The Island community helped pave the way for the class of 2024 by bestowing over $1,125,195 in college scholarships and workforce tuition at its annual Class Night celebration.
Class night scholarships also went to post graduates, with many scholarships continuing for all four years of secondary education. Over $1,013,563 was awarded to student alumni, bringing the total of Class Night awards to over $2 million.
Students and families gathered at the Tabernacle in Oak Bluffs Friday evening for the outpouring of love and financial help.
Awards ranged from large to small and represented organizations and individuals from every corner of the Island, from MV Youth, to the garden club, striped bass derby, African American Heritage Trail, fire and police, and local elementary schools. Especially poignant each year are the memorial scholarships, of which there were far too many new ones this year.
African American Heritage Trail Nancy Michael Scholarship: Connor Graves, Nikeya Tankard.
Alice Blackwood Memorial Scholarship: Jack Tully.
Students cheered each other on at Friday's Class Night event. — Ray Ewing
Alida Carey Gulick Memorial Scholarship: Fernanda Rosa.
American Legion Auxiliary Unit #257 Scholarship: Tehya Backus-Clement.
Boathouse Foundation Culinary, Hospitality and Recreation Scholarship: Molly Sylvia, Padric Mullin.
Bradford and Dorothy Church Memorial Scholarship: Aiden Conley, Alexa Schroeder, Alexandra Dyke, Angelica MacFarlane, Elena Giordano, Emmett Silva, Fernanda Ro, Hevelyn Dias, Jack deBettencourt, Jason Boudreau, Leiliane Dias, Liam Conley, Maia Donnelly, Marin Gillis, Nate Story, Olive MacPhail, Olympia Hall, Porter Moehnke, Samuel Hines, Simon Hammarlund, Sophie Roads, Tobias Russell Schaeffer, Violet MacPhail, Wyatt Nicholson, Zachary Mathias.
Bradford Pachico Memorial Scholarship: Molly Sylvia.
Buzz Blankenship Memorial Scholarship: Zachary Mathias.
Cape Cod Association Scholarship: Emma Burt.
Cape Cod Community College Presidential High School Scholarship: Dayanna Ruiz, Lillian Duarte.
Cape Cod Five Cents Savings Bank Charitable Foundation Scholarship Award: Joshua Pereira.
Captain Frederick G. Bohenberger Scholarship Fund in Memory of Deputy Sheriff John Robert Kotfila, Jr.: Heyttor Nunes.
Jayden Baird and Jill Woolacott present the Jake Baird memorial scholarship. — Ray Ewing
Chilmark Volunteer Firemen’s Association — Betty Eddy Memorial: Peter Miller.
Chilmark Volunteer Firemen’s Association — David Kurth Memorial: Bryce Cioffi.
Chilmark Volunteer Firemen’s Association - William Smith Memorial: Kestutis Biskis.
Chilmark Volunteer Firemen’s Association Scholarship: Axel Abrams, Huck Moore, Jack Tully.
Christian Manley Scholarship: Robert Manning, Zachary Crabtree.
Christopher Aring-Sharkovitz Capstone Award: Brooke Ward, Charles Porterfield, Jahzarah McIntosh.
Churchill Memorial Scholarship: Jason Boudreau.
Daughters of the American Revolution - Good Citizen Award: Clara Mikos, Sophia Cutrer.
Daughters of the American Revolution / MV Seacoast Defence Chapter Liberty Pole Scholarship: Katherine Ogden.
Daughters of the American Revolution in Memory of Irene Resendes: Jenna Hathaway.
Striped bass derby scholarship winners. — Ray Ewing
Daughters of the American Revolution/Martha’s Vineyard Seacoast Defence Chapter in Memory of Fannie Allen Deane: Michael Magarcini.
David and Mary Goulart Memorial Scholarship: Matheus Magri, Quinn Cathey.
Davin A. Tackabury Memorial Scholarship for the Arts: Isabel Carreno-Vogt, Samuel Hines.
Dorothy Block Memorial Scholarship: Angelica MacPharlane.
Dorothy West Scholarship Fund: Noah Jones.
Dr. Edward P. Worth Scholarship: Hevelyn Dias.
Dukes County Deputy Sheriff’s Association Scholarship: Bryonie Brown, Caroline Bettencourt, Katherine Ogden.
Edgartown Fire Association Scholarship: Connor Graves, Matheus Magri, Tatum Thomas, Tobias Russell Schaeffer.
Edgartown Patrolman’s Association Scholarship: Camden Townes, Caroline Dolby, Connor Graves.
Edgartown School PTA Scholarship: Brooke Ward, Camden Townes, Michael Magaraci, Nicholas Carpenter.
Dan and Wenonah Sauer present Waylon Sauer memorial scholarship. — Ray Ewing
Edmond G. Coogan Award: Andrue Carr.
Eleanor Petricone Scholarship: Molly Sylvia.
Elmer Hobson DeLoura Scholarship: Alexandra Dyke, Camden Townes, Caroline Dolby, Charles Porterfield, Chase Grant, Clara Mikos, Jack Chronister, Michael Magaraci, Padraic Mullin, Sophia Cutrer.
Eric Bergeron MacLean Memorial Varsity Hockey Scholarship: Liam Conley
Esta and Robert Epstein Scholarship presented by the Martha’s Vineyard Film Society: Amity Harris, Hannah Costa, Parker Bradlee, Sydney Emerson.
Ethel A. Wood Memorial Scholarship: Alexa Schroeder, Maia Donnelly.
Featherstone Center for the Arts Scholarship: Parker Bradlee.
Foster Silva Scholarship: Charles Porterfield.
Friends of Sengekontacket: Huck Moore.
General George W. Goethals Post #257 of the American Legion Scholarship: Katherine Ogden.
Gabriella Silveira recieves the MV Chamber Music Scholarship from Amy Wood. — Ray Ewing
Geoff Pease Memorial Scholarship: Isabel Carreno-Vogt.
Georgia Roth Scholarship Fund: Fernanda Rosa, Leiliane Dias.
Gretchen Manter Memorial Scholarship: Reese M. McCracken.
Holy Ghost Association Scholarship: Aiden Conley, Alexandra Turner, Alissa Habekost, Anthony Elliott, Camden Townes, Caroline Bettencourt, Caroline Dolby, Charles Porterfield, Chase Grant, Connor Graves, Elena Giordano, Hannah Costa, Henry Coogan, Jack deBettencourt, Jack Tully, Jahzarah McIntosh, Jenna Hathaway, Kaio daCosta, Kieleigh Holway, Kimberly Marques, Liam Conley, Marin Gillis, Matheus Magri, Michael Magaraci, Michael Mello, Nikeya Tankard, Olympia Hall, Paige Malowski, Peter Miller, Resse McCracken, Samantha Warren, Savannah Meader, Tatum Thomas, Tayla BenDavid, Tobias Russell Schaeffer, Zachary Crabtree, Zachary Mathias.
Holy Ghost Association Scholarship in Memory of Louis R. Toscano: Wyatt Nicholson.
Holy Ghost Association Scholarship in Memory of Timothy Fullin: Jack deBettencourt, Molly Sylvia.
Hutker Architects, Inc. Design Scholarship: Gabryal Brooks.
Iris, Bettie and Wanza Davis Family Memorial Scholarship: Antori Green.
Jake Sequoia Baird Memorial Award: Anthony Elliot.
Javan E. Bayne Memorial Scholarship: Bryonie Brown, Molly Silva.
Engler family presents William August Engler scholarship award. — Ray Ewing
John G. Rogers Memorial Scholarship: Pat and Nancy Rogers
John, Elise, and Ellen Goepper Scholarship: Ada Chronister, Caroline Bettencourt, Jack Zheng, Leiliane Dias, Rayssa Lacerda.
Joseph A. Jones Memorial Scholarship: Gabryal Brooks
Kevin Johnson Cross Country Scholarship Award: Alexa Schroeder.
L. E. Crowell Nursing Scholarship: Bryonie Brown, Camden Townes, Elena Giordano.
League of Women Voters of MV Scholarship: Henry Coogan
Lillian B. Perry Memorial Scholarship: Jason Boudreau
Look, Dolby, Rebello Scholarship Provided by Steamship Authority Employees in Memory of David Look, Brian Dolby, Christopher Rebello, Rufus Peterson and Peter Duart:Camden Townes, Caroline Dolby, Savannah Meader, Thomas Tatum.
Louis Toscano Memorial Scholarship: Sophia Cutrer.
Louise, Sven, and Anna Betty Carlson Scholarship: Ada Chronister, Aiden Conley, Alexa Schroeder, Alexandra Dyke, Alexandra Turner, Alissa Habekost, Amity Harris, Ana Karollyna Amaro, Andrue Carr, Angelica MacFarlane, Angelina Campbell, Anthony Elliott, Antori Green, Axel Abrams, Bryce Cioffi, Bryonie Brown, Camden Townes, Caroline Bettencourt, Caroline Dolby, Chase Grant, Clara Mikos, Connor Graves, Dayanna Ruiz Rodrigues, Dragomir Langhammer, Elena Giordano, Eli Friedman, Emanuel Oliveira, Emmett Silva, Fellipe Aredes, Fernanda Rosa, Gabriella Silveira, Gabryal Brooks, Gustavo De Moraes, Hannah Costa, Henry Coogan, Hevelyn Dias, Heyttor Nunes, Isabel Carreno-Vogt, Isaiah Benitez, Jack Chronister, Jack deBettencourt, Jack Tully, Jack Zheng, Jason Boudreau, Jenna Hathaway, Joshua Pereira, Joshua Rodrigues, Kaio daCosta, Kaitlin Fingado, Katherine Ogden, Kestutis Biskis, Kileigh Holway, Laina Benoit, Leiliane Dias, Liam Conley, Lillian Duarte, Maia Donnelly, Marin Gillis, Matheus Magri, Michael Magaraci, Michael Mello, Mikaella Rodrigues Amancio, Molly Sylvia, Nate Story, Nicholas Da Silveira, Nina DeGregorio, Noah Jones, Olive MacPhail, Olympia Hall, Padraic Mullin, Paige Malowski, Parker Bradlee, Payton Polleys, Porter Moehnke, Quinn Cathey, Rayssa Lacerda, Reese McCracken, Samanta Morgnerova, Samantha Caldwell, Samantha Warren, Samson Zack, Samuel Hines, Sarah De Oliveira, Savannah Meader, Simon Hammarlund, Sofia Balsas Fuentes, Sofia Fuller, Sophia Cutrer, Sophie Roads, Sydney Emerson, Tatum Thomas, Tayla BenDavid, Tehya Backus-Clement, Tobias Russell Schaeffer, Violet MacPhail, Walker Brescia, Wyatt Nicholson, Zachary Crabtree, Zachary Mathias.
Josh Lake heads to the podium. — Ray Ewing
Luke Gurney Memorial Scholarship Fund: Charlie Porterfield, Huck Moore, Peter Miller, Walker Brescia.
Martha’s Vineyard Agricultural Society Scholarship: Henry Coogan, Peter Miller, Walker Brescia.
Martha’s Vineyard Bank Charitable Foundation Scholarship: Bryce Cioffi, Charles Porterfield, Clara Mikos, Katherine Ogden.
Martha’s Vineyard Camp Meeting Association Scholarship: Huck Moore, Maia Donnelly, Samantha Caldwell.
Martha’s Vineyard Chamber Music Society - Caroline Worthington Scholarship: Gabriella Silveira.
Martha’s Vineyard Community Television Internship Program in Digital Media: Parker Bradlee.
Martha’s Vineyard Educators Association: Connor Graves, Samantha Caldwell.
Martha’s Vineyard Garden Club Scholarship: Charles Porterfield, Henry Coogan.
Martha’s Vineyard Hospital Scholarship Fund: Elena Giordano, Kimberly Marques.
Martha’s Vineyard Insurance - Irene Resendes Memorial Scholarship: Jack deBettencourt.
Nikeya Tankard accepts an MV Youth award from Bob Higgins. — Ray Ewing
Martha’s Vineyard Museum Whale of an Idea Scholarship: Brooke Ward.
Martha’s Vineyard Peace Council Embarking Peacemaker Award: Clara Mikos, Marin Gillis, Nicholas Carpenter, Nikeya Tankard, Peter Miller, Samuel Hines.
Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School Field Hockey Booster Club Scholarship: Clara Mikos, Olive MacPhail, Rebecca Mandelli, Reese McCracken.
Martha’s Vineyard Rotary Club Diana Bardwell Memorial: Olympia Hall.
Martha’s Vineyard Rotary Club Dick Pratt Memorial Automotive Scholarship: Zachary Mathias,
Martha’s Vineyard Striped Bass and Bluefish Derby Environmental /Conservation Scholarships: Samantha Warren, Walker Brescia.
Martha’s Vineyard Striped Bass and Bluefish Derby Ray Ellis Memorial Scholarship: Eli Friedman, Sydney Emerson.
Martha’s Vineyard Striped Bass and Bluefish Derby Scholarship: Antori Green, Hannah Costa, Jack Zheng, Sophia Cutrer.
Martha’s Vineyard Striped Bass and Bluefish Derby Theodore C. Howes Memorial Scholarship in Oceanographic Studies: Peter Miller.
Martha’s Vineyard Striped Bass and Bluefish Derby Ed Jerome Memorial Scholarship: Charles Porterfield.
Martha’s Vineyard Surfcasters Association Scholarship: Brooke Ward, Huck Moore.
Martha’s Vineyard United Soccer Scholarship in Memory of Michael Fararca: Nate Story.
Martha’s Vineyard United Soccer Scholarship in Memory of Susan Parker, Paige Malowski:
Martha’s Vineyard Vision Fellowship Scholar Award: Brooke Ward, Huck Moore, Lyla Solway.
Martha’s Vineyard/NAACP Scholarship: Bryonie Brown, Dayonna Ruiz, Nikeya Tankard, Rebecca Mandell.
Mary D. Coles Foundation Scholarship: Eli Friedman, Gabriella Silveira, Hannah Costa, Rayssa Lacerda.
MV Hoop Club Scholarship: Georgia Magden, Josh Lake.
MV Touchdown Club Scholarship: Aidan Conley, Bryonie Brown, Heytorr Nunes, Kaio daCosta.
Martha’s Vineyard Community Foundation Awards:
Albridge C. and Margaret Righter Smith Scholarship Fund; Jonathan Bernstein/Our Island Club Scholarship Fund: Charles Porterfield.
Anne Madeiros Kent Scholarship Fund: Katherine Ogden.
Beatrice Bennett Great Aspirations Memorial Scholarship Fund; George R. and Margaret A. Yates Memorial Fund; Martha’s Vineyard Community Foundaion: Sophia Cutrer.
Blankenship-Hughes Scholarship Fund; Martha’s Vineyard Community Foundation: Nick Carpenter.
Caroline A. Secor Scholarship Fund; George R. and Margaret A. Yates Memorial Scholarship Fund: Camden Townes.
Donna Dolinsky and Vincent Reid Memorial Scholarship Fund; Inspriation Fund: Hannah Costa.
Donna Dolinsky and Vincent Reid Memorial Scholarship Fund; Inspriation Fund; Walter and Irene Dumais Scholarship Fund: Jack Zheng.
Dr. Clement N. & Vera E. Amaral Scholarship Fund; Inspiration Fund: Martha’s Vineyard Community Foundation: Ana Clara Amaro.
Inspiration Fund: Olive MacPhail.
Island Community Chorus, Peter R. Boak Music Award; Will Luckey Music Fund: Gabriella Silveira.
James S. and Violet M. Rego Scholarship Fund: Sophie Roads, Clara Mikos.
Keith A. Dodge Scholarship Fund: Alexandra Turner, Georgia Magden, Syndey Emerson, Alexandra Dyke, Chase Grant, Eli Friedman, Liam Conley, Samantha Caldwell, Simon Hammarlund, Zachary Mathias, Jack Chronister.
George R. and Margaret A. Yates Memorial Scholarship Fund: Dyanna Ruiz.
MVRHS Memorial Scholarship: Fernanda Rosa, Sofia Balsas Fuentes,
MVRHS Minnesingers Excellence Award: Eli Friedman, Emma Burt, Gabriella Silveria.
MVRHS Outstanding Career Technical Education Award: Zachary Mathias.
MVRHS School Store Scholarship: Molly Sylvia, Nikeya Tankard, Sarah De Oliveira.
MVYouth College Scholarship: Emma Burt, Georgia Magden, Jahzarah McIntosh, Josh Lake, Nick Carpenter, Nikeya Tankard, Rebecca Mandelli
MVYouth Finalist/Backpack Gift: Emma Burt, Georgia Magden, Gerry Kane, Jahzarah McIntosh, Josh Lake, Kimberly Marques, Nick Carpenter, Nikeya Tankard, Norah Prestley, Olivia MacPherson, Rebecca Mandelli.
MVYouth Healthcare and Education Scholarship: Kimberly Marques, Norah Prestley, Olivia MacPherson.
MVYouth Semi-Finalist/Backpack Gift: Alexa Schroeder, Antori Green, Camden Townes, Caroline Bettencourt, Caroline Dolby, Dayanna Ruiz, Eli Friedman, Huck Moore, Reese McCracken, Samantha Caldwell, Sophie Cutrer, Zachary Mathias.
MVYouth Workforce Development Scholarship: Gerry Kane
Oak Bluffs Fireman’s Civic Association Scholarship: Aiden Conley, Bryonie Brown, Caroline Bettencourt, Caroline Dolby, Heyttor Nunes, Katherine Ogden, Liam Conley, Tobias Russell Schaeffer, Zachary Mathias, Aiden Conley.
Oak Bluffs Patrol Officers Anthony J. Bonito Memorial Scholarship: Amity Harris, Heyttor Nunes, Kaio daCosta, Liam Conley.
Olga and Henry B. Smith Memorial Scholarship: Axel Abrams, Isaiah Benitez, Michael Mello, Nate Story, Nina DeGregorio, Porter Moehnke, Sophia Fuller, Wyatt Nicholson.
Oriental Martha’s Vineyard Lodge Scholarship: Aiden Conley, Clara Mikos, Liam Conley, Michael Magaraci.
Our Island Club Marine Technology Scholarship: Peter Miller.
Our Island Club Nursing Career Scholarship: Elena Giordano.
Paul F. Kerns, Jr. Memorial Scholarship: Bryce Cioffi, Molly Sylvia.
Paula Hollis Memorial Scholarship: Audrey Peyton Polleys, Tayla BenDavid.
Peter L. DeBettencourt Memorial Scholarship: Olive MacPhail, Rebecca Mandelli.
Principal’s Leadership Award: Emma Burt, Sam Zack.
Procter Smith, Jr. Memorial Scholarship: Kaio daCosta.
Rachael V. Williams Memorial Scholarship: Mikaella Rodrigues Amancio.
Ray Ellis Art Scholarship: Rayssa Lacerda.
Ryan Mone Academic Awards: Gabryal Brooks, Jason Boudreau.
Ryan Mone Memorial Boys Varsity Hockey Scholarship: Aiden Conley.
Scottish Society of MV - The Victor Zollo Scholarship: Angelica MacFarland, Samantha Caldwell.
Sidra Bullard Dumont Memorial Scholarship: Gabriella Silveira.
St. John’s Holy Ghost Society Scholarship: Quinn Cathey.
Superintendent’s Award: Lyla Solway.
The Aquinnah Community Association Scholarship Award: Laina Marie Benoit, Legend Anthony Silva Goodwin, Lillian Anita Duarte, Nahani Lynn Hyde, Olive Mae MacPhail, Violet Jeanne MacPhail.
The Cottager’s, Inc. Scholarship: Jahzarah McIntosh, Nikeya Tankard.
Tisbury Firefighter’s Association Scholarship: Katherine Ogden, Molly Sylvia, Savannah Meader, Sophia Cutrer, Tehya Backus-Clement, Tobias Russell Schaeffer, Walker Brescia.
Tisbury Police Relief Association College Scholarship: Katherine Ogden.
Tisbury Police Relief Memorial Technical/Trade School Scholarship: Daynna Ruiz, Samantha Caldwell, Zachary Mathias.
Vineyard Craftsman and Artisan Scholarship Fund: Tatum Thomas.
Vineyard Cribbage Club Scholarship: Zachary Matheis.
Vineyarder Award: Lillian Duarte, Norah Prestley.
Walter F. and Dora Grain Memorial Scholarship: Jahzarah McIntosh, Nikeya Tankard.
Waylon Madison Sauer Memorial Scholarship: Jahzarah McIntosh.
West Tisbury Volunteer Firefighter’s Civic Association Arnold M. Fischer and John T. Cotterill Memorial Scholarship: Aiden Conley, Andrue Carr, Chase Grant, Emmett Silva, Liam Conley, Lyla Solway, Samantha Warren, Sydney Emerson, Tobias Russell Schaeffer.
William August Engler Memorial Scholarship: Heyttor Nunes, Lillian Duarte.
William Bradford Whiting Memorial Scholarship: Hannah Costa, Tatum Thomas.
William Henry Smith Memorial Scholarship: Jack Tully, Joshua Pereira, Kestutis Biskis, Porter Moehnke, Savannah Meader.
Bradford and Dorothy Church Memorial Scholarships: Jocelyn Baliunas, Hope Bettencourt, Parker Blake, Ashley Brasefield, Tenley Brooks, Sydney Brown, Duncan Brown, Nolan Carreiro, Nolan Carreiro, Felix Colon, Kenneth Cook, Michael Cosgrave, Sara Creato, Rayssa De Oliveira, Harding Eville, Hannah Gibb, Abigail Gilley, Paige Herrick, Theresa Holmes, Lily Jones, Sophia Kokoszka, Charlie Lakis, Eduardo Marques, Jack Marshard, Brant Maynard, Juliet Morse, Andrea Morse, Isabelle Murphy, Vivian Peak, Brandon Pinelli, Nathaniel Porterfield, Matteus Prata, Nicholas Rego, Tobias Roberts, Maria Sanchez Roa, Juan Sanchez Roa, Daniel Serpa, Mackenzie Shaw, Violette Wetterhahn.
Cape Cod Association Scholarship: Sara Creato, Clyde Smith, Ashley Brasefield, Tatum Carreiro, Peter Gillis, Nathaniel Porterfield, Felix Colon, Nolan Carreiro, Ethan Creato, Parker Blake, Kenneth Cook, Josephine Merry.
Elmer Hobson DeLoura Memorial Scholarship Trust: Parker Blake, Ashley Brasefield, Calvin Brooks, Tenley Brooks, Nolan Carreiro, Molly Carroll, Gregory Clark, Kenneth Cook, Owen DiBiaso, Harding Eville, Hannah Gibb, Aubrey Holmes, Lily Jones, Charles Lakis, Lincoln Marino, Eduardo Marques, Benjamin Mulvey, Isabelle Ortlip-Sommers, Nathaniel Porterfield, Nicholas Rego, Sabrina Reppert, Tobias Roberts, Juan Sanchez Roa, Maria Sanchez Roa, Jacob Silvia, Margaret Sykes, Benedict Yancey, Colby Zarba.
Martha’s Vineyard Community Foundation: Ashley Brasefield, Tenley Brooks, Margarett Burke, Caleb Burt, Violet Cabot, Clara Cabral, Nolan Carreiro, Molly Carroll, Ashlei Clarke, Felix Colon, Carmen Creanga, Ethan Creato, Sara Creato, Guilherme da Silva, Anna Julia Duarte, Harding Eville, Hannah Gibb, Sayra Guimaraes, Alexandra Habekost, Tessa Hammond, Aubrey Holmes, Ciara Hoyt, Sophia Kokoszka, Amelia Kyburg-Abbott, Henry Kyburg-Abbott, Ana Clara Lopes, Kya Maloney, Eduardo Marques, Jack Marshand, Andrea Morse, Benjamin Mulvey, Karinne Nivala, Miguel Paiva Picacio, Vivian Peak, Kaio Pereira, Nathaniel Porterfield, Mattheus Prata, Ellen Reagan, Nick Rego, Sabrina Reppert, Isaac Richards, Jaheem Richards, Tobias Roberts, Marcos Rodrigues, Rachel Salop, Juan Sanchez Roa, Maria Sanchez Roa, Julia Sayre, Hilary Scatena, Daniel Serpa, Joseph Serpa, Owen Steenkamp, Margaret Sykes, Lucy Ulyatt, Maximilian Vaughan, Jesse Yacubian.
Martha’s Vineyard Rotary - Diana Bardwell Memorial Scholarship: Isabella Clarke, Tobey Roberts, Eric Rubens.
Martha’s Vineyard Vision Fellowship Program: Marcelle De Sousa Alves, Keissila Cecillo, Nick Cranston, Taynara Goncalves, Jenaleigh Griffin, Sam Gurney, Kate Hansen, Sasha Iammarino, Thamiris Marta, Molly Menton, Annie Ollen, Indaia Whitcombe.
Mary D. Coles Foundation Scholarship Program: Margaret Sykes, Ben Yancey.
MVYouth College and Workforce Development Scholarships: Madeleine Bengtsson, Maggie Bernard, Evelyn Brewer, Ella Buchert, Eloise Christy, Wren Christy, Madeline Chronister, Isabella Clarke, Chloe Combra, Jack Crawford, Brooke Crocker, Alison Custer, Lucas Da Silva, Larissa De Oliveira, Jessie Dlabaj, Sam Fetters, Cali Giglio, Lucas Goncalves, Ana Kurelja, Maria Clara Lacerda, Penelope Lon, Lila Mikos, Ruairi Mullin, Jonathan Norton, Marina Pessoni, Spencer Pogue, Ruby Reimann, Eric Reubens, Isabelle Ribeiro, Jaheem Richards, Hanna Santos, Julia Sayre, Kaya Seiman, Graham Stearns, Ellie Thomas, Zephrine Thompson, Zach Utz, Josie Welch, Willa Welch, Crystal Zheng.
Procter Smith, Jr. Memorial Scholarship Fund: Braden Sayles, Christian Turner.
Tisbury Waterways, Inc. (TWI) Environmental Studies Scholarship: Maria Sanchez Roa, Clyde Smith.
University of Rhode Island Scholarship in Memory of Ryan Mone: Luke Yuhas.
West Tisbury Firefighter’s Civic Association Arnold M. Fischer and John T. Cotterill Memorial Scholarship: Emma Arnot, Parker Blake, Kayleigh Bollin, Kayla DeBettencourt, Gabriella DeBlase, Morgan Estrella, Sam Hoyt, Emma Mayhew, Matteus Prata, Guilherme Silva.