop, stillmoon temple and other zones)
[_] Generic Coffee BeansI have never tried doing these recipes. but I did note that all the fish came from the same zones. It might not be a bad progression path because you could make all 3 recipes from a single fishing trip.
Mossmatt Mead (Brewing 268, Yield: 3)
[_] Cask
[_] Hops
[_] Malt
[_] Yeast
[_] 2x Mossmatt (Fish: Corathus Creep, Ruins of Illsalin, Stoneroot Falls, Undershore)Fish Fungus Wine (Brewing 282, Yield: 3)
[_] Bottle
[_] Cork
[_] Water Flask
[_] Wine Yeast
[_] 2x Fish Fungus (Fishing 68, in Tackle Box)
---[_] Filleting Knife
---[_] Fungus-covered Plecostomus (Fish: Corathus Creep, Ruins of Illsalin, Stoneroot Falls, Undershore)Blindfish Pale Ale (Brewing 295, Yield: 3)
[_] Barley
[_] Cask
[_] Malt
[_] Water Flask
[_] 5x Tiny Blind Cave Fish (Fish: Cor. Creep, Ruins of Illsalin, Stoneroot Falls, Undershore, Verg. Mines)This recipe can be done completely with vendor purchased materials. You will need moderate high skill in jewelcraft and to get gold bars enchanted, but there is no farming required. The cost even seems low for a high level recipe, about 28p to buy materials and vendor will return 2.5 plat.
Brut Champagne (Brewing 335)
[_] Champagne Magnum (Jewelcraft 196)
---[_] Bottle
---[_] Enchanted Gold Bar (10p)
---[_] Opal (17p)
[_] 3x Grapes
[_] Soda Water (Brewing ??)
---[_] Soda
---[_] Water Flask
[_] Wine YeastShreddergut Booze (Brewing 335, POK tradeskill mercenary quest, lore/no-trade)
[_] Water Flask
[_] Barley
[_] Bottle
[_] Cork
[_] Liquid Nightmare (drop in HOT zones)Last edited by Corwinne; 06-16-2012, 01:03 PM.
- Sep 2010
- 32
07. EQ Baking Skill-Up Guide
07. EQ Baking Skill-Up Guide
There are two paths you can take to get to 191 skill. I used to recommend going the crab/tuna path the entire way, but I now would do it a different way. The 3 recipes below all are very simple, and easy and cheap to acquire ingredients. Just make these only until you get 191 skill. Even though failures will be high for long periods the low cost and easy availability of materials more than makes up for it.Meats are the one ingredient you need to collect in every recipe. You get these by hunting and looting, foraging, or fishing usually. It is pretty rare to need drops for other parts of recipes. Eggs can be an exception. Meats are usually prepared in some way, then combined with various other (mostly vendor sold) ingredients. You will want to carry a portable spit, a mixing bowl, and your trophy with you while you are skilling up baking. The portable spit won't be large enough for some recipes and you will need to find a stationary oven.
01. Fish Rolls (oven/spit, triv: 135)
[_] 1x Fresh Fish (w-pok)
[_] 1x Bat Wings (w-pok)02. Filleted Bear (oven/spit, triv: 143)
[_] 1x Bear Meat (e-pok)
[_] 1x Filleting knife (smithing, always returned)03. Patty Melt (oven/spit, triv: 191)
[_] 1x Non-stick Frying Pan (smith, always returned)
[_] 1x Cheese (abysmal sea)
[_] 1x Bear Meat (e-pok)
[_] 1x Loaf of Bread (e-pok)From this point for a short while I do recommend using crab/tuna recipes. There are other routes you could take if you search for them. The goal will be to get at least 230+ skill, and hopefully up to 240 to 250. You can take it higher if you wish. After the recipes below is a brief overview of the crab/tuna process.
Hint:Anytime you see a recipe with the words "roll, melt, sandwich" in the name you know it's going to be about the simplest recipe you can find- you combine your meats with batwings or bread, and adding cheese for melts.
04. Beer-Battered Tuna/Crab Rolls (oven/spit, triv: 207)
[_] 1x Beer-Battered Tuna/Crab Meat
[_] 1x Batwing (w-pok)05. Beer-Battered Crab Cakes (oven/spit, triv: 222)
[_] 1x Beer-Battered Crab/Tuna Meat (trivial: 87, mixing bowl)
---[_] 1x Crab/Tuna Meat (trivial: 39, mixing bowl)
------[_] 1x 1 lb. Saltwater Crab/Tuna (mixing bowl breaks down larger fish)
---[_] 1x Beer-Based Batter (trivial: 95, brewing)
------[_] 1x Cup of Flour
------[_] 1x Cup of Sugar
------[_] 1x Ground Pepper (abysmal sea)
------[_] 1x Red Wine
------[_] 1x Short Beer (abysmal sea)
------[_] 1x Vinegar
[_] 1x Clump of Dough (trivial: 17, mixing bowl, yeild: varies)
---[_] 1x Bottle of Milk
---[_] 1x Cup of Flour
---[_] 1x Egg (16 different kinds, each yeilds different amounts)
[_] 1x Cup of Sugar
[_] 2x Egg Batter (trivial: 17, mixing bowl, yeild: varies)
---[_] 1x Bottle of Milk
---[_] 1x Egg (16 different kinds, each yeilds different amounts)
[_] 1x Vegetables (foraged, or mixing bowl, no-fail, triv: 15)
---[_] 1x Carrot
---[_] 1x Lettuce
---[_] 1x Turnip06. Beer-Battered Crab/Tuna Pie (trivial: 236, oven/spit)
[_] 1x Bottle of Milk
[_] 1x Cup of Flour
[_] 1x Cup of Sugar
[_] 1x Vegetables (trivial: 15, no-fail, mixing bowl)
---[_] 1x Carrot
---[_] 1x Lettuce
---[_] 1x Turnip
[_] 2x Egg Batter (trivial: 17, mixing bowl, yeild: varies)
---[_] 1x Bottle of Milk
---[_] 1x Egg (16 different kinds, each yeilds different amounts)
[_] 1x Beer-Battered Crab/Tuna Meat (trivial: 87, mixing bowl)
---[_] 1x Crab/Tuna Meat (trivial: 39, mixing bowl)
------[_] 1x 1 lb. Saltwater Crab/Tuna (mixing bowl breaks down larger fish)
---[_] 1x Beer-Based Batter (trivial: 95, brewing)
------[_] 1x Cup of Flour
------[_] 1x Cup of Sugar
------[_] 1x Ground Pepper (abysmal sea)
------[_] 1x Red Wine
------[_] 1x Short Beer (abysmal sea)
------[_] 1x Vinegar07. Beer-Battered Crab/Tuna Souffle (trivial: 252, oven/spit)
[_] 1x Vegetables (trivial: 15, no-fail, mixing bowl)
---[_] 1x Carrot
---[_] 1x Lettuce
---[_] 1x Turnip
[_] 1x Clump of Dough (trivial: 17, mixing bowl, yeild: varies)
---[_] 1x Bottle of Milk
---[_] 1x Cup of Flour
---[_] 1x Egg (16 different kinds, each yeilds different amounts)
[_] 2x Egg Batter (trivial: 17, mixing bowl, yeild: varies)
---[_] 1x Bottle of Milk
---[_] 1x Egg (16 different kinds, each yeilds different amounts)
[_] 1x Beer-Battered Crab/Tuna Meat (trivial: 87, mixing bowl)
---[_] 1x Crab/Tuna Meat (trivial: 39, mixing bowl)
------[_] 1x 1 lb. Saltwater Crab/Tuna (mixing bowl breaks down larger fish)
---[_] 1x Beer-Based Batter (trivial: 95, brewing)
------[_] 1x Cup of Flour
------[_] 1x Cup of Sugar
------[_] 1x Ground Pepper (abysmal sea)
------[_] 1x Red Wine
------[_] 1x Short Beer (abysmal sea)
------[_] 1x VinegarThe crab/tuna recipes look complicated but they are not really that hard. There are a larger amount of subcomines, but the ease with which you collect meats will offset this. You fish for these in Abysmal Sea or Natimbi. You will catch large amounts of Crab and Tuna which each weigh various amounts. As your fishing skill improves you will catch more of the larger sized fish. Two things make this really nice. First, a 13 pound fish will yeild 13 raw meats when you combine it in a mixing bowl. And second, the crab and tuna meats are equally exchangable in every recipe. It does not take a long time fishing to collect enormous amounts of meat. To make it simpler I often will spend a few more minutes fishing to keep a single type of meat (crab OR tuna) using one kind and throwing away the other.
Raw fish is combined in a mixing bowl to yeild varying quantities of raw meat. The Raw meats are combined once more in a mixing bowl to get crab/tuna meat. This meat is now prepared using one of several types of sauces, again combining the meat and sauce in a micing bowl. You now have the final meat you will use in every recipe.
The sauce you make is up to you. My recipes list "beer-batter" and this is not a tough sauce to make. However, I would recommend "barbeque sauce" as the easiest to make. You can substitute barbeque sauce equally in every recipe. And once you decide on a sauce use only that type in every single crab/tuna recipe. This same rule will hold true through the high trivial "minotaur meat" and "brell's bounty" recipes. When searching for the recipe path always look for only the "barbequed" foods. It might be worth noting that trivials might be slightly lower with barbeque sauce as it is an easier sauce to make. Another advatage to sticking with a single sauce type is that you can make vast quantities of only this sauce ahead of time, knowing that you will use them all.
Hint:I used to recommend to skill up your fishing collecting the crab and tunas. But I now say fish for what you need only to get the required amount of skill and go elsewhere. There are other extremely valuable things to fish for in other places that are much more worth your time spent. This is discussed in more detail below.
Below is the trivial list. Substitute the sauce of your choice (there are more than just barbeque and beer-batter). The final 3 recipes add the need for eggs. It probably worth it to plan ahead which ones you will do (you can skip some) and where you will stop. For instance, you will want to do the rolls because it is just too simple, which means you could easily skip the recipes just before and after it if you wanted to.
[_] 016 Trivial: 1 lb. Saltwater Crab/Tuna Meat
[_] 039 Trivial: Crab/Tuna Meat
[_] 087 Trivial: Beer-Battered Crab/Tuna Meat
[_] 132 Trivial: Beer-Battered Crab/Tuna Sandwich
[_] 147 Trivial: Beer-Battered Crab/Tuna Stew
[_] 162 Trivial: Beer-Battered Crab/Tuna Soup
[_] 176 Trivial: Beer-Battered Crab/Tuna Steaks
[_] 192 Trivial: Beer-Battered Crab/Tuna Appetizers
[_] 207 Trivial: Beer-Battered Crab/Tuna Rolls
[_] 222 Trivial: Beer-Battered Crab/Tuna Cakes
[_] 236 Trivial: Beer-Battered Crab/Tuna Pie (recipe below)
[_] 252 Trivial: Beer-Battered Crab/Tuna Souffle (recipe below)The last three recipes (cake, pie, souffle) all add the need for eggs making it a bit more complicated. But, you will need to do something to get closer to 240-250 skill range. I do recommend doing these for a while at least. You are already collecting meats and making sauces. It won't be terrible to get more points here.
Hint:Eggs are not as hard to collect as you may think. Certain animals drop these very often. They can be foraged in many zones with decent high yeilds. Butcherblock, commonlands, and Rathe Mountains come to mind as good places, although there are many more. If you watch bazaar regularly before you actually need them you will very often see great deals. Many people severely overprice eggs so dont get caught NEEDING eggs and paying way too much. You should also realize that eggs will yeild various larger quantities of finished materials. The rarer the egg is the more you get out of them. So, although you will need large amounts of eggs it will not be nearly as many as you think.
From this point on (Crab/Tuna Omelet, 255 trivial) to (Deluxe Crab/Tuna Omelet, 282 trivial) the recipes use Coarse Salt (tradeable, stack: 100). This item is foraged in Broodlands, Lavaspinner's Lair, and Thundercrest Isles. It is also dropped by monsters in Broodlands, Lavaspinner's Lair, Stillmoon Temple, Thundercrest Isles, and Tirranun's Delve. Since it is tradeable you "might" find it in the bazaar. I chose not to do these.
High Level Baking
Once your skill reaches about 240ish+ we move on to the high level baking recipes. Further down I will list all the high level meats and how to acquire them. This has become extremely easy with the last 2 expansions. All of these can be used to first get your skill to 300, and then to get your level 7 trophy.These next two recipes are notable. Brell's Bounty is a high level ingredient that can be used now to get a lower skill of 264. Normally I would say to not use your brells until you hit 300 skill but materials are so much easier to acquire now than just 2 expansions ago. I did make these sandwiches. The minotaur meats is going the be the best recipe you can use to get to 300. All the other materials have much higher trivials which means they are better used after 300. Your skill will be higher, meaning you fail less, meaning your trophy evolves faster. I doubt it will be possible for anyone to collect so much minotaur meat to use it only. But always do your best to use as much as you can first, before hitting 300. Watch the bazaar or group up with a headshotting ranger in DSH.
08. Beer-battered Brell's Bounty Sandwich (trivial: 264, oven/spit)
tip:Using barbecue sauce instead will give you a 254 trivial recipe.
[_] 1x Loaf of Bread
[_] 1x Beer-battered Brell's Bounty (trivial: 168, mixing bowl)
---[_] 1x Prepared Brell's Bounty (trivial: 68, mixing bowl)
------[_] 1x Brell's Bounty
------[_] 1x Water Flask
---[_] 1x Beer-Based Batter (trivial: 95, brewing)
------[_] 1x Cup of Flour
------[_] 1x Cup of Sugar
------[_] 1x Ground Pepper
------[_] 1x Red Wine (abysmal sea)
------[_] 1x Short Beer (abysmal sea)
------[_] 1x Vinegar09. Barbequed Minotaur Meat Steaks (trivial: 323, oven/spit)
[_] 1x Jug of Sauces (abysmal sea or pok)
[_] 1x Spices (abysmal sea or pok)
[_] 1x Barbequed Minotaur Meat (trivial: 152, mixing bowl)
---[_] 1x Minotaur Meat
---[_] 1x Barbecue Sauce (trivial: 84, brewing)
------[_] 1x Cup of Sugar
------[_] 1x Ground Pepper
------[_] 1x Red Wine (abysmal sea)
------[_] 1x VinegarThis is what you use the remainder of your Brell's Bounty on.
10. Grilled Stuffed Brell's Bounty (trivial: 402, oven/spit)
[_] 1x Cheese (abysmal Sea)
[_] 1x Ground Pepper (abysmal sea)
[_] 1x Hot Red Pepper (abysmal sea)
[_] 1x Onion (abysmal sea)
[_] 1x Vinegar (abysmal sea)
[_] 1x Prepared Brell's Bounty (mixing bowl, trivial: 68, no-fail)
---[_] 1x Water Flask
---[_] 1x Brell's BountyThese next 2 recipes are new to the HOT expansion. There are many more recipes you could do but I have found that these are the simplest to make with the materials you will collect.
11. Dreamburger Paradise Recipe (trivial: 415, oven/spit)
[_] 1x Cheese (abysmal sea)
[_] 1x Loaf of Bread (abysmal sea or POK)
[_] 1x Onion (abysmal sea)
[_] 1x Prepared Dream Meat (trivial: 82, mixing bowl, no-fail)
---[_] 1x Dream Meat
---[_] 1x Water Flask
[_] 1x Tomato (abysmal sea or POK)12. Baked Etherfish (trivial: 408)
[_] 1x Etherfish (HOT fishing)
[_] 1x Ground Pepper (abysmal sea)
[_] 1x Lemon
[_] 1x Rock Salt
[_] 1x White Wine
[_] 1x Vegetables (Mixing Bowl, Trivial: 15 No-Fail, or foraged)
---[_] 1x Carrot
---[_] 1x Lettuce
---[_] 1x TurnipThese next 3 recipes are new to the VOA expansion. There are many more recipes you could do but I have found that these are the simplest to make with the materials you will collect. Some also are the best foods currently in game for certain stats.The Raxil Fish is collected in much larger quantities than Oseka's Bounty. The Oseka recipe uses 1 of each fish in the recipe, leaving you with much larger amounts of Raxil Fish left over. So, you should be doing both recipes.
13. Broiled Raxil Fish (Baking Oven 415)
[_] Allspice (POK- Edvard/Severg O`Danos)
[_] Butter (Mixing Bowl 54)
---[_] Bottle of Milk
---[_] Dairy Spoon (always returned)
---[_] Rennet (Amile Pitt- South POK)
[_] Cup of Flour
[_] Lemon (Abysmal Sea, cr. Reach- Cook Kosey)
[_] Raxil Fish (fished in VOA)14. Oseka's Bounty (Baking Oven 428)
This is currently the best mana food in the game (150mana)
[_] Ground Pepper (Abysmal Sea, cr. Reach- Cook Kosey)
[_] Noodles (Baking Oven 31)
---[_] Cup of Flour
---[_] Egg
---[_] Water Flask
[_] Oseka's Messenger (fished in VOA)
[_] Raxil Fish (fished in VOA)
[_] Rock Salt (Plane of Knowledge, Eric Rasumus @ -320, 731, -94)
[_] Vinegar15. Argath Goral Meat Pies (Baking Oven 415)
This is currently the best HP food in the game (150hp)
[_] Cheese (abys+CR)
[_] Ground Pepper (abys+CR)
[_] Sweet Green Pepper (abys+CR)
[_] Onion (abys+CR)
[_] Rock Salt
[_] Jug of Sauces
[_] Prepared Al-Metes (mixing bowl, no-fail)
---[_] Al-Metes
---[_] Water Flask
[_] Pastry Dough (Baking Mixing Bowl 22)
---[_] Cup of Flour
---[_] Butter (Mixing Bowl 54)
------[_] Bottle of Milk
------[_] Dairy Spoon (always returned)
------[_] Rennet (Amile Pitt- South POK )
---[_] Egg Batter (Baking Mixing Bowl 17)
------[_] Bottle of Milk
------[_] EggObtaining Materials
You will want the following meats for use in your high level recipes. Farm these, ask your friend to save them for you, and buy in the bazaar when the price is right. Fishing has become an extremely viable path to collect materials in the last two expansions. I know it can be tough for many to fish for long periods. If your skill is not maxed you really should spend time in VOA fishing until it is. You can sell all the materials for very good money to players who do not want to farm their own if you wished to. The VOA finished foods also sell well.[_] Minotaur Meat. These are dropped from Minotaurs in Dragonscale Hills in somewhat decent quantities. You can find them in Loping Plains too but minotaurs aren't as concentrated in just a couple areas. The bazaar often has good prices. I would usually buy at 25p and less. You really do want as many of these as you can get until you hit 300 skill. Or find different recipes with trivials up to and just slightly over 300.
[_] Brell's Bounty. These can be obtained as ground spawns in Brell's Rest and Cooling Chamber, they can be foraged at Brell's Rest and Pellucid Grotto, and they are dropped by monsters in all Underfoot zones. They are
tradeable and stack to 100, but once you prepare them the stack size is only 20.They way I collected large amounts of these is by picking up grounds spawns in Brell's rest. There are 25 locations that do not change. You will remember locations quickly. They respawn every 70-71 minutes, so note the time on the clock when you pick up the first one. In the past there was a lot of people looking for these so being there exactly 70 minutes later ready and waiting meant you usually got the next 25 also, and your competition went away frustrated. I don't believe many people farm these today. As a druid I set my secondary bind location to this zone, so I was always able to get back here fast. All 25 can be picked up in under 5 minutes. Only the plants here would attack me. Invisibility got past them with no problems.
[_] Dream Meat. These are foraged and looted in any zone in the HOT expansion.
[_] Etherfish. These are fished in any HOT zone that has water. The easiest place is in the new Feerrott near the house zone, just across the river close to the back wall near the spell vendors. If you see other people hunting in the area it can help to keep an invis up in case they create trains. You can fish while invisable. you will catch Night Sharks in about equal numbers, and they can be used in other HOT recipes. I found it not worth keeping these, instead just make your baked etherfish which is a simpler recipe.
[_] Al-Metes. These are foraged and looted in any zone in the VOA expansion.
[_] Oseka's Bounty. VOA fishing yeilds an even larger number of usuable materials than HOT did, making this the best place to fish. If you are not max 200 fishing yet you should be doing this for sure. Grab a few bags of fishing bait, and sevaral fishing poles, and just fishing in any water in the upper part of Argath, where you are not in danger of getting any aggro. I did test yeilds in several area and zones of VOA and did not find one place to be better than another, although I have not tried a T4 zone yet.
[_] Raxil Fish. Different from HOT fishing, this fish is caught in much larger quantities, and can be used in a separate simple recipe to gain skill. This makes VOA the best place of all to be if you do fish.
Last edited by Aanuvane; 09-09-2014, 07:45 PM.
- Sep 2010
- 32
08. Jewelcrafting Guide
08. Jewelcrafting Guide
Original Skill Path
The first time I did Jewelcrafting I chose this route over the others for its' simplicity. Just 1 gem and 1 metal is all you ever need for any combine. I thought Jewelcraft was going to be expensive no matter what so I figured why also make it complicated. Do not enchant your metal bars as it will not yield a higher skill rate or more return money from the vendor. Two people have not told me that these combines no longer work with enchanted metals anyway.Alternate JC Skill Path
When I did Jewelcraft on a 2nd character I decided to try a different path. It turns out these are nearly as simple, and even cheaper than the first route.These recipes are for Cut Gems only. You will recieve about the same 90% back from the vendor for successes from vendor purchased gem recipes. Vendors will not pay you anything for recipes that use uncut gems or raw nihilites. Just like with the above progression you will not and cannot do every recipe here. Some gems are too rare, too expensive, or just too difficult to farm or collect. There are many good recipes here that you should do so you will probably want to scan both progression types to determine which parts of each are best for you. The list below omits duplicate gem types when the trivial is over 300, keeping only the lowest trivial of each.
1 Gem + 1 Cut tool.
Later recipes add a Jeweler's Glass to the recipe. Both the Cut Tool and Jewelers Glass are always returned.Jewelers Glass (JC 20, no-trade, only need 1)
[_] Jewelers Glass Lens (JC 50)
---[_] 3x Grinding Powder (POT bank vendor)
---[_] Glass Disk (JC 30, high failure rate)
------[_] Fine Sand (POT bank vendor)
------[_] Gnomish Heat Source (POK research vendor Eric)
[_] Jewelers Glass Cup (JC 30)
---[_] Silver Bar (JC vendors)
---[_] Gnomish Heat Source (POK research vendor Eric)Cut Tools (JC no-fail combines)
Start with 1 vendor purchased Square Cut Tool and combine it alone. Then combine the result alone again. Continue doing this until you get the Cut Tool that you want. You can buy just one Square Cut Tool and continue to change it into the type you need next. Or, you can buy 7 and change them into each of the possible types so you have any/all of them ready for use. Buy 14 and make 2 of each, then auto-inventory will always stack them in the same place. Follow the Cut Tool progression list below.
[01] Square Cut Tool
[02] Round Cut Tool
[03] Oval Cut Tool
[04] Half Moon Cut Tool
[05] Trillion Cut Tool
[06] Pear Cut Tool
[07] Marquise Cut Tool
[08] Solo Setting Tool
[09] Duo Setting Tool
[10] Trio Setting Tool
[01] Square Cut Tool (cycles back to start)Raw Nihilite Gems.
An NPC in Abysmal Sea will take raw gems and convert them to normal. He gave me 2 gems for every one I gave him making this very worthwhile. It looked like you could do another quest to get a combine container to convert these gems, and that may allow you to get 3 for 1 on raw gems. I didn't do this, instead just handed in gems for the 2 for 1 deal. This works for all 4 types of raw nihilite gems.
[_] Raw Crimson Nihilite
[_] Raw Indigo Nihilite
[_] Raw Amber Nihilite
[_] Raw Shimmering NihiliteCut Gem Progression Table
(copy/paste this table to notepad.txt file for proper formatting and printing, this message board will not allow me to insert 2 images into the same post)
| Triv | Cut and Gem Type | Buy | Sell |
| 60 | Round Cut Malachite | 5 silv | 5 silv |
| 64 | Round Cut Lapis Lazuli | 1 gold | 1 gold |
| 68 | Round Cut Turquoise | 1 gold | 1 gold |
| 72 | Round Cut Hematite | 1 gold | 1 gold |
| 75 | Round Cut Cat's Eye Agate | 2 gold | 2 gold |
| 79 | Round Cut Onyx | 7 gold | 6 gold |
| 83 | Round Cut Jasper | 8 gold | 7 gold |
| 87 | Round Cut Carnelian | 9 gold | 8 gold |
| 91 | Round Cut Star Rose Quartz | 1 plat | 1 plat |
| 95 | Round Cut Wolf's Eye Agate | 3 plat | 3 plat |
| 98 | Round Cut Jade | 4 plat | 3 plat |
| 106 | Round Cut Peridot | 10 plat | 10 plat |
| 110 | Round Cut Emerald *1 | 14 plat | 10 plat |
| 114 | Round Cut Opal *1 | 18 plat | 10 plat |
| 174 | Trilion Cut Bloodstone *3 *2 | 5 gold | 5 gold |
| 178 | Trilion Cut Amber *2 | 3 plat | 2 plat |
| 182 | Trilion Cut Topaz *2 | 5 plat | 5 plat |
| 186 | Oval Cut Fire Opal | 41 plat | 39 plat |
| 188 | Pear Cut Star Ruby | 68 plat | ??? plat |
| 192 | Oval Cut Fire Emerald | 89 plat | 81 plat |
| 196 | Trilion Cut Sapphire | 104 plat | 95 plat |
| 200 | Square Cut Ruby | 131 plat | 119 plat |
| 218 | Oval Cut Demantoid | --- | 0 plat |
| 234 | Trilion Cut Amethyst | --- | 0 plat |
| 234 | Marquise Cut Crimson Nihilite *4 | --- | 0 plat |
| 235 | Marquise Cut Alexandrite | --- | 0 plat |
| 252 | Half-Moon Cut Goshenite | --- | 0 plat |
| 259 | Marquise Cut Indigo Nihilite *4 | --- | 0 plat |
| 267 | Trilion Cut Combine Star | --- | 0 plat |
| 270 | Round Cut Morganite | --- | 0 plat |
| 282 | Trilion Cut Staurolite | --- | 286 plat |
| 284 | Half-Moon Cut Staurolite | --- | 286 plat |
| 284 | Marquise Cut Amber Nihilite *4 | --- | 0 plat |
| 287 | Oval Cut Staurolite | --- | 286 plat |
| 287 | Round Cut Jacinth | --- | 0 plat |
| 290 | Pear Cut Staurolite | --- | 286 plat |
| 292 | Marquise Cut Staurolite | --- | 286 plat |
| 295 | Round Cut Staurolite | --- | 286 plat |
| 300 | Square Cut Black Sapphire | --- | 0 plat |
| 304 | Pear Cut Rubellite | --- | 0 plat |
| 310 | Trilion Cut Shimmering Nihilite *4 | --- | 0 plat |
| 346 | Square Cut Prestidigitase | --- | 114 plat |
| 412 | Square Cut Harmonagate | --- | 571 plat |
| 412 | Square Cut Taaffeite | --- | 571 plat |
| 412 | Square Cut Miragestone | --- | 1 plat |
| 422 | Square Cut Alaris Gemstone | --- | 1 plat |
| 434 | Square Cut Underfoot Diamond | --- | 1 plat |
*1 Vendor stops paying increasing amounts for buyback, skip these.
*2 Vendor cost just went way down, making these "must-do" recipes.
*3 Start adding jeweler glass to each recipe from this point on.
*4 raw nihilite gems- turnin at Abysmal Sea.Dwerium Practice Jewelery (Raw Faycite Crystals)
It turns out that this recipe can have a higher than normal return rate from vendors, if you can keep your failures to a minimum. By saving these until you are high 200's to 300 skill this shouldn't be a problem.
[_] Mold (41p at E-POK, returned for success and lost with failure)
---Earring mold (295 trivial)Pendant Mold (306 trivial)
300+ gems (10 total)
[_] Solo Setting Tool (always returned)
[_] Dwerium Bar (triv 100 in JC bag)
---[_] Gmomish Heat Source (1p at Eric Rasumus S-POK)
---[_] Platinum Bar (104p at N-POK/E-POK)
---[_] Raw Faycite Crystal[_] taaffeite
[_] harmonagate
[_] prestidigitase
[_] miragestone
[_] uncut rubellite
[_] raw shimmering nihilite
[_] alaris gemstone
[_] underfoot diamond
[_] raw faycite crystal
[_] blue diamond (combined with velium bar)Creating Usuable JC Items
I plan to add a section here someday on creating worthwhile items that players will want to use and equip.Beginning Jeweler Test (Jewelcraft Trophy Quest)
This is the quest you get if you request it at or after 50 skill, but before reaching 100 skill. If you get the quest after 100, 150, 200, etc. you get much tougher quests and ingredients to collect. This task is very easy to complete. It can all be done in the room with JC vendors on the north side of POK. You will already know all the recipes, just do a combine container search for "Silver". You will need at least 1 Black Pearl which can be found on vendors where players have sold them to that vendor. Scanning a few of the popular vendors in POK will usually yield a few. If you know a player who has the veteran reward merchant it will have 100 black pearls for sale on it. You will also need a couple Wolf's Eye gems, these are sold on JC vendors in most starting cities.
[_] 01. Create 2 Silver Rose Engagement Ring
[_] 02. Create 2 Silver Amber Ring
[_] 03. Create 2 Silver Worf's Eye Necklace
[_] 04. Create 2 Jaded Silver Ring
[_] 05. Create 2 Silvered Pearl Ring
[_] 06. Create 2 Topaz Silver Necklace
[_] 07. Create 2 Silvered Peridot Ring
[_] 08. Create 2 Silver Emerald Ring
[_] 09. Create 2 Silver Opal Engagment Ring
[_] 10. Create 1 Blackened Pearl Silver RingLast edited by Corwinne; 07-05-2012, 04:57 PM.
- Sep 2010
- 32
09. Pottery
09. Pottery
==============================The first 3 recipes get you to 148 skill very easy and fast. It will be even faster to just drop all your successes straight to the ground. They don't stack, dont vendor back for much, and firing them costs more money and a whole lot more time.
01. Unfired Medium Container (Pottery Wheel, trivial: 36)
02. Unfired Medium Bowl (Pottery Wheel, trivial: 122)
03. Unfired Large Bowl (Pottery Wheel, trivial: 148)
[_] 1x Glass Shard (POK)
[_] 1x Large Block of Clay (POK)
[_] 1x Large Bowl Sketch (POK)
[_] 1x Water FlaskAt this point there are a great many variations you could choose if you wanted to. This is my path and recipes. Of what recipes I could find this wasn't a bad route. The materials weren't hard for me to get. What materials are easy for you to acquire might change your path.
04. Unfired Sealed Poison Vial (Pottery Wheel, trivial: 188)
[_] 1x Crows Special Brew
Abysmal Sea: Malkidiv U`Ycionuz @ -247, 212, 98, in the hold
Abysmal Sea: Hiloan O`Yviania @ -243, 235, 98
North Qeynos: Crow @ 91, 358, 3, Inside Crow's Pub & Casino
[_] 1x Sealed Vial Sketch
PoK: Elisha Dirtyshoes @ 394, 945, -91, Northern trader building
PoK: Dalin Greskar @ -30, 325, -128, Eastern trader building
[_] 1x Small Block of Clay
[_] 1x Water Flask05. Unfired Casserole Dish (Pottery Wheel, trivial: 199)
[_] 1x Casserole Dish Sketch
[_] 1x Large Block of Clay
[_] 1x Water Flask
[_] 1x Ceramic Lining (Kiln, trivial: 17)
---[_] 1x Quality Firing Sheet
---[_] 1x Unfired Ceramic Lining (Pottery Wheel, trivial: 36)
------[_] 1x Ceramic Lining Sketch
------[_] 1x Small Block of Clay
------[_] 1x Water Flask06. Unfired Planar Stein (Pottery Wheel, trivial: 216)
[_] 1x Block of Tanaan Clay
PoK: Tallis Paerk @ 74, 1389, -110, Western trader building
[_] 1x Ceramic Lining Sketch (POK)
[_] 1x Sculpting Tools (always returned)
PoK: Elisha Dirtyshoes @ 394, 945, -91, Northern trader building
PoK: Dalin Greskar @ -30, 325, -128, Eastern trader building
[_] 1x Tainted Planar Essence
[_] 1x Water FlaskHere are several possible skill paths to finish with after getting 216 skill.
Cultural Weapon MoldsThis seems like a nice set of progression skillup recipes, however it will not take you to 300. Still it does fill in that missing gap of 216 to mid-high 200's that I needed. Immaculate and higher silks are still fairly expensive and desired in many other tradeskills. So, I would recommend the Elaborate to Inured recipes here. The Flawless and Exquisite silks are fairly easy to acquire and cheap to buy in the bazaar if you watch for good deals. Even Immaxulate has dropped in price lately and is available in bazaar in large quantities, making this worth considering now. If you wish to fire your products do so with a HQ Firing Sheet (trivial 17).
Unfired XXXXXX Hilt Casting Mold (Pottery Wheel)
Cultural Armor Symbols and Soloist Seals
[_] Large Block of Clay (N-POK)
[_] Hilt Casting Mold Sketch (E-POK)
[_] Silk- pick one from list
---[_] Crude Silk (trivial 104)
---[_] Fine Silk (trivial 172)
---[_] Superb Silk (trivial 222)
---[_] Flawless Silk (trivial 242)
---[_] Exquisite Silk (trivial 255)
---[_] Immaculate Silk (trivial 268)
---[_] Fantastic Silk (trivial 282)
---[_] Exotic Silk (trivial 282-?)I did not look up any of these recipes. It would follow roughly the same skill progression as above in the Weapon Molds section, except use Spinnerets, Marrows, and/or Loams instead. If you want to do these pick one type (symbols or seals) and look up only those recipes on See the cultural chart in the Reference Chapter at the end of this guide for cultural material progression order. There will be recipes in the 200's to above 300 range.
OrnamentationsI was only able to find high level ornamentation recipes. There were many in each category below. So what I listed here was the lowest trivial recipe from each expansion that was just over 300 trivial, and a recipe that used only 1 clay (most used 2 or 3 clays). If you wish to fire the finished product just add a HQ Firing Sheet in a kiln (trivial 17). Obviously, these recipes are only for the final push to 300 and getting your level 7 trophy. These were all pretty darn cheap to make, but also yeild very small vendor returns. the only real expense is what you pay to obtain you dusts, or what you value your dusts at.
Underfoot Recipe[_] Unfired Ceramic Fist Ornament Mold (Pottery Wheel 302)
House of Thule Recipe
---[_] 1x Ceramic Fist Ornament Mold Sketch (Useful Automated Vendor in Brell's Rest, cost?)
---[_] 1x Cosgrove Infused Clay (Pottery Wheel 95)
------[_] Cosgrove Powder
------[_] Water Flask
------[_] Large Block of Magic Clay
---------[_] Large Block of Clay
---------[_] Spell: Enchant Clay[_] Unfired Obsidian Scale Skean Ornament (Pottery Wheel 308)
Veil of Alaris Recipe
---[_] Hematite (W-POK 1.5gold)
---[_] Obsidian Scale Skean Ornament Sketch (feerrott2 vendor, cost?)
---[_] Dream Infused Clay (Pottery Wheel 102)
------[_] Dream Dust
------[_] Water Flask
------[_] Large Block of Magic Clay
---------[_] Large Block of Clay
---------[_] Spell: Enchant Clay[_] Unfired Planar Scorched Dueling Blade Ornament (Pottery Wheel 308)
Cultural Charms
------Notes: You can purchase and scribe Relic Replica Weapon Ornament Sketches
------in order to learn this recipe without experimenting.
---[_] 1x Hematite (W-POK 1.5gold)
---[_] 1x Planar Scorched Dueling Blade Ornament Sketch (Potter Yogen in Argath, cost?)
---[_] 1x Alaris Infused Clay (Pottery Wheel 102)
------[_] Essence of Alaris
------[_] Water Flask
------[_] Large Block of Magic Clay
---------[_] Large Block of Clay
---------[_] Spell: Enchant ClayThere are more recipes than just these two. If you wish to follow this skillup path you can find earlier recipes with lower trivials. There is no point to making any higher level recipes past the Intricate for skillups, as it is enough to max out your trophy. The Hemic Marrow is very easy to come by. Further recipes would require another different quest, and more expensive materials. And of course, you will need to substitute a recipe that matches your race, and do the quest for patterns from the NPC in your race's hometown. One quest will yeild 200 charm patterns. It turned out that the quest for intricate charms was somewhat of a pain to complete, not difficult but just extremely time consuming. I did not want to do the quest a 2nd time.
Ornate Charm of Derived Adaptation (Pottery Kiln 222)
Notes: You may need to purchase and scribe 'Ornate Charms' in order to perform this combine.
[_] Fair Rilsteel
[_] Symbol of Derived Unity
[_] Damp Marrow
[_] Unfired Ornate Charm Recipe (Pottery Wheel 111)
---[_] Water Flask
---[_] Small Block of Magic Clay
---[_] Ornate Charm Pattern (cultural quest NPC)
[_] Fair Rilsteel
[_] Symbol of Derived Unity
[_] Malleable Loam
[_] Unfired Ornate Charm Recipe (Pottery Wheel 111)
---[_] Water Flask
---[_] Small Block of Magic Clay
---[_] Ornate Charm Pattern (cultural quest NPC)Ornate Charm Pattern
[_] Book Binding (combine container, No Fail Combine)
[_] Compacted Backpack
[_] Large Bottle of Ink
[_] Quill
[_] Roll of Good Quality Vellum
[_] Revered Book of Half Elven Culture (quest reward, returned for 10 combines)Intricate Charm of Derived Adaptation (Pottery Kiln 304)
Notes: You may need to purchase and scribe 'Intricate Charms' in order to perform this combine.
[_] Malleable Rilsteel
[_] Symbol of Derived Unity
[_] Hemic Marrow
[_] Unfired Intricate Charm (Pottery Wheel 152)
---[_] Water Flask
---[_] Small Block of Magic Clay
---[_] Intricate Charm Pattern (cultural quest NPC)
[_] Fair Rilsteel
[_] Symbol of Derived Unity
[_] Bonded Loam
[_] Unfired Intricate Charm (Pottery Wheel 152)
---[_] Water Flask
---[_] Small Block of Magic Clay
---[_] Intricate Charm Pattern (cultural quest NPC)Intricate Charm Pattern
Power Sources
[_] Book Binding (combine container, No Fail Combine)
[_] Compacted Backpack
[_] Large Bottle of Ink
[_] Quill
[_] Roll of High Quality Vellum
[_] Sacred Book of Half Elven Culture (quest reward, returned for 10 combines)The first time I did pottery I choose from this point on (216 skill ) to follow the power source path. They did get complicated and expensive to make, but I also got a good return from vendors and was able to sell some in the bazaar for even more. Making the most of this skill path will require a "very large" up front expense. Another bonus, there are 2 combines for each that both usually gave me chances for skill-ups. If you do follow this path be sure to note the subcombines in each recipe and try to make (most of) them when they will actually give you skill. In addtition, there is a 3rd subcombine for making clays that will often give a 3rd chance for skillup (210 or 290 trivials). If you choose this skill path you might wish to skip the planar stien recipe, as you can easily get to 210 skill on the subcombine for the copper clays.
09. [210/250] Sealed Murky Energeian Earth Orb (Kiln, Triv:210, yield: 5)
[_] 1x Distilled Essence of Earth (Barren Coast, Merchant Woad, cost: 11p)
[_] 1x Quality Firing Sheet
[_] 1x Unfired Murky Energeian Earth Orb (pottery wheel, triv: 250)
---[_] 1x Distilled Essence of Earth (Barren Coast, Merchant Woad, cost: 11p)
---[_] 1x Murky Energeian Sketch (Barren Coast, Merchant Woad, cost: 14p)
---[_] 1x Vial of Cloudy Mana (enchanter only)
------Peridot (1 or 5) and Poison Vial (1 or 5) (peridot= cost 10p)
---[_] 1x Copper Infused Energeiac Clay (pottery wheel, triv: 210, yield: 5)
------[_] 1x Pure Copper Ingot
------[_] 1x Sunshard Pebble
------[_] 1x Water Flask
------[_] 1x Small Block of Magic Clay (pottery Wheel, triv: 21, yield: 3)
---------[_] 1x Water Flask
---------[_] 1x Block of Magic Clay (pottery Wheel, triv: 21, yield: 2)
------------[_] 1x Water Flask
------------[_] 1x Large Block of Magic Clay (enchanter)
Sealed/Unfired Murky Energeian [Ice/Fire/Air] Orb (250 unfired/210 fired, same as above)
Sealed/Unfired Murky Energeian [Decay/Growth] Orb (263 unfired, 223 fired)
(Replace 2 instances of Distilled Eassences above to get different types)10. [290/330] Sealed Cloudy Energeian Earth Orb (kiln, triv: 290, yield: 4)
Pure Energeian "XXXXX" Orb
[_] 1x Distilled Essence of Earth (Barren Coast, Merchant Woad, cost: 11p)
[_] 1x High Quality Firing Sheet
[_] 1x Unfired Cloudy Energeian Earth Orb (pottery wheel, triv: 330)
---[_] 1x Cloudy Energeian Sketch (Barren Coast, Merchant Woad, cost: 24p)
---[_] 1x Distilled Essence of Earth (Barren Coast, Merchant Woad, cost: 11p)
---[_] 1x Vial of Clear Mana (enchanter only)
------Emerald (1 or 5) and Poison Vial (1 or 5) (emerald= cost 14p)
---[_] 1x Silver Infused Energeiac Clay (pottery wheel, triv: 290, yield: 5)
------[_] 1x Pure Silver Ingot (Barren Coast, Merchant Woad, 458p)
------[_] 1x Sunshard Ore
------[_] 1x Water Flask
------[_] 1x Small Block of Magic Clay (pottery Wheel, triv: 21, yield: 3)
---------[_] 1x Water Flask
---------[_] 1x Block of Magic Clay (pottery Wheel, triv: 21, yield: 2)
------------[_] 1x Water Flask
------------[_] 1x Large Block of Magic Clay (enchanter)
Sealed/Unfired Cloudy Energeian [Fire/Ice] Orb (330 unfired, 290 fired, same as EARTH)
Sealed/Unfired Cloudy Energeian [Decay/Growth] Orb (343 unfired, 303 fired)
Sealed/Unfired Cloudy Energeian [Light/4 Others] Orb (356 unfired, 316 fired)
(Replace 2 instances of Distilled Essences above to get different types)Air (Fired 356, Unfired 423)
Earth (Fired 356, Unfired 423)
Fire (Fired 356, Unfired 423)
Ice (Fired 356, Unfired 423)
Decay (Fired 370, Unfired 436)
Growth (Fired 370, Unfired 436)
Light (Fired 383, Unfired 450)
Disease (Fired 383, Unfired 450)
Poison (Fired 383, Unfired 450)
Shadow (Fired 383, Unfired 450)
Water (Fired 383, Unfired 450)
Death (Fired 396, Unfired 463)
Elemental (Fired 396, Unfired 463)
Ethereal (Fired 396, Unfired 463)
Metal (Fired 396, Unfired 463) use earth + fire essences
Steam (Fired 396, Unfired 463)
Stone (Fired 396, Unfired 463)12. Sealed Pure Energeian Light Orb (kiln, triv: 383, yield: 1)
[_] 1x Distilled Essence of Light (Barren Coast, Merchant Woad, cost: 42p)
[_] 1x High Quality Firing Sheet
[_] 1x Chronal Resonance Dust
[_] 1x Unfired Cloudy Energeian Light Orb (pottery wheel, triv: 450)
---[_] 1x Pure Energeian Sketch (Barren Coast, Merchant Woad, cost: 105p)
---[_] 1x Distilled Essence of Light (Barren Coast, Merchant Woad, cost: 42p)
---[_] 1x Ruby (132p)
---[_] 1x Chronal Resonance Dust
---[_] 1x Vial of Purified Mana (enchanter)
------Ruby 132p (4 or 20) and Poison Vial 1.6p (1 or 5)
---[_] 1x Silver Infused Energeiac Clay (pottery wheel, triv: 290, yield: 5)
------[_] 1x Pure Silver Ingot (Barren Coast, Merchant Woad, 458p)
------[_] 1x Sunshard Ore
------[_] 1x Water Flask
------[_] 1x Small Block of Magic Clay (pottery Wheel, triv: 21, yield: 3)
---------[_] 1x Water Flask
---------[_] 1x Block of Magic Clay (pottery Wheel, triv: 21, yield: 2)
------------[_] 1x Water Flask
------------[_] 1x Large Block of Magic Clay (enchanter)
(Replace 2 instances of Distilled Eassences above recipe to get the different types)Chronal Resonance Dust
No Skill Components: Chronal Resonance Dust, Cosgrove Powder(9)
In: Chronal Transmutation Device, Yield: 8, No Fail CombineLast edited by Corwinne; 05-15-2012, 02:59 PM.
- Sep 2010
- 32
10. Fletching
10. Fletching
==============================Part 1: 1 to 202 Skill
The first 202 skill points in Fletching are incredibly easy and cheap. Just go to the Fletcher shop in POK and come back out an hour later at 202 skill. Buy a Fletching kit and do a search for "Class" 1 arrows. Each time you reach trivial from your current combines just search "class" again and you will automatically learn the next set of new recipes. You will progress to class 2, 3, 4, etc. with several variations of each along the way. Don't even consider doing anything else to raise skill other that this.Each Arrow has 4 parts to it... an arrowhead, a shaft, a nock, and a vane. Buy the cheapest possible of each new recipe. For example, Large Groove Nocks are cheaper than Small or Medium, yet will often have the same trivial. Just sell back all successes to the vendor. Continue doing this until you finish getting skill for the last recipe at 202.
If you have a character that will actually use your arrows then wait to make them until you are making the final sets at 202 trivial. This time you want to use the most expensive materials in the recipe because the arrows will have further distance and more damage. Substitute Silver Arrowheads and the arrows will now be magical. Many or all enemies around level 50 and higher will require this to even hit them.
Part 2: 202+ Skill
You will now discover that post 202 Fletching is as tough as getting to 202 was easy. Most recipes involve farming, some of which can can be purchased from the bazaar. There are many paths to follow from this point on. It would be good idea to pick only one path (possibly two) to follow.Miscellaneous Arrows and Bows
Class 5 Bone Serrated Tip w/ Small Nock (Fletching 212)
[_] 1x bundled bone arrow shafts
[_] 1x set of bone arrow vanes
[_] 1x small groove nocks
[_] 1x Serrated Arrowhead (Fletching 188, yield 2)
---[_] 1x File (always returned)
---[_] 1x Water Flask
---[_] 1x Taelosion Stone (Fletching No-Fail, yeild 2)
------[_] 1x Chunk of Taelosian Rock (Imildu Woodstreak in Abysmal Sea)Shaped Darkwood Compound Bow (Fletching 235)
Fletcher Ceramic Clay (Fletching 262, involves farming Leopard Intestines)
Flame/Ice/Shadow Tipped Acrylia Arrow (Fletching 268)
[_] 1x Bundled Acrylia Arrow Shafts (Smithing 54, yield 2)
---[_] 1x Water Flask
---[_] 1x Arrow Shaft Mold (Jaren Cloudchaser, w-pok)
---[_] 1x Small Brick of Acrylia Ore
[_] 1x Several Shield Cut Fletchings
[_] 1x Small Groove Nocks
[_] 1x Condensed Flame/Ice/Shadow Arrowheads (Smithing 116, yield 2)
---[_] 1x File (always returned)
---[_] 1x Water Flask
---[_] 1x Chunk of Condensed Flame/Ice/Shadow (drop in various luclin zones)Blessed Guardian Arrows (Fletching 298, Karana Diety Alternative)
Steel Guardian Arrows (Fletching 298, Karana Diety Alternative)I did experiment with these next two recipes. I was raising skill with tinkering at the same time. Although it did go well it was pretty expensive.
Shining Energeiac Bow (Fletching 255)
[_] Freetide Wood Bow Stave (Barren Coast Merchant Woad, 8p)
[_] Silk String (W-POK fletchers, 5s)
[_] Copper Conduit Large Core (Tinkering 250)
---[_] Conduit Large Core Pattern (Barren Coast Merchant Woad, 1p)
---[_] 3X Copper Conduit (Tinkering 210)
------[_] Pure Copper Ingot (Barren Coast Merchant Woad, 182p)
------[_] Sunshard PebbleGlowing Energeiac Bow (Fletching 330)
[_] Freetide Wood Bow Stave
[_] Silk String
[_] Silver Conduit Large Core (Tinkering 300+)
---[_] Conduit Large Core Pattern
---[_] 3X Silver Conduit (Tinkering 290)
------[_] Pure Silver Ingot (Barren Coast Merchant Woad, 182p)
------[_] Sunshard OreTreant Bows
There are 3 major differences bewtween the bow types (normal recurve, 1-cam/compound, and laminated). All Treant Bows will require farming of treant branches. These can be foraged, looted, or picked up as ground spawn. The 1-cam and Compound bows add either 1 or 2 battle bow cams to the recipe. The laminated bows add the need to farm or buy horse hoofs. The laminated bows offer an additional chance to skill up per bow in exchange for being a more complicated recipe.The bows come in 3 categories of difficulty (Supple, Oak, and Dessicated). Farming these branches was not as terrible as I thought it would be. It's easier with a forager. At this point it is also not worth worrying about what types you get because there are 300+ recipes that use each type. Farming Horse Hoof is a bit more difficult and definitely worth buying even if it seems very expensive (1 hoof yields 10 adhesives). I do not know yet if a vendor will buy back the bows or what tribute value they may have.
Treant Bows- Quick Trivial List[278] Supple Treant Recurve Bow
[278] Supple Treant 1-Cam Bow
[298] Supple Treant Compound Bow
[288, 302] Supple Treant Laminated Recurve Bow
[288, 302] Supple Treant Laminated 1-Cam Bow
[308, 302] Supple Treant Laminated Compound Bow[291] Oak Treant Recurve Bow
[291] Oak Treant 1-Cam Bow
[311] Oak Treant Compound Bow
[302, 322] Oak Treant Laminated Recurve Bow
[302, 322] Oak Treant Laminated 1-Cam Bow
[322, 322] Oak Treant Laminated Compound Bow[298] Desiccated Treant Recurve Bow
[298] Desiccated Treant 1-Cam Bow
[318] Desiccated Treant Compound Bow
[308, 348] Desiccated Treant Laminated Recurve Bow
[308, 348] Desiccated Treant Laminated 1-Cam Bow
[328. 348] Desiccated Treant Laminated Compound BowTreant Bow Sub-Combine Recipes
Shimmering Steel Bow String (Fletching 100)
(used in all treant bow combines)
[_] 2x Shimmering Steel Thread (53p each, tailor vendors, abysmal sea/crescent reach)
[_] Silk Thread (Tailoring 15 no-fail)
---[_] 2x Spiderling SilkGeerlok Laminating Device (Tinkering 215)
(used in all laminated treant bow combines, only need 1 because is always returned)
[_] 2x Gears (POK vendor)
[_] Gnomish Bolts (POK vendor)
[_] 2x Sprockets (POK vendor)
[_] Belt of Leathery Fungus Flesh (Paludal Caverns- patog phlarg fiend, plerg phlarg fiend)
[_] Laminator Roller (Smithing 102, not returned)
---[_] Small Brick of High Quality Steel
---[_] Smithy Hammer
---[_] Water Flask
[_] Base Prototype (tinkering 151)
---[_] Grease (POK vendor)
---[_] Pinion (POI drop)
---[_] Steel Ball Bearing (POI drop)
---[_] Steel Casing (POI vendor)Laminator Roller (Smithing 102)
(used in all laminated treant bow combines, need 2 for eah recipe, both are always returned)
[_] Small Brick of High Quality Steel smith 41
---[_] Gnomish Heat Source(3)
---[_] High Quality Carbon Powder npok 10p
---[_] Small Brick of Refined High Quality Ore npok
[_] Smithy Hammer
[_] Water FlaskLaminator Blade (Smithing 102)
(used in all laminated treant bow combines, only need 1 because is always returned)
[_] File
[_] Small Brick of High Quality Steel
[_] Thin Blade Mold epok
[_] Water FlaskBattle Bow Cam (Tinkering 75)
---(used in all 1-cam and compound treant bow combines)
[_] Grease (2p, pok vendor)
[_] Battle Bolts (Smithing 102)
[_] Battle Gears (Smithing 102)
(note: 1 combine makes both bolts and gears)
---[_] Cam Parts Mold (pok vendor)
---[_] File (always returned)
---[_] Blade Parts (pick one)
------[_] Broken Battle Blade (dropped: Devastation- a champion)
------[_] Sundered Blade (dropped: Devastation- a Bolvirk hersir, a Bolvirk elite)
------[_] Sundered Blade Shards (foraged and ground spawn: Devastation)Treant Laminating Adhesive (Brewing 100, Yield: 10)
(used in all laminated treant bow combines)
[_] Limestone (8g, Abysmal Sea/Crescent Reach)
[_] 2x Acid Wash (Brewing 151)
---[_] 3x Celestial Essence (Mixing Bowl 15, no-fail)
---[_] Jar of Acid
[_] Firewater (Tinkering 17)
---[_] Gnomish Spirits
---[_] Water Flask
[_] Horse Hoof
---[_] drop: Blightfire Moors - Sergeant Strall, Undead, Sergeant Janx, Undead
---[_] drop: Elddar Forest - an enchanted unicorn
---[_] drop: Loping Plains - a rampaging nightmare
---[_] drop: Ruins of Takish Hiz - various nightmaresTreant Branches Drop List
[_] Straight Treant Branch (supple)
---ground spawn: Elddar Forest
---drop: Blightfire Moors- a roving blightbark, a rambling gnarlroot, a native gnarlroot
---drop: Goru`kar Mesa- a protector of the windwillow
[_] Fallen Straight Treant Branch
---foraged: Elddar Forest, Ruins of Takish Hiz
---ground spawn: Elddar Forest[_] Straight Oak Treant Branch (oak)
---ground spawn: Elddar Forest
---drop: Blightfire Moors- a roving blightbark, a rambling gnarlroot, a native gnarlroot
---drop: Loping Plains- a cursed treant
[_] Fallen Straight Oak Treant Branch
---ground spawn: Elddar Forest
---foraged: Elddar Forest, Ruins of Takish Hiz[_] Dry Treant Branch (dessicated)
---drop Blightfire Moors: a rambling gnarlroot, a native gnarlroot, a roving blightbark
---drop Ruins of Takish Hiz: various treants, a grieving spirit
---ground spawn: Ruins of Takish Hiz
[_] Fallen Dry Treant Branch
---forage: Ruins of Takish Hiz or Elddar Forest
---ground spawn: Elddar ForestTreant Bow Recipes
These recipes are for the Supple Treant Bows. The recipes are exactly the same using other Treant Branch types. Substitute Oak in each of the 6 recipes below and they will have slightly higher trivials as noted in the quick trivial list above. Substitute Dessicated for slightly higher trivials again.Supple Treant Recurve Bow (Fletching 278)
[_] Supple Treant Bow Staff (Fletching 87)
---[_] Planing Tool
---[_] Straight Treant Branch -or- Fallen Straight Treant Branch
[_] Shimmering Steel Bow StringSupple Treant 1-Cam Bow (Fletching 278)
[_] Supple Treant Bow Staff
[_] Battle Bow Cam
[_] Shimmering Steel Bow StringSupple Treant Compound Bow (Fletching 298)
[_] Supple Treant Bow Staff
[_] 2x Battle Bow Cam
[_] Shimmering Steel Bow StringSupple Treant Laminated Recurve Bow (Fletching 288)
[_] Supple Treant Laminate Recurve Bow Staff (Fletching 302)
---[_] Geerlok Laminating Device (always returned)
---[_] 2x Laminator Roller (always returned)
---[_] 3x Supple Treant Laminate (Fletching 100, Yield: 2)
------[_] Geerlok Laminating Device (always returned)
------[_] Laminator Blade (always returned)
------[_] Straight Treant Branch -or- Fallen Straight Treant Branch
---[_] Treant Laminating Adhesive (Brewing 100, Yield: 10)
[_] Shimmering Steel Bow StringSupple Treant Laminated 1-Cam Bow (Fletching 288)
[_] Supple Treant Laminate Recurve Bow Staff (Fletching 302)
[_] Battle Bow Cam
[_] Shimmering Steel Bow StringSupple Treant Laminated Compound Bow (Fletching 308)
[_] Supple Treant Laminate Recurve Bow Staff (Fletching 302)
[_] 2x Battle Bow Cam
[_] Shimmering Steel Bow StringPOP Bows
There are 4 bows that can be made from farming the higher planes (Air, Earth, Fire, Water). They each have about a 335 trivial. I will finish editing this section soon. Here is what I know now.All these bows need Clockwork Grease to make the cams, which is found in POI (forage only) and Fort Mech (forage and drop). These are difficult to get in the large quantities you will want. The combine for cams is tinkered with about 280+ trivial. All these bows will require farming of ores and string materials, which are each unique to each of the 4 planes.
Air: has a stun proc
Earth: unknown
Fire: Ore is extremely easy to come by. Making the cams is a great way to raise Tinker skill even if you never make a bow. The string components are incredibly difficult to acquire. I abandoned trying to do this one.
Water: tributes for an extremely large amount.Vendor Sold Materials Recipes
This does get a little expensive, but it is fast. And an easy way to get through a range of trivials that is otherwise pretty difficult and time consuming. Successes will net cost you just over 100p for each combine after you vendor your bows. All materials are found on the same vendor (Ellis Cloudchaser in POK).Rough Shadewood Compound Bow- silk (Fletching 255)
[_] 1x Shadewood Bow Staff
[_] 1x Silk StringRough Shadewood 1-Cam Bow- silk (Fletching 268)
[_] 1x Shadewood Bow Staff
[_] 1x Silk String
[_] 1x Standard Bow CamRough Shadewood Compound Bow- silk (Fletching 282)
[_] 1x Shadewood Bow Staff
[_] 1x Silk String
[_] 2x Standard Bow CamCultural Bows
I did much of my skilling up doing these the first time I did fletching. All recipes are nearly identical and all follow this format. Take note of the subcombines and do some of these early when they will still give you skill. But, be careful to only make them for combines you know you will do later, and that you will have enough spinnerets as well.Each recipe requires 3 silks and 1 spinneret fluid. Silks are quite easy to get. Spinneret fluids will be your limiting factor. Spinnerets are really not worth farming, as soon as you start looking for them you will begin to see how rare of a drop all levels of them are. Be saving them from long ago, ask friends and guildmates to save for you, and watch the bazaar often for good prices.
You must purchase and scribe 'Recurve Bow Diagrams' and "Extravagant Recurve Bows" and "Glorious Recurve Bows" to perform all these combines.
Simple Recurve Bow (Fletching 106)
Ornate Recurve Bow (Fletching 175)175
Intricate Recurve Bow (Fletching 295)
[_] 1x Planing Tool
[_] 1x Simple Sandpaper
[_] 1x Recurve Bow Diagram Pattern
[_] 1x Fine Spinneret Fluid
[_] 1x Intricate Recurve Bow String (Fletching 144)
---[_] 1x Clump of Wax
---[_] 2x Fine Silk
[_] 1x Intricate Staff (Fletching 188)
---[_] 1x Planing Tool
---[_] 1x Fine Silk
---[_] 1x Ashwood Bow Staff (15.7p)Elaborate Recurve Bow (Fletching 375)
[_] 1x Planing Tool
[_] 1x Fine Sandpaper
[_] 1x Recurve Bow Diagram Pattern
[_] 1x Superb Spinneret Fluid
[_] 1x Elaborate Recurve Bow String (Fletching 184)
---[_] 1x Clump of Wax
---[_] 2x Superb Silk
[_] 1x Elaborate Staff (Fletching 224)
---[_] 1x Planing Tool
---[_] 1x Superb Silk
---[_] 1x Oak Bow Staff (69p)Inured Recurve Bow (Fletching 415)
[_] 1x Planing Tool
[_] 1x Superior Sandpaper
[_] 1x Recurve Bow Diagram Pattern
[_] 1x Flawless Spinneret Fluid
[_] 1x Inured Recurve Bow String (Fletching 184)
---[_] 1x Clump of Wax
---[_] 2x Flawless Silk
[_] 1x Inured Staff (Fletching 224)
---[_] 1x Planing Tool
---[_] 1x Flawless Silk
---[_] 1x Oak Bow Staff (69p)Elegant Recurve Bow (Fletching 468)
[_] 1x Planing Tool
[_] 1x Exceptional Sandpaper
[_] 1x Recurve Bow Diagram Pattern
[_] 1x Exquisite Spinneret Fluid
[_] 1x Elegant Recurve Bow String (Fletching 224)
---[_] 1x Clump of Wax
---[_] 2x Exquisite Silk
[_] 1x Elegant Staff (Fletching 259)
---[_] 1x Planing Tool
---[_] 1x Exquisite Silk
---[_] 1x Darkwood Bow Staff (227p)Stalwart Recurve Bow (Fletching 495)
[_] 1x Planing Tool
[_] 1x ??? Sandpaper
[_] 1x Recurve Bow Diagram Pattern
[_] 1x Immaculate Spinneret Fluid
[_] 1x Stalwart Recurve Bow String (Fletching 244)
---[_] 1x Clump of Wax
---[_] 2x Immaculate Silk
[_] 1x Stalwart Staff (Fletching 271)
---[_] 1x Planing Tool
---[_] 1x Immaculate Silk
---[_] 1x Darkwood Bow Staff (227p)Extravagent Infused Recurve Bow (Fletching 508)
[_] 1x Planing Tool
[_] 1x ??? Sandpaper
[_] 1x Recurve Bow Diagram Pattern
[_] 1x Fantastic Spinneret Fluid
[_] 1x Dream Dust (optional, remove component to make "Uninfused" version, same trivial)
[_] 1x Extravagent Recurve Bow String (Fletching 258)
---[_] 1x Clump of Wax
---[_] 2x Fantastic Silk
[_] 1x Extravagent Staff (Fletching 284)
---[_] 1x Planing Tool
---[_] 1x Fantastic Silk
---[_] 1x Darkwood Bow Staff (227p)Glorious Infused Recurve Bow (Fletching 508)
[_] 1x Planing Tool
[_] 1x ??? Sandpaper (POK- Jaren Cloudchaser, no cost, stack 200)
[_] 1x Recurve Bow Diagram Pattern
[_] 1x Exotic Spinneret Fluid
[_] 1x Essence of Alaris (optional, remove component to make "Uninfused" version, same trivial)
[_] 1x Glorious Recurve Bow String (Fletching 258)
---[_] 1x Clump of Wax
---[_] 2x Exotic Silk
[_] 1x Glorious Staff (Fletching 284)
---[_] 1x Planing Tool
---[_] 1x Exotic Silk
---[_] 1x Darkwood Bow Staff (227p)Cultural Reaching Symbols
Making reaching symbols is a viable path to gaining skill in Fletching. If you add the appropriate Reaching Symbol augment to the cultural bows they will be equal or above in quality to any other bow of the same level.Each rank of cultural recipes will require 1 spinneret fluid of the same rank just like the bows did. You will also need enchanter made vials of mana. The exalted recipe and beyond need Purified Mana which gets pretty expesnive and is somewhat of a hassle for many to obtain. For these reasons I thought the Cultural Bows were a better way to go. See the Cultural section later for more information on Reaching Symbols.
Only the Blessed Water will determine which spell effect will be added to the symbol. You might try to make sure that the water chosen will be for an effect that you might want on a bow. Otherwise you can use any water type you have easy access to just to skill up. Amille Pitt near the small bank in POK sells a few types.
Blessed Reaching Symbol (Fletching 95)
Revered Reaching Symbol (Fletching 166)
Sacred Reaching Symbol (Fletching 286)
Eminent Reaching Symbol (Fletching 366)
Exalted Reaching Symbol (Fletching 406)
Sublime Reaching Symbol (Fletching 446)
Venerable Reaching Symbol (Fletching 486)
Illustrious Reaching Symbol (Fletching 499)
Numinous Reaching Symbol (Fletching 499)
[_] Planing Tool
[_] Blessed Water
[_] Recurve Bow Inlay (Fletching 98)
---[_] Planing Tool
---[_] 2 Knot Measuring String (always returned)
---[_] Hickory Bow Staff
---[_] Sullied Silk
---[_] Uncut Combine Star
[_] Vial of Purified Mana
[_] Exotic Spinneret FluidVOA Arrows
Wow, endgame recipes just do not get this easy. The Braxihorn arrow also happens to be the single best arrow currently in the game.CLASS 8 Steel Selyrahbone Arrow, Small Nock (Fletching 295)
[_] Bundled Steel Arrow Shafts (POK fletchers)
[_] Small Groove Nocks (POK fletchers)
[_] Selyrah Bones (VOA drop)
[_] Goral Fins (VOA drop)CLASS 8 Steel Braxihorn Arrow, Small Nock (Fletching 308)
[_] Bundled Steel Arrow Shafts (POK fletchers)
[_] Small Groove Nocks (POK fletchers)
[_] Braxi Horn (VOA drop)
[_] Goral Fins (VOA drop)Last edited by Corwinne; 06-29-2012, 08:46 AM.
- Sep 2010
- 32
11. Alchemy
11. Alchemy
==============================I had an odd reason for the skill path I chose in alchemy. I wanted things to raise my throwing skill on another character and didn't have access to items that would summon throwing weapons. So I looked into making suspensions with alchemy. I hadn't meant to even work on alchemy at that time. I didn't even plan to do it this way, it just sort of happened that I noticed I could go quite a ways with skill while doing this.
I stopped making suspensions when I hit trivial on the 7th recipe (216) as the potion vials and recipes were just getting too complicated to make after this. It had been fairly simple to get through the 7th suspension, although they were getting more complicated. The pottery subcombines were a bit annoying but never difficult. If you follow this path and can make it work it would be very advantageous to get through trivial for the 8th suspension potions. Once I reached trivial for the 7th supsension I switched back to making 1st level suspensions. You might find it interesting to know that the 1st suspension would give throwing skill all the way up to max.
There are dozens/hundreds of ways to get your skill to the low 200's, but after this there are precious few easy ways until well over 300. I appear to be not alone in this thinking. After consulting with several other alchemists they agreed with me, and then confirmed they did exactly as I was doing at this stage. And that was to skip straight over a large range of trivials, directly to Alacrity/Clarity X (trivial 348) or clarity XI. Skill gains were painfully slow at first with lots of failures. Eventually, I hit 300 and even maxed my trophy doing this. However, I did have an advantage here with access to literally a couple or few thousand Nodding Blue Lilys. Some of these potions can be sold in the bazaar for a decent amount more than the vendor pays. But, you will have way too much of these to sell them all, and what you do get won't make you rich.
Note:the Alacrity X potions are the best a player can make. You can make higher ranks potions of other types.
So, I do not have other good advice on skill up paths. You really should scan theough the trivial list for alchemy to see if there is a recipe or two that will cover the middle and high 200's range. I also must admit that alchemy has been complete for some time now, so I have no idea what new skill-up recipes came with the VOA expansion. It's been a long time since I looked at anything else except what I would use for myself. I never did find a recipe that used all vendor purchased materials, but I would not be surprised to find out if one is out there somewhere.
Alacrity X (triv: 348, Yield: 5)
[_] Arnworth
[_] Hemlock Powder
[_] Nodding Blue Lily
[_] Small Vial(5)Clarity X (triv: 348, Yield: 5)
[_] Katuka Bark
[_] Hemlock Powder
[_] Nodding Blue Lily
[_] Small Vial(5)Spirituality X (triv: 348, Yield: 5)
[_] ???
[_] Hemlock Powder
[_] Nodding Blue Lily
[_] Small Vial(5)Clarity XIII (Alchemy 468)
Centella, Katuka Bark, Small Vial(5), UrticaceaeSpirituality XIII (Alchemy 468)
Centella, Methysticum, Small Vial(5), UrticaceaeBasic Suspension of Toxin IV (trivial: 104, stack: 100)
[_] 1x Belan (POK: Henrik O`Danos)
[_] 1x Fire Spore Leaf (POK: Ludvik O`Danos)
[_] 1x Pinch of Bulb Lotus Pollen (POK: Ludvik O`Danos)
[_] 2x Sliver of Stinging Crystal (POK: Ludvik O`Danos)
[_] 1x Makeshift Friable Potion Vial (trivial: 17, yield: 5)
---[_] 1x Quality Firing Sheet
---[_] 1x Unfired Makeshift Friable Potion Vial Set (trivial: 24)
------[_] 1x Friable Potion Vial Sketch
------[_] 4x Large Block of ClayBasic Suspension of Toxin V (trivial: 140, stack: 100)
[_] 1x Violet Tri-Tube Sap (POK: Henrik O`Danos)
[_] 1x Fire Spore Leaf (POK: Ludvik O`Danos)
[_] 1x Pinch of Bulb Lotus Pollen (POK: Ludvik O`Danos)
[_] 2x Sliver of Stinging Crystal (POK: Ludvik O`Danos)
[_] 1x Simple Friable Potion Vial (trivial: 17, yield: 5)
---[_] 1x Quality Firing Sheet
---[_] 1x Unfired Simple Friable Potion Vial Set (trivial: 32)
------[_] 1x Friable Potion Vial Sketch
------[_] 3x Large Block of Clay
------[_] 1x Huge Block of Clay (Rivervale, Frankle Ironhair -251 -107)Basic Suspension of Toxin VI (trivial: 176, stack: 100)
[_] 1x Blue Vervain Bulb (POK: Severg O`Danos or Henrik O`Danos)
[_] 1x Bulb Lotus Petal (POK: Andreas O`Danos)
[_] 1x Sprig of Fire Spore (POK: Andreas O`Danos)
[_] 2x Shard of Stinging Crystal (POK: Andreas O`Danos)
[_] 1x Plain Friable Potion Vial (trivial: 17, yield: 4)
---[_] 1x Quality Firing Sheet
---[_] 1x Unfired Plain Friable Potion Vial Set (trivial: 42)
------[_] 1x Friable Potion Vial Sketch
------[_] 1x Small Block of Clay
------[_] 1x Block of Clay
------[_] 5x Large Block of Clay
------[_] 1x Huge Block of Clay (Rivervale, Frankle Ironhair -251 -107)Basic Suspension of Toxin VII (trivial: 216, stack: 100)
[_] 1x Betherium Bark (POK: Henrik O`Danos)
[_] 1x Bulb Lotus Petal (POK: Andreas O`Danos)
[_] 1x Sprig of Fire Spore (POK: Andreas O`Danos)
[_] 2x Shard of Stinging Crystal (POK: Andreas O`Danos)
[_] 1x Smooth Friable Potion Vial (trivial: 17, yield: 3)
---[_] 1x High Quality Firing Sheet
---[_] 1x Unfired Smooth Friable Potion Vial Set (trivial: 52)
------[_] 1x Advanced Friable Potion Vial Sketch
------[_] 1x Huge Block of Clay (Rivervale, Frankle Ironhair -251 -107)Basic Suspension of Toxin VIII (trivial: 258, stack: 100)
[_] 1x Bugbane (POK: Henrik O`Danos)
[_] 1x Bulb Lotus Petal (POK: Andreas O`Danos)
[_] 1x Sprig of Fire Spore (POK: Andreas O`Danos)
[_] 2x Shard of Stinging Crystal(2) (POK: Andreas O`Danos)
[_] 1x Sample of Filtered Taelosian Sludge trivial: 15.No-Fail)*
------Sample of Taelosian Sludge
------*quest: Abysmal Sea, Lita Hegeway (increase yields)
[_] 1x Fine Friable Potion Vial (trivial: 17, yield: 3)
---[_] 1x High Quality Firing Sheet
---[_] 1x Unfired Fine Friable Potion Vial Set (trivial: 63, yield: 3)
------[_] 1x Advanced Friable Potion Vial Sketch
------[_] 1x Block of Clay
------[_] 1x Large Block of Clay
------[_] 2x Huge Block of ClayLast edited by Corwinne; 05-31-2012, 10:43 PM.
- Sep 2010
- 32
12. Research
12. Research
This Guide is arranged into 3 parts...
1. Introduction
2. More Traditional Skill-Up Path
3. Binding Powders Skill-Up Path==========<[ Spell Research Introduction ]>==========
Who can do research?Any class can research. However, what each class can make is limited in different ways.
[_] INT-casters may make any spell or song.
[_] Priests may make priest spells.
[_] Bards may make hybrid spells, tomes, and songs.
[_] Hybrids may make hybrid spells and tomes.
[_] Melees may make any tomes.
[_] Melee and INT-casters may proceed directly to 300 skill, other classes must use AAs to advance past 200.
[_] Only INT-casters get AAs to decrease failure rate.
[_] Only INT-casters can do Binding Powder combines.
[_] Each of the groups above use different cantainers to perform combines.It seems obvious from the list above the INT-casters is the single best choice. And most people do exactly this. However, something to consider, if everyone did this who would make tomes? But after this consideration you either choose an INT-caster for any spell/song or any class that can make tomes. If you are making tomes you care only about the tomes because so many other people chose INT-casters to make everything else. My guide here has no real tips for tome-making other than you can probably do any combine in the traditional skill-up path. Do a little research first to make sure.
This guide is focused on INT-caster research.
If you know or think you will want to do research you should start saving a few items as soon as you can.
[_] Saltpeter
[_] Crystallized Sulfur
[_] Old school research items (Runes, Words, Pages, etc.)
[_] 1 Skinning Knife (smithing)
[_] Binding Powders (any/all types)
[_] Raw Animal Hides (crude, fine, runic, supple, rough, etc)
[_] Raw Papers (paper, vellum, charta arcanum, etc)==========<[ More Traditional Skill-Up Path ]>==========
1. Train to 20 using your Guild Trainer.2. Quill of the Prophet (Research 35)
[_] Divine Treatment (v1)
[_] Necrotic Treatment (v1)
[_] Quill (v1)3. Vial of Pure Water (Research 54, Yield: 5, save all these)
[_] 5x Empty Vial (v1)
[_] Gnomish Heat Source (v1)
[_] 4x Water Flask (v1)Get your Trophy Quest in WFP now. Is quite easy and fast to complete the quest at this time.
Note:I skipped the Practice Rune combines, and skipped the early Binding Powder recipes.
5. Oil of Vitrol (research 102, save all these)
[_] Saltpeter (drop)
[_] Crystallized Sulfur (drop)
[_] Gnomish Heat Source (v1)
[_] Vial of Pure Water (See #3)6. Swatches (Research 92 to 152)
[_] Piece of Parchment (v1)
[_] Quill (v1)
[_] Runes, Words, Pages, etc. (long list old school research items, various trivials)I didn't focus on just swatches, just used what I had saved up while I started to work on next item.
7. Parchment Solution (Research 144)
[_] Fire Emerald (v)
[_] Gnomish Heat Source (v1)
[_] Vial of Pure Water (See #3)
[_] Aqua Regia (Research 102, or buy 152p)
---[_] Aqua Mortis (Research 102, or buy 74p)
------[_] Oil of Vitrol (see #5)
------[_] Saltpeter (drop)
---[_] Vial of Muriatic Acid (Research 102, or buy 78p)
------[_] Gnomish Heat Source (v1)
------[_] Oil of Vitrol (see #5)
------[_] Fine Salt (Research 15, stack 100, combine 1, 5, or 10 at a time)
---------[_] Rock Salt (v1)8. Fine Parchment Solution (Research 174)
(Same as #7 above but with additional GHS and VPW, and the addition of 2 Gold Bars.)
[_] 1x Fire Emerald (v- 89p)
[_] 2x Gold Bar (v- 10p)
[_] 4x Gnomish Heat Source (v1)
[_] 2x Vial of Pure Water (See #3)
[_] 1x Aqua Regia (Research 102, or buy 152p)
---[_] Aqua Mortis (Research 102, or buy 74p)
------[_] Oil of Vitrol (see #5)
------[_] Saltpeter (drop)
---[_] Vial of Muriatic Acid (Research 102, or buy 78p)
------[_] Gnomish Heat Source (v1)
------[_] Oil of Vitrol (see #5)
------[_] Fine Salt (Research 15, stack 100, combine 1/5/10 at a time)
---------[_] Rock Salt (v1)Steps 7 and 8 above are a little expensive, but will use up the Oil of Vitrol and Vial of Pure Water you made prevoiusly. So, when I decided I didn't want to spend the larger amounts of money on these (you can if you want to, I stopped at 154 skill) I moved on to the Binding Powder Recipes. See the special section on these below.
Note:You can continue Following the same pattern by using the following recipes. I chose not to because I assumed they would just get more and more expensive. A reason to consider this might be lack of materials needed in other skill paths. These recipes use all vendor sold materials. I am certain that you could continue this path to 300+ if you wanted to.
8a. Vellum Parchment solution (Research 203)
8b. Fine Vellum Parchment solution (Research 216)
8c. Runic Parchment Solution (Research 243)Here are some alternate options
12. Alternative (TSS) to 262: Researcher Ceramic Clay (involves farming Drake Wing Webbing)
13. Alternate to 300: Glowing Energeiac Rod==========<[ Complete Binding Powder Skill Up Path ]>==========
These can only be done by INT-caster classes.There are 3 parts to these combines.
The first part is to make a spell that you scribe into your spellbook. Casting this spell creates materials for you to use in the next step of the combines. Make only ONE spell as it is no-trade and the mats can be used to make other spells later. You can skip spells that will result in trivial combines for no skill points. This path is for skill-ups only. The end result will not be very useful to yourself or others.
I did not list the recipe to make these spells. The guide at has several errors in it. Instead look up the recipe by searching for the spell name. All the spell recipes are nearly identical with only 1 or 2 things changed. I did not list trivials either. I did list which base component is needed to make each spell so you know what to collect. If you stay at or around your skill level you will rarely fail, and you will usually (not always) only need 1 raw hide/paper.
edit: a March 2012 patch made all the "empowering essence" spells purchasable in the Library in POK.
Once you have the spell you can work on combines that will give you skill. The only other collected materials needed are binding powders, the rest is purchased from vendors. The combinations are rather simple and easy so you may wish to do most or all of your skill-ups on this path. How many binding powders you have is your only limitation. Note that the first two recipes do not actually use binding powders. Also note that both the subcombine and final combine will usually give you skill points.
You could skip the 3rd part if you wanted to. Both items from the sub-combine and final combine will sell to vendor for a same small amount which increases as you advance to the next recipes. The final combine does cost more in vendor materials. But the final combine is good for 2 reasons, it has a higher trivial giving more chances for skill, and it yeilds an all/all scroll that anyone can click to cast a damage spell (stack 100, potion belt usable). I did notice (for example) that a level 40 scroll is always resisted by a level 90 enemy so if you want to use scrolls you need to make sure that scroll level more closely matches enemy level.
Quick Trivial List
Binding Powder Recipes
(copy/paste this table to notepad.txt file for proper formatting and printing)
| Binding Powder | Sub-Combine | Final Combine |
| crude binding powder | 58 | 72 |
| makeshift binding powder | 83 | 98 |
| elementary binding powder | 118 | 132 |
| modest binding powder | 152 | 167 |
| simple binding powder | 192 | 207 |
| binding powder | 232 | 247 |
| refined binding powder | 272 | 287 |
| intricate binding powder | 312 | 327 |
| elaborate binding powder | 352 | 367 |
| ornate binding powder | 392 | 407 |
| runed binding powder | 432 | 447 |
+---------------------------+---------------+-----------------+01. Primitive Scroll of Static Strike (Research 28)
[_] quill of the arcane (v2, 2.6plat)
[_] ink of druzzil ro (v2, 6.9plat)
[_] Primitive Enchanted Spell Parchment (Research 17)
---[_] a piece of parchment (v1/3, 1gold)
---[_] primitive spellcasters empowering essence (summoned from spell below)
------[x] Spell: Focus Mass Primitive Spellcasters Essence : raw crude hide02. Rudimentary Scroll of Static Strike (Research 48)
[_] quill of the arcane (v2, 2.6plat)
[_] ink of druzzil ro (v2, 6.9plat)
[_] Rudimentary Enchanted Spell Parchment (Research 37)
---[_] a piece of parchment (v1/3, 1gold)
---[_] rudimentary spellcasters empowering essence (summoned from spell below)
------[x] Spell: Focus Mass Rudimenary Spellcasters Essence : raw crude hide03. Crude Scroll of Static Strike (Research 72)
[_] quill of the arcane (v2, 2.6plat)
[_] ink of druzzil ro (v2, 6.9plat)
[_] Crude Enchanted Spell Parchment (Research 58)
---[_] a piece of parchment (v1/3, 1gold)
---[_] crude binding solution (v3, 1silver)
---[_] crude binding powder (drop)
---[_] crude spellcasters empowering essence (summoned from spell below)
------[x] Spell: Focus Mass Crude Spellcasters Essence : raw rough hide04. Makeshift Scroll of Static Strike (Research 98)
[_] quill of the arcane (v2, 2.6plat)
[_] ink of druzzil ro (v2, 6.9plat)
[_] Makeshift Enchanted Spell Parchment (Research 83)
---[_] a piece of parchment (v1/3, 1gold)
---[_] makeshift binding solution (v3, 1silver)
---[_] makeshift binding powder (drop)
---[_] makeshift spellcasters empowering essence (summoned from spell below)
------[x] Spell: Focus Mass Makeshift Spellcasters Essence : raw fine hide05. Elementary Scroll of Static Strike (Research 132)
[_] quill of the arcane (v2, 2.6plat)
[_] ink of druzzil ro (v2, 6.9plat)
[_] Elementary Enchanted Spell Parchment (Research 118)
---[_] a piece of parchment (v1/3, 1gold)
---[_] elementary binding solution (v3, 1silver)
---[_] elementary binding powder (drop)
---[_] elementary spellcasters empowering essence (summoned from spell below)
------[x] Spell: Focus Mass Elementary Spellcasters Essence : raw supple hide06. Modest Scroll of Static Strike (Research 167)
[_] quill of the arcane (v2, 2.6plat)
[_] ink of druzzil ro (v2, 6.9plat)
[_] Modest Enchanted Spell Parchment (Research 152)
---[_] a piece of parchment (v1/3, 1gold)
---[_] modest binding solution (v3, 1silver)
---[_] modest binding powder (drop)
---[_] modest spellcasters empowering essence (summoned from spell below)
------[x] Spell: Focus Mass Modest Spellcasters Essence : raw fine runic hide07. Simple Scroll of Static Strike (Research 207)
[_] quill of the arcane (v2, 2.6plat)
[_] ink of druzzil ro (v2, 6.9plat)
[_] Simple Enchanted Spell Parchment (Research 192)
---[_] a piece of parchment (v1/3, 1gold)
---[_] simple binding solution (v3, 1silver)
---[_] simple binding powder (drop)
---[_] simple spellcasters empowering essence (summoned from spell below)
------[x] Spell: Focus Mass Simple Spellcasters Essence : raw fine supple runic hide08. Scroll of Static Strike (Research 247)
[_] quill of the arcane (v2, 2.6plat)
[_] ink of druzzil ro (v2, 6.9plat)
[_] Enchanted Spell Parchment (Research 232)
---[_] a piece of parchment (v1/3, 1gold)
---[_] binding solution (v3, 1gold)
---[_] binding powder (drop)
---[_] spellcasters empowering essence (summoned from spell below)
------[x] Spell: Focus Mass Spellcasters Essence : dirty runic spell scroll09. Refined Scroll of Static Strike (Research 287)
[_] quill of the arcane (v2, 2.6plat)
[_] ink of druzzil ro (v2, 6.9plat)
[_] Refined Enchanted Spell Parchment (Research 272)
---[_] a piece of parchment (v1/3, 1gold)
---[_] refined binding solution (v3, 1gold)
---[_] refined binding powder (drop)
---[_] refined spellcasters empowering essence (summoned from spell below)
------[x] Spell: Focus Mass Refined Spellcasters Essence : dirty runic papyrus10. Intricate Scroll of Static Strike (Research 327)
[_] quill of the arcane (v2, 2.6plat)
[_] ink of druzzil ro (v2, 6.9plat)
[_] Intricate Enchanted Spell Parchment (Research 312)
---[_] a piece of parchment (v1/3, 1gold)
---[_] intricate binding solution (v3, 1gold)
---[_] intricate binding powder (drop)
---[_] intricate spellcasters empowering essence (summoned from spell below)
------[X] Spell: Focus Mass Intricate Spellcasters Essence : grimy fine vellum parchment11. Elaborate Scroll of Static Strike (Research 367)
[_] quill of the arcane (v2, 2.6plat)
[_] ink of druzzil ro (v2, 6.9plat)
[_] Elaborate Enchanted Spell Parchment (Research 352)
---[_] a piece of parchment (v1/3, 1gold)
---[_] elaborate binding solution (v3, 1gold)
---[_] elaborate binding powder (drop)
---[_] elaborate spellcasters empowering essence (summoned from spell below)
------[X] Spell: Focus Mass Elaborate Spellcasters Essence : shabby runic vellum12. Ornate Scroll of Static Strike (Research 407)
[_] quill of the arcane (v2, 2.6plat)
[_] ink of druzzil ro (v2, 6.9plat)
[_] Ornate Enchanted Spell Parchment (Research 392)
---[_] a piece of parchment (v1/3, 1gold)
---[_] ornate binding solution (v3, 1gold)
---[_] ornate binding powder (drop)
---[_] ornate spellcasters empowering essence (summoned from spell below)
------[_] Spell: Focus Mass Ornate Spellcasters Essence : smudged runic paper13. Runed Scroll of Static Strike (Research 447)
[_] quill of the arcane (v2, 2.6plat)
[_] ink of druzzil ro (v2, 6.9plat)
[_] Runed Enchanted Spell Parchment (Research 432)
---[_] a piece of parchment (v1/3, 1gold)
---[_] runed binding solution (v3, 1gold)
---[_] runed binding powder (drop)
---[_] runed spellcasters empowering essence (summoned from spell below)
------[_] Spell: Focus Runed Spellcasters Essence : stained fine runic paper==========<[ Spells Table ]>==========
(copy/paste this table to notepad.txt file for proper formatting and printing)
Incomplete.. will update soon
| Lvl. | Triv. | Media Used: Cleaned Media (Raw Media + cost of solution) |
| 51 | ??? | ??? (???) |
| 52 | ??? | ??? (???) |
| 53 | ??? | ??? (???) |
| 54 | ??? | ??? (???) |
| 55 | ??? | ??? (???) |
| 56 | ??? | ??? (???) |
| 57 | ??? | ??? (???) |
| 58 | ??? | ??? (???) |
| 59 | ??? | ??? (???) |
| 60 | ??? | ??? (???) |
| 61 | 231 | Parchment (used parchment + XXXp) |
| 62 | 262 | Fine Parchment (??? + XXXp) |
| 63 | 292 | Vellum Parchment (shabby vellum parchment + 443p) |
| 64 | 322 | Fine Vellum Parchment (grimy fine vellum parchment + XXXp) |
| 65 | 351 | Runic Parchment (smudged runic parchment + XXXp) |
| 66 | ??? | ??? (???) |
| 67 | ??? | ??? (???) |
| 68 | ??? | ??? (???) |
| 69 | ??? | ??? (???) |
| 70 | ??? | ??? (???) |
| 71 | ??? | ??? (???) |
| 72 | ??? | ??? (???) |
| 73 | ??? | ??? (???) |
| 74 | ??? | ??? (???) |
| 75 | ??? | ??? (???) |
| 76 | ??? | ??? (???) |
| 77 | ??? | ??? (???) |
| 78 | ??? | ??? (???) |
| 79 | ??? | ??? (???) |
| 80 | ??? | ??? (???) |
| 81 | 432 | Rough Spell Tablet (Smudged Rough Spell Tablet + 1374p) |
| 82 | 436 | Spell Tablet (sooty spell tablet + 1437p) |
| 83 | 440 | Fine Spell Tablet (sooty fine spell tablet + 1500p) |
| 84 | 444 | Runic Spell Tablet (runic spell tablet solution + 1563p) |
| 85 | 450 | Fine Runic Spell Tablet (stained fine runic spell tablet + 1626p) |
+------+-------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+Last edited by Corwinne; 05-16-2012, 06:21 AM.
- Sep 2010
- 32
13. Tinkering
13. Tinkering
==============================Beginner Mechanist Test
This is the trophy quest you get from the WFP newbie yard NPC's when you are between the skill of 50 and 99. If your skill goes higher before getting the quest you get a harder quest, in that the materials to gather and recipes to make will be harder. Since only gnomes can do tinkering, and gnome start with a Tinkering skill of 50 this should be the very first thing you do. Even if you do not complete it right away you should at least have the beginner quest in your quest log.You will get one of all 4 types of fireworks from each single combine. The gnomish compass requires a few simple blacksmithing combines. The only other difficult part is needing raw dark matter for the mana battery. You need to turn this into an NPC in Abysmal Sea. You may need to turn in the result a 2nd time before you get a "Grain of Dark Matter" which is the final product you need. You only need 1 raw dark matter, as it will yeild 2 from each turn-in, and you may end up with 4 final products. All dark matter is tradeable so you can probably find some in the bazaar. The battery casing is also sold in Abysmal Sea.
Beginner Mechanist Test01. Create 4 Gnomish Firework
02. Create 4 Gnomish Firework
03. Create 4 Gnomish Firework
04. Create 4 Gnomish Firework
05. Create 3 Animated Bait
06. Create 2 Collapsible Fishing Pole
07. Create 1 Gnomish Compass
08. Create 1 Mana Battery - Class OneStarting Skill-Up Path
I did not start Tinkering in a normal fashion. I had 30 minutes left on a tradeskill potion and materials for 20 cams with a trivial of 282. So, I just combined these and went from skill 50 to 173 before I used up all the materials. Had I done this normally I would have used some of the recommended recipes below. These are the same recipes I found recommended by many others.Flameless Lantern (Tinkering 68)
[_] Large Lantern (multiple general vendors, 3g)
[_] Metal Twine (se-pok 2nd floor, 1p)
[_] Firewater (Tinkering 17)
---[_] Gnomish Spirits (s-pok Caden Zharik)
---[_] Water FlaskStalking Probe (Tinkering 102)
[_] Bottle (e-pok)
[_] 2X Gears (se-pok 2nd floor, 7p)
[_] Metal Rod (se-pok 2nd floor, 8g)
[_] Firewater (Tinkering 17)Powered Gloves (Tinkering 122) all vendor buyable
[_] Gears (se-pok 2nd floor, 7p)
[_] Metal Twine (se-pok 2nd floor, 1p)
[_] Sprockets (se-pok 2nd floor, 7p)
[_] Steel Lined Gloves (se-pok 2nd floor, ??p)
[_] Firewater (Tinkering 17)Tinkered Catapult (Tinkering 135)
[_] Gears (se-pok 2nd floor, 7p)
[_] Metal Twine (se-pok 2nd floor, 1p)
[_] Sprockets (se-pok 2nd floor, 7p)
[_] Firewater (Tinkering 17)
[_] Shaped Ashwood Recurve Bow (hemp) (Fletching 148)
---[_] Ashwood Bow Staff (W-POK fletchers, 16p)
---[_] Hemp Twine (W-POK fletchers, 1s)
---[_] Planing Tool (always returned)This recipe is only here because I have a decent sized stash of these. And because many tinkers will want to make the Ambleshift devices. I do not yet know if I will use any of this to skill up.
Glowstone Fragment (Tinkering 202)
(These are used in some or all of the Ambleshift recipes)
[_] Glowstone
[_] Gem Cutter (Tinkering 36,always returned)
---[_] Diamond Dust (drop, Sol-B and Permafrost)
---[_] Grease (se-pok 2nd floor, 2p)
---[_] Metal Fastening (se-pok 2nd floor, 16p)
---[_] Metal Rod (se-pok 2nd floor, 8g)
---[_] Standard Bow Cam (w-pok fletchers, 38p)
---[_] FirewaterThe Distillery recipe is here only because I wanted to make one for myself. It is one of the few portable combine containers I do not have. One for Smithing and Pottery Wheel/Kiln are also wanted when I find them..
Collapsed Distillery (Tinkering 202, lore)
[_] 2X Cask (e-pok brewers)
[_] 2X Coiled Spring (PoI drop)
[_] 2X Cork (se-pok 2nd floor)
[_] Gnomish Bolts (se-pok 2nd floor, 3p)
[_] Metal Rod (se-pok 2nd floor, 8g)
[_] Sharkskin Tubing (se-pok 2nd floor, 142p)
[_] Boot Gasket (Tailoring 202, Stackable up to 20)
---[_] Aligned Steel Thread (Abys or CR, 10p)
---[_] Severed Feran Tentacle (drop Noble's Causeway, a Stalking Feran)
---[_] Sewing Needle (only need 1, always returned)
------[_] High Quality Metal Bits(2)
---------[_] Small Piece of High Quality Ore(2)
---------[_] Water Flask
------[_] Steel Bits(2)
---------[_] File
---------[_] Small Brick of Steel (Surefall Glade)
------[_] Jar of Acid w-pok
------[_] Needle Mold w-pok
------[_] Smithy Hammer
------[_] Water FlaskCommon Skill-up Path
At this point it will be time to choose a skill-up path. Following is the path again recommended by most others. Other paths are listed further below.Geerlok Fermentation Device (Tinkering 215, sellback 1.5p)
[_] Ceramic Lined Still (Crescent Reach, 2p)
[_] Cured Leather Tubing (Crescent Reach, 1p)
[_] Porous Mineral Block (drop in Netherbian Lair)
[_] Cork
[_] BottleThe two hammer recipes below are a bit annoying. The Smithy Hammer is used as a reagent, and can even be lost on failures. To make it worse it does not stack. And neither does the final product. So depending upon how much bag space you have you will only be able to do about 40 to 100 combines before you are running around to vendors again to buy and sell. The Hammer Module recipe needs a Universal Joint from Crescent Reach whick also is not stackable.
Geerlok Automated Hammer (Tinkering 215, sellback 14p, will not stack)
[_] Gears (se-pok 2nd floor, 7p)
[_] Gnomish Bolts (se-pok 2nd floor, 3p)
[_] Grease (se-pok 2nd floor, 2p)
[_] Sprockets (se-pok 2nd floor, 7p)
[_] Small Piece of Acrylia
[_] Smithy Hammer (will not stack, not returned)Geerlok Automated Hammer Module (Tinkering 220, sellback 14p, will not stack)
[_] 2X Gears(2) (se-pok 2nd floor, 7p)
[_] Gnomish Bolts (se-pok 2nd floor, 3p)
[_] Grease (se-pok 2nd floor, 2p)
[_] Sprockets (se-pok 2nd floor, 7p)
[_] universal joint (will not stack, Crescent Reach Geerlok Clockwork Merchant IV, 1p)
[_] Small Piece of Acrylia
[_] Smithy Hammer (will not stack, not returned)Gulf of Gunthak: The next 4 recipes involve getting drops from various mob all found in the Gulf. The vendor purchased part can also be bought here. I have recently tried farming here for a while, and I am not crazy about the drop rates so far. It should be noted that the vendor purchased material needed for 3 of the 4 recipes are not stackable or tradable, so you will likely want to run your tinkering character to the gulf to perform combines.
Geerlok Alchemy Set (Tinkering 222)
[_] Gears (se-pok 2nd floor, 7p)
[_] Gnomish Bolts (se-pok 2nd floor, 3p)
[_] Sprockets (se-pok 2nd floor, 7p)
[_] Set of Vials (Crescent Reach/Gulf of Gunthak, 2p)
[_] Maneater Roots
---(drop Gulf of Gunthak- deep stone lotus, deep rock lotus, deep pebble lotus)Geerlok Automated Pestle (Tinkering 227)
[_] Gears (se-pok 2nd floor, 7p)
[_] Gnomish Bolts (se-pok 2nd floor, 3p)
[_] Sprockets (se-pok 2nd floor, 7p)
[_] Galvanized Pestle (Crescent Reach/Gulf of Gunthak, 2p)
[_] Scorpion Venom Gland
---(drop Gulf of Gunthak, a broken skull scorpion)Geerlok Automated Quill (Tinkering 233)
[_] Gears (se-pok 2nd floor, 7p)
[_] Gnomish Bolts (se-pok 2nd floor, 3p)
[_] Sprockets (se-pok 2nd floor, 7p)
[_] Lexicon Excerpts (Crescent Reach/Gulf of Gunthak, 2p)
[_] Silver Tipped Quill
---(drop Gulf of Gunthak- a savage skeletal sailor, a deadly skeletal sailor.a vicious skeleton)Geerlok Clockwork Contraption (Tinkering 236)
[_] Gears (se-pok 2nd floor, 7p)
[_] Gnomish Bolts (se-pok 2nd floor, 3p)
[_] Sprockets (se-pok 2nd floor, 7p)
[_] Contraption Parts (Crescent Reach/Gulf of Gunthak, 2p)
[_] Waterlogged Rigging
---(drop Gulf of Gunthak- a pestilent troll zombie, a cast out survivor, various zombiesThis recipe is pretty simple and straightforward, but it involves farming or buying coiled springs. They are rarely cheap or plentiful in the bazaar for me. They can be farmed in POI at a faster rate than many other farmed items.
Collapsed Toolkit (Tinkering 242, lore)
[_] Coiled Spring
[_] Metal Bits
[_] Small Brick of High Quality Ore
[_] Toolbox Mold
[_] Water FlaskSimple but requires more farming. I have never seen this item in the bazaar yet. I have not tried farming them yet.
Mechanic Ceramic Clay (Tinkering 262)
[_] 2X Gears (se-pok 2nd floor, 7p)
[_] Golden Ember Powder (drop POI and Temple of Veeshan)
[_] Small Block of Magic Clay (enchanter)
[_] Vergalid Slave Manacles (drop Sunderock Springs, a quarry slave)I plan to do this, or another similar Cam recipe in the future. The annoying part of this is the Clockwork grease. They can be dropped or foraged in Fort Mech in roughly equal amounts. They can be foraged in POI in higher amounts. But, you need lots of these, which is going to take time no matter what. I do not see these for sale often in the bazaar.
Molten Metal Bow Cam (Tinkering 283)
(used to make Obsidianwood Compound Bow, Fletching 335)
[_] Jar of Clockwork Grease
---[_] Clockwork Grease(2)
---[_] Small Grease Jar (Pottery 17)
------[_] Quality Firing Shhet
------[_] Unfired Small Grease Jar (Pottery 31)
---------[_] Block of Clay
---------[_] Small Grease Jar Sketch
---------[_] Water Flask
[_] Molten Metal Bolts (Smithing 102)
[_] Molten Metal Gears (Smithing 102)
---(one combine creates both Bolts and Gears)
---[_] Brick of Molten Ore (drop)
---[_] Cam Parts Mold (w-pok fletchers, 1p)
---[_] File (smithing)[B]Clockwork Shadowwalker/Observer or Wok (Tinkering 300)
Intricate Autoactuated Cuirass (Tinkering 306)Sunshard [Dust/Pebble/Ore] Tinkering Recipes
These three sunshard materials are quite common. Prices on my server have even come way down to buy in the bazaar. This path still requires a large up-front expense, and overall will still be expensive even after generous vendor returns at each stage. If you continue to perform more combines from your results you will be rewarded with further chances to skill up in exchange for less in vendor returns. The 3rd chance to skill will be in a different tradeskill (I noticed recipes for Fletching, Smithing, Tailoring, and Research).A similar pattern will follow with each category of items. You first make the conduit, and then one of 10 possible items from the conduits. The final item is then used in a different tradeskill. You do not have to continue making the 2nd or third item because at each stage the vendor will buy your products back. I definately would consider doing the 2nd step as it will have a higher trivial. Or, at least don't vendor your product until you are sure you have passed the trivial and will not ever want them anymore.
Note the three base recipes below. Then note the example using sunshard pebbles. The bow listed in the example is probably the most expensive option of all because it uses 3 conduits, when many other recipes will use less. If you wish to follow this path for skill-ups you should look closely at all the available options that can be made after the starting items.
It should also be noted that these first three recipes and each of the 10 recipes that come next can all be made with Jewelcraft at the same trivals. I would not recommend raising JC skill in this way, other JC recipes and many, many times cheaper.
In the end I did do much of my skilling up using sunshard materials. I got tired of spending way too much time farming for every other recipe, and not finding items in the bazaar in large enough quantities. It was extremely expensive. The Silver Conduit Cap is now a great way for me to max out my trophy.
Iron Conduit (Tinkering 135, buyback ??)
(used in 10 Tinkering combines with trivials of 146-170)
[_] Iron Ingot (Barren Coast Merchant Woad, 11p)
[_] Sunshard DustCopper Conduit (Tinkering 210, buyback 164p)
(used in 10 Tinkering combines with trivials of 233-250)
[_] Pure Copper Ingot (Barren Coast Merchant Woad, 182p)
[_] Sunshard PebbleSilver Conduit (Tinkering 290, buyback ??)
(used in 10 Tinkering combines with trivials of 303-330)
[_] Pure Silver Ingot (Barren Coast Merchant Woad, 458p)
[_] Sunshard OreShining Energeiac Bow (Fletching 255, buyback 449p)
[_] Freetide Wood Bow Stave (Barren Coast Merchant Woad, 8p)
[_] Silk String (W-POK fletchers, 5s)
[_] Copper Conduit Large Core (Tinkering 250, buyback 491p)
---[_] Conduit Large Core Pattern (Barren Coast Merchant Woad, 1p)
---[_] 3X Copper Conduit (Tinkering 210, buyback 164p each)
------[_] Pure Copper Ingot (Barren Coast Merchant Woad, 182p)
------[_] Sunshard PebbleCultural Symbols
Each category below will require completing a different quest from your hometown cultural quest NPC. Because only gnomes can tinker we all will be going to visit Artisan Vidi Cogsworthy in Ak'Anon (using find is easiest way to find him). Say "symbols" to him and choose the "impressions" quest for which you wish to recieve patterns.Each pattern book will be combined to recieve a disenchanted bag full of patterns which you use in combines as directed below. The book can be combined a total of 10 times before it is consumed, resulting in a total of 200 patterns per armor (400 for the wrist). You can then choose to do the quest again for another book if you wish.
Sacred is the highest you need to go as it will go just above 300. I have including the next two categories in case you also wish to do them, or possibly have more access to those materials. The progression would continue all the way up to Numinous (level 95). One quest will allow you to do 1600 total combines (200 X 8 armor slots). If you continue doing sacred symbols to max your trophy it is likely you will need to repeat the quest because only the chest pattern has a trivial above 300, which would only yeild 200 more combines.
tip: copy/paste the table below into a notepad.txt file for proper formatting and printing.
Tinkering Cultural Symbols Trivial Table
| Blessed | Revered | Sacred | Eminent | Exalted | Name |
| 84 | 155 | 275 | 355 | 395 | Wrist |
| 92 | 160 | 280 | 360 | 400 | Glove |
| 95 | 164 | 284 | 364 | 404 | Helm |
| 100 | 170 | 290 | 370 | 410 | Boot |
| 106 | 175 | 295 | 375 | 415 | Sleeve |
| 110 | 180 | 300 | 380 | 420 | Leg |
| 115 | 186 | 306 | 386 | 426 | Chest |
Tinkering Cultural Symbols Recipes Table
| Blessed | Revered | Sacred | Eminent | Exalted | Name |
| Alkaline | Malleable | Bonded | Soluble | Alkalai | 1x Loam |
| Thalium | Fulginate | Rhenium | Cobalt | Titanium | 1x Ore |
| Brown | DullBlack | BlackNit | Toluene | Anthracit | 1x Coal |
| Pattern from above | 1x Pattern |
| Blessed Water (any kind, 16p) | 1x Water |
| Contraption Parts (CR, 3p) | 1x Other |
+-----------------------------------------------------------+------------+This is what you do to obtain the patterns. The recipe for each is the same except the type of vellum used. The Gnomish Culture Book is your quest reward.
Combine in a [Book Binding] which is consumed
[_] XXXXX Book of Gnomish Culture
[_] Compacted Backpack
[_] Large Bottle of Ink
[_] Quill
[_] Vellum Type (pick one from list)
---[_] Roll of Vellum (Blessed)
---[_] Roll of Good Quality Vellum (Revered)
---[_] Roll of High Quality Vellum (Sacred)
---[_] Roll of Superb Vellum (Eminent)
---[_] Roll of Superb Vellum (Exalted)Last edited by Corwinne; 06-29-2012, 08:50 AM.
- Sep 2010
- 32
14. Poison Making
14. Poison Making
I will never be able to do this tradeskill. I do not have a rogue character to do it. I do not foresee me ever making one just for this tradeskill. You never know though, it might happen, but I do not see it now.If someone knows of a good guide, links, or other resources for Poisonmaking please make a reply post and I will add and credit here.
Last edited by Corwinne; 05-16-2012, 03:57 AM.